name "Rename files by changing one pattern to another" icon "$BIRCH/dat/birch_black_ico.png" tip "For each selected file, change the name by replacing old pattern with pattern." var "in1" type tempfile direction in format tsv save false content selection var "out1" type tempfile direction out format tsv overwrite true content canvas var "command" type combobox label "Replacement" default 0 choices "replace old pattern with new pattern" "--replace '%OLDPAT%' '%NEWPAT%'" "replace blanks with new pattern" "--chblanks %NEWPAT%" "delete all blanks" "--noblanks" "change to CamelCase with no blanks" "--camel" var "oldpat" type text label " old pattern" var "newpat" type text label " new pattern" panel var "run" type button label "Run" shell " %in1% %in1%.tsv; %COMMAND% %in1%.tsv; rm %in1%.tsv; %out1%" close true var "Manual" type button label "Manual" shell "$BIRCH/script/ $BIRCH/doc/bioLegato/bl_rename.html" close false