
   Phenotypes:  WT = wild type
                nonWT = viable non-wild-type,
                ALL = total viable progeny
                X = x/x and xy/x+, Y = y/y and xy/+y
                XY = xy/xy
                D = d/+ and d/d, dx/+ etc
                H = xy/x+

        Type            Phenotypes              Calculation

A.  Recessive markers x and y, segregation from xy/++ hermaphrodites

    1.  Full            WT X Y XY           (2p-p^2)/2 = (X+Y)/(WT+X+Y+XY)

    2.  One_recombinant WT X                (2p-p^2)/3 = X/(WT+X)

    3.  Selected        X XY                (2p-p^2) = X/(X+XY)

    4.  One_all         X ALL               (2p-p^2)/4 = X/ALL

    5.  Recs_all        X Y ALL             (2p-p^2)/2 = (X+Y)/ALL

A'   Recessive markers x and y, segregation from xy+/++z, where z is
        tightly linked and z/z is lethal or otherwise not scored.

    6.  One_let         X ALL               (2p-p^2)/2 = X/ALL

B    Recessive markers, segregation from x+/+y hermaphrodites

    7.  Tested          H X                 2p/(1+p) = H/X

    8.  Selected_trans  X XY                p^2 = XY/(X+XY)

C    Recessive markers, scored by backcross: xy/++ males crossed with
        xy/xy hermaphrodites.  Usually only males scored.

    9.  Backcross       WT X Y XY           p = (X+Y)/(WT+X+Y+XY)

   10.  Back_one        WT X                p = X/(WT+X)

D    Recessive sex-linked markers, x+/+y hermaphrodites crossed with wild
        males, male progeny scored.

   11.  Sex_all         WT X Y XY           p = (WT+XY)/(WT+X+Y+XY)

   12.  Sex_one         WT X                p = WT/(WT+X)

D'   Recessive sex-linked markers, xy/++ hermaphrodites crossed with wild
        males, male progeny scored.

   13.  Sex_cis         X ALL               p/2 = X/ALL

E    One marker (d) is dominant or semidominant.  Segregation from x+/+d
        hermaphrodites.  For dom_semi, D = d/+, not d/d (as in sqt)

   14.  Dom_one         WT nonWT           (2p-p^2)/4 = WT/(WT+nonWT)

   15.  Dom_selected    WT X               (2p-p^2) = WT/(WT+X)

   16.  Dom_semi        XD ALL             (p-p^2)/2 = XD/ALL

E'  One marker (d) is dominant, and either d or x is recessive lethal

   17.  Dom_let         WT ALL             (2p-p^2)/3 = WT/ALL

F   Direct: single progeny picked and tested for genotype
        on both chromosomes

   18.  Direct          R = # recombinant chromosomes   p = R/T
                        T = # total chromosomes

G   Complex:

   19.  Complex_mixed   X ALL             (2p-p^2)/5 = X/ALL

H   Segregation from lethal heterozygote, x +/+ y, where y is lethal; WT
	progeny picked, N = number of these failing to segregate x.

   20.  Lethal_tested	N WT		  (2p-p^2)/(2+p^2) = N/WT