// $Id: psfonts.wrm,v 1.3 1996/06/07 17:50:18 rd Exp $ // post-script fonts to be used by xace // The format is free, // Just put the font names in "" if they contain special characters. // // i'd be pleased to learn how to do // To list fonts available on your printer... // thank you // Valid fonts names to be used // Courier // Courier-Bold // Courier-BoldOblique // Courier-Oblique // Helvetica // Helvetica-Bold // Helvetica-BoldOblique // Helvetica-Oblique // Symbol // Times-Bold // Times-BoldItalic // Times-Italic // Times-Roman // AvantGarde-Book // AvantGarde-BookOblique // AvantGarde-Demi // AvantGarde-DemiOblique // Bookman-Demi // Bookman-DemiItalic // Bookman-Light // Bookman-LightItalic // Helvetica-Narrow // Helvetica-Narrow-Bold // Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique // Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique // NewCenturySchlbk-Bold // NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic // NewCenturySchlbk-Italic // NewCenturySchlbk-Roman // Palatino-Bold // Palatino-BoldItalic // Palatino-Italic // Palatino-Roman // ZapfChancery-MediumItalic // ZapfDingbats // The code expects 5 fonts corresponding to: // normal, italic, bold, fixed pitch and title_font // By default the system uses: Helvetica // normal Helvetica-Oblique // italic Helvetica-Bold // bold Courier // fixed Helvetica-Oblique // title Times-Roman // COLOUR