# Feature qualifiers for EMBL/GenBank feature tables # # From: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~faruque/art/keyqual.txt # # valid qualifier types are: # (::) (text:text,text:text) # EC "n.n.n.n" # feature dbname::accno:location # item single text item # list one of the listed values # modbase one of the stored modbase values # none no value # number nn # (other) (text) # location a valid location range (or feature label) # real n.n within specified range # ref [nn] # text any text, no quotes added, spaces allowed if quoted # "text" quoted text, double any contained quotes # "opt" optional quoted text, double any contained quotes # "list" quoted text, list of accepted values # # if not specified, the default is text (so anything is accepted) # # Name required Type Value(s) .. ID no text Name no text Alias no text Parent no text Note no "text" Ontology_term no text gff_source no text gff_seqname no text score no text Target no text Gap no text Derives_from no text Dbxref no feature Start_range no text End_range no text feature_id no number 1 99999999 colour no text color no text mass no text isoelectric no text charge no text source no text ortholog no "text" partial no "text" private no "text" curation no "text" results no "text" allele no "text" anticodon yes (::) pos aa bound_moiety no "text" cell_line no "text" cell_type no "text" chromosome no "opt" citation no ref clone no "text" clone_lib no "text" codon no (::) seq aa codon_start yes number 1 3 comment no "text" cons_splice yes (::) 5'site 3'site country no "text" cultivar no "text" cytoplasm_location no "text" cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region no "text" db_xref no "text" dev_stage no "text" direction yes list LEFT RIGHT BOTH ecotype no "text" EC_number no "text" environmental_sample no none estimated_length no "text" evidence yes list EXPERIMENTAL NOT_EXPERIMENTAL exception no "text" focus no none frequency yes real 0.0 1.0 function yes "text" gene no "text" germline yes none GPI_anchor_cleavage_site no "text" haplotype no "text" insertion_seq no "text" isObsolete no text isolation_source no "text" isolate no "text" kinetoplast no "opt" label yes item lab_host no "text" locus_tag no "text" macronuclear no none map no "text" membrane_structure no "text" mod_base no modbase mol_type no "text" non_cytoplasm_location no "text" non_cytoplasmic_polypeptide_region no "text" note no "text" number yes number 1 99999999 operon no "text" organell no "text" organism yes "text" partial yes none PCR_conditions no "text" phenotype no "text" plasmid no "text" pop_variant no "text" product no "text" protein_id no "text" proviral yes none pseudo yes none rearranged yes none replace no "text" rpt_family no "text" rpt_type no list TANDEM INVERTED FLANKING TERMINAL DIRECT \ DISPERSED OTHER rpt_unit no "text" segment no "text" sequenced_mol no "list" "cDNA" "cDNA to genomic RNA" \ "cDNA to mRNA" "cDNA to other RNA" \ "cDNA to rRNA" "DNA" "mRNA" \ "RNA" "rRNA" "scRNA" "snRNA" "tRNA" serotype no "text" serovar no "text" sex no "text" signal_peptide no "text" specific_host no "text" specimen_voucher no "text" standard_name no "text" strain no "text" sub_clone no "text" sub_species no "text" sub_strain no "text" timelastmodified no text tissue_lib no "text" tissue_type no "text" transgenic no "text" translation no "text" transmembrane no "text" transmembrane_polypeptide_region no "text" DNA_transposon no "text"