#!/usr/bin/env python # # Restriction Analysis Libraries. # Copyright (C) 2004. Frederic Sohm. # # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # r"""Print the results of restriction enzyme analysis. PrintFormat prints the results from restriction analysis in 3 different format: list, column or map. The easiest way to use it is: >>> from Bio.Restriction.PrintFormat import PrintFormat >>> from Bio.Restriction.Restriction import AllEnzymes >>> from Bio import Entrez >>> from Bio import SeqIO >>> handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", rettype="fasta", id="SYNPBR322") >>> pBR322 = SeqIO.read(handle, "fasta") >>> handle.close() >>> dct = AllEnzymes.search(pBR322.seq) >>> new = PrintFormat() >>> new.print_that(dct, 'My pBR322 analysis:\n', 'No site:\n') My pBR322 analysis: AasI : 2169, 2582. AatII : 4289. ... ZraI : 4287. ZrmI : 3847. No site: AarI AatI Acc65I AcsI AcvI AdeI AflII AgeI ... Vha464I XapI XbaI XcmI XhoI XmaCI XmaI XmaJI Zsp2I >>> new.sequence = pBR322.seq >>> new.print_as("map") >>> new.print_that(dct) ... Some of the methods of PrintFormat are meant to be overridden by derived class. """ from __future__ import print_function import re from Bio._py3k import range from Bio.Restriction import RanaConfig as RanaConf class PrintFormat(object): """PrintFormat allow the printing of results of restriction analysis.""" ConsoleWidth = RanaConf.ConsoleWidth NameWidth = RanaConf.NameWidth MaxSize = RanaConf.MaxSize Cmodulo = ConsoleWidth % NameWidth PrefWidth = ConsoleWidth - Cmodulo Indent = RanaConf.Indent linesize = PrefWidth - NameWidth def __init__(self): """Initialise.""" pass def print_as(self, what='list'): """Print the results as specified. Valid format are: 'list' -> alphabetical order 'number' -> number of sites in the sequence 'map' -> a map representation of the sequence with the sites. If you want more flexibility over-ride the virtual method make_format. """ if what == 'map': self.make_format = self._make_map elif what == 'number': self.make_format = self._make_number else: self.make_format = self._make_list return def format_output(self, dct, title='', s1=''): """Summarise results as a nicely formatted string. Arguments: - dct is a dictionary as returned by a RestrictionBatch.search() - title is the title of the map. It must be a formatted string, i.e. you must include the line break. - s1 is the title separating the list of enzymes that have sites from those without sites. - s1 must be a formatted string as well. The format of print_that is a list. """ if not dct: dct = self.results ls, nc = [], [] for k, v in dct.items(): if v: ls.append((k, v)) else: nc.append(k) return self.make_format(ls, title, nc, s1) def print_that(self, dct, title='', s1=''): """Print the output of the format_output method (OBSOLETE). Arguments: - dct is a dictionary as returned by a RestrictionBatch.search() - title is the title of the map. It must be a formatted string, i.e. you must include the line break. - s1 is the title separating the list of enzymes that have sites from those without sites. - s1 must be a formatted string as well. This method prints the output of A.format_output() and it is here for backwards compatibility. """ print(self.format_output(dct, title, s1)) return def make_format(self, cut=(), title='', nc=(), s1=''): """Virtual method used for formatting results. Virtual method. Here to be pointed to one of the _make_* methods. You can as well create a new method and point make_format to it. """ return self._make_list(cut, title, nc, s1) # _make_* methods to be used with the virtual method make_format def _make_list(self, ls, title, nc, s1): """Summarise a list of positions by enzyme (PRIVATE). Return a string of form:: title. enzyme1 : position1, position2. enzyme2 : position1, position2, position3. Arguments: - ls is a tuple or list of cutting enzymes. - title is the title. - nc is a tuple or list of non cutting enzymes. - s1 is the sentence before the non cutting enzymes. """ return self._make_list_only(ls, title) + self._make_nocut_only(nc, s1) def _make_map(self, ls, title, nc, s1): """Summarise mapping information as a string (PRIVATE). Return a string of form:: | title. | | enzyme1, position | | | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... | ||||||||||||||||||||| | TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... Arguments: - ls is a list of cutting enzymes. - title is the title. - nc is a list of non cutting enzymes. - s1 is the sentence before the non cutting enzymes. """ return self._make_map_only(ls, title) + self._make_nocut_only(nc, s1) def _make_number(self, ls, title, nc, s1): """Format cutting position information as a string (PRIVATE). Returns a string in the form:: title. enzyme which cut 1 time: enzyme1 : position1. enzyme which cut 2 times: enzyme2 : position1, position2. ... Arguments: - ls is a list of cutting enzymes. - title is the title. - nc is a list of non cutting enzymes. - s1 is the sentence before the non cutting enzymes. """ return self._make_number_only(ls, title) + self._make_nocut_only(nc, s1) def _make_nocut(self, ls, title, nc, s1): """Summarise non-cutting enzymes (PRIVATE). Return a formatted string of the non cutting enzymes. ls is a list of cutting enzymes -> will not be used. Here for compatibility with make_format. Arguments: - title is the title. - nc is a list of non cutting enzymes. - s1 is the sentence before the non cutting enzymes. """ return title + self._make_nocut_only(nc, s1) def _make_nocut_only(self, nc, s1, ls=(), title=''): """Summarise non-cutting enzymes (PRIVATE). Return a formatted string of the non cutting enzymes. Arguments: - nc is a tuple or list of non cutting enzymes. - s1 is the sentence before the non cutting enzymes. """ if not nc: return s1 st = '' stringsite = s1 or '\n Enzymes which do not cut the sequence.