--------------------------------------------------------------- TIGR ExpressConverter (Version 1.7) Readme January 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains information about the TIGR ExpressConverter, including its installation and configuration. ******************************** License Copyright @ 2003-2005, The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR). All rights reserved. This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative. Please read Artistic_License.pdf included with this distribution. ******************************** Description ExpressConverter is a file format transformation tool that reads microarray data files in a variety of fomats as input and generates TIGR MultiExperiment Viewer file (.mev) or TIGR ArrayView file (.tav) as output so that the microarray data can be uploaded to databases with MADAM or analyzed with MIDAS and MEV. ***************************************************************** Installation The installation is straightforward. When you unzip the downloaded file, double-clicking the executable file will start the installation. Following the guide of the installer to place the program to your system. It is recommended to install at the defaulted place. ***************************************************************** Using ExpressConverter After the installation, start the program by clicking 'Start --> Programs --> ExpressConverter --> Converter'. You can get more information about how to use the program from 'help' menu in the program. For your convenience, a GenePix file (.gpr), named testdata.gpr, is provided and placed at 'example' directory for your practice.