\n\n' Join = ''.join for key in sorted(nc): st = Join((st, str.ljust(str(key), self.NameWidth))) if len(st) > self.linesize: stringsite = Join((stringsite, st, '\n')) st = '' stringsite = Join((stringsite, st, '\n')) return stringsite def _make_list_only(self, ls, title, nc=(), s1=''): """Summarise list of positions per enzyme (PRIVATE). Return a string of form:: title. enzyme1 : position1, position2. enzyme2 : position1, position2, position3. ... Arguments: - ls is a tuple or list of results. - title is a string. - Non cutting enzymes are not included. """ if not ls: return title return self.__next_section(ls, title) def _make_number_only(self, ls, title, nc=(), s1=''): """Summarise number of cuts as a string (PRIVATE). Return a string of form:: title. enzyme which cut 1 time: enzyme1 : position1. enzyme which cut 2 times: enzyme2 : position1, position2. ... Arguments: - ls is a list of results. - title is a string. - Non cutting enzymes are not included. """ if not ls: return title ls.sort(key=lambda x: len(x[1])) iterator = iter(ls) cur_len = 1 new_sect = [] for name, sites in iterator: length = len(sites) if length > cur_len: title += "\n\nenzymes which cut %i times :\n\n" % cur_len title = self.__next_section(new_sect, title) new_sect, cur_len = [(name, sites)], length continue new_sect.append((name, sites)) title += "\n\nenzymes which cut %i times :\n\n" % cur_len return self.__next_section(new_sect, title) def _make_map_only(self, ls, title, nc=(), s1=''): """Make string describing cutting map (PRIVATE). Return a string of form:: | title. | | enzyme1, position | | | AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... | ||||||||||||||||||||| | TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT... Arguments: - ls is a list of results. - title is a string. - Non cutting enzymes are not included. """ if not ls: return title resultKeys = sorted(str(x) for x, y in ls) map = title or '' enzymemap = {} for (enzyme, cut) in ls: for c in cut: if c in enzymemap: enzymemap[c].append(str(enzyme)) else: enzymemap[c] = [str(enzyme)] mapping = sorted(enzymemap.keys()) cutloc = {} x, counter, length = 0, 0, len(self.sequence) for x in range(60, length, 60): counter = x - 60 loc = [] cutloc[counter] = loc remaining = [] for key in mapping: if key <= x: loc.append(key) else: remaining.append(key) mapping = remaining cutloc[x] = mapping sequence = str(self.sequence) revsequence = str(self.sequence.complement()) a = '|' base, counter = 0, 0 emptyline = ' ' * 60 Join = ''.join for base in range(60, length, 60): counter = base - 60 line = emptyline for key in cutloc[counter]: s = '' if key == base: for n in enzymemap[key]: s = ' '.join((s, n)) chunk = line[0:59] lineo = Join((chunk, str(key), s, '\n')) line2 = Join((chunk, a, '\n')) linetot = Join((lineo, line2)) map = Join((map, linetot)) break for n in enzymemap[key]: s = ' '.join((s, n)) k = key % 60 lineo = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], str(key), s, '\n')) line = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], a, line[k:])) line2 = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], a, line[k:], '\n')) linetot = Join((lineo, line2)) map = Join((map, linetot)) mapunit = '\n'.join((sequence[counter: base], a * 60, revsequence[counter: base], Join((str.ljust(str(counter + 1), 15), ' ' * 30, str.rjust(str(base), 15), '\n\n')) )) map = Join((map, mapunit)) line = ' ' * 60 for key in cutloc[base]: s = '' if key == length: for n in enzymemap[key]: s = Join((s, ' ', n)) chunk = line[0:(length - 1)] lineo = Join((chunk, str(key), s, '\n')) line2 = Join((chunk, a, '\n')) linetot = Join((lineo, line2)) map = Join((map, linetot)) break for n in enzymemap[key]: s = Join((s, ' ', n)) k = key % 60 lineo = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], str(key), s, '\n')) line = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], a, line[k:])) line2 = Join((line[0:(k - 1)], a, line[k:], '\n')) linetot = Join((lineo, line2)) map = Join((map, linetot)) mapunit = '' mapunit = Join((sequence[base: length], '\n')) mapunit = Join((mapunit, a * (length - base), '\n')) mapunit = Join((mapunit, revsequence[base:length], '\n')) mapunit = Join((mapunit, Join((str.ljust(str(base + 1), 15), ' ' * ( length - base - 30), str.rjust(str(length), 15), '\n\n')))) map = Join((map, mapunit)) return map # private method to do lists: def __next_section(self, ls, into): """Next section (PRIVATE). Arguments: - ls is a tuple/list of tuple (string, [int, int]). - into is a string to which the formatted ls will be added. Format ls as a string of lines: The form is:: enzyme1 : position1. enzyme2 : position2, position3. then add the formatted ls to tot return tot. """ indentation = '\n' + (self.NameWidth + self.Indent) * ' ' linesize = self.linesize - self.MaxSize pat = re.compile(r"([\w,\s()]){1,%i}[,\.]" % linesize) several, Join = '', ''.join for name, sites in sorted(ls): stringsite = '' output = Join((', '.join(str(site) for site in sites), '.')) if len(output) > linesize: # # cut where appropriate and add the indentation # output = [x.group() for x in re.finditer(pat, output)] stringsite = indentation.join(output) else: stringsite = output into = Join((into, str(name).ljust(self.NameWidth), ' : ', stringsite, '\n')) return into