#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2015, Daehwan Kim # # This file is part of HISAT 2. # # HISAT 2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # HISAT 2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with HISAT 2. If not, see . # import os, sys, subprocess, re import inspect import glob from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType import hisatgenotype_typing_common as typing_common, hisatgenotype_gene_typing as gene_typing """ Mapping from base pair to a location in MSF format """ def create_map(seq): seq_map = {} count = 0 for i in range(len(seq)): bp = seq[i] if bp == '.': continue assert bp in "ACGT" seq_map[count] = i count += 1 return seq_map """ """ def create_consensus_seq(seqs, seq_len, min_var_freq, remove_empty = True): consensus_freq = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(seq_len)] for i in range(len(seqs)): seq = seqs[i] if len(seq) != seq_len: continue for j in range(seq_len): nt = seq[j] assert nt in "ACGT.E" if nt == 'A': consensus_freq[j][0] += 1 elif nt == 'C': consensus_freq[j][1] += 1 elif nt == 'G': consensus_freq[j][2] += 1 elif nt == 'T': consensus_freq[j][3] += 1 else: assert nt in ".E" consensus_freq[j][4] += 1 for j in range(len(consensus_freq)): for k in range(len(consensus_freq[j])): consensus_freq[j][k] /= float(len(seqs)) consensus_freq[j][k] *= 100.0 consensus_seq = "" has_empty = False for c in range(len(consensus_freq)): freq = consensus_freq[c] A, C, G, T, E = freq # No alleles have bases at this particular location if E >= 100.0: has_empty = True consensus_seq += 'E' continue if E >= 100.0 - min_var_freq: idx = 4 else: idx = freq.index(max(freq[:4])) assert idx < 5 consensus_seq += "ACGT."[idx] consensus_seq = ''.join(consensus_seq) # Remove dots (deletions) skip_pos = set() if has_empty and remove_empty: for seq_i in range(len(seqs)): seqs[seq_i] = list(seqs[seq_i]) for i in range(len(consensus_seq)): if consensus_seq[i] != 'E': continue skip_pos.add(i) for seq_i in range(len(seqs)): if i >= len(seqs[seq_i]): continue seqs[seq_i][i] = 'E' for seq_i in range(len(seqs)): seqs[seq_i] = ''.join(seqs[seq_i]) seqs[seq_i] = seqs[seq_i].replace('E', '') consensus_seq = consensus_seq.replace('E', '') # Convert a list form of consensus_freq to a dictionary form temp_freq = [] for j in range(len(consensus_freq)): if j in skip_pos: continue freq_dic = {} for k in range(len(consensus_freq[j])): freq = consensus_freq[j][k] if freq <= 0.0: continue nt = "ACGT."[k] freq_dic[nt] = freq temp_freq.append(freq_dic) consensus_freq = temp_freq assert len(consensus_seq) == len(consensus_freq) return consensus_seq, consensus_freq """ Left-shift deletions if poissble """ def leftshift_deletions(backbone_seq, seq, debug = False): if len(seq) != len(backbone_seq): return seq seq = list(seq) seq_len = len(seq) bp_i = 0 # Skip the first deletion while bp_i < seq_len: if seq[bp_i] in "ACGT": break bp_i += 1 while bp_i < seq_len: bp = seq[bp_i] if bp != '.': bp_i += 1 continue bp_j = bp_i + 1 while bp_j < seq_len: bp2 = seq[bp_j] if bp2 != '.': break else: bp_j += 1 if bp_j >= seq_len: bp_i = bp_j break if debug: print >> sys.stderr, bp_i, bp_j, backbone_seq[bp_i-10:bp_i], backbone_seq[bp_i:bp_j], backbone_seq[bp_j:bp_j+10] print >> sys.stderr, bp_i, bp_j, ''.join(seq[bp_i-10:bp_i]), ''.join(seq[bp_i:bp_j]), ''.join(seq[bp_j:bp_j+10]) prev_i, prev_j = bp_i, bp_j while bp_i > 0 and seq[bp_i-1] in "ACGT" and backbone_seq[bp_j-1] in "ACGT": if seq[bp_i-1] != backbone_seq[bp_j-1]: break seq[bp_j-1] = seq[bp_i-1] seq[bp_i-1] = '.' bp_i -= 1 bp_j -= 1 bp_i = bp_j while bp_i < seq_len: if seq[bp_i] in "ACGT": break bp_i += 1 # DK - debugging purposes if debug: print prev_i, prev_j, ''.join(seq[prev_i-10:prev_i]), ''.join(seq[prev_i:prev_j]), ''.join(seq[prev_j:prev_j+10]) return ''.join(seq) """ """ def extract_vars(base_fname, base_dname, locus_list, inter_gap, intra_gap, whole_haplotype, min_var_freq, ext_seq_len, leftshift, partial, verbose): base_fullpath_name = base_fname if base_dname != "" and not os.path.exists(base_dname): os.mkdir(base_dname) base_fullpath_name = "%s/%s" % (base_dname, base_fname) # Download human genome and HISAT2 index HISAT2_fnames = ["grch38", "genome.fa", "genome.fa.fai"] if not typing_common.check_files(HISAT2_fnames): typing_common.download_genome_and_index() # Corresponding genomic loci found by HISAT2 (reference is GRCh38) # e.g. hisat2 --no-unal --score-min C,0 -x grch38/genome -f hisatgenotype_db/HLA/fasta/A_gen.fasta locus_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".locus", 'w') left_ext_seq_dic, right_ext_seq_dic = {}, {} genes, gene_strand = {}, {} # Clone a git repository, hisatgenotype_db if not os.path.exists("hisatgenotype_db"): typing_common.clone_hisatgenotype_database() fasta_dname = "hisatgenotype_db/%s/fasta" % base_fname.upper() # Check HLA genes gene_names = [] if base_fname == "hla": fasta_fnames = glob.glob("%s/*_gen.fasta" % fasta_dname) else: assert base_fname in ["codis", "cyp"] fasta_fnames = glob.glob("%s/*.fasta" % fasta_dname) for gen_fname in fasta_fnames: gene_name = gen_fname.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0] if gene_name == "hla": continue gene_names.append(gene_name) if locus_list == []: locus_list = gene_names cigar_re = re.compile('\d+\w') remove_locus_list = [] for gene in locus_list: aligner_cmd = ["hisat2"] if base_fname in ["hla", "coids"]: aligner_cmd += ["--score-min", "C,0"] aligner_cmd += ["--no-unal", "-x", "grch38/genome", "-f", "%s/%s_gen.fasta" % (fasta_dname, gene)] align_proc = subprocess.Popen(aligner_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) allele_id = "" best_chr, best_left, best_right, best_AS, best_strand = "", -1, -1, -sys.maxint, '' for line in align_proc.stdout: if line.startswith('@'): continue line = line.strip() cols = line.split() temp_allele_id, flag, chr, left, _, cigar_str = cols[:6] left = int(left) - 1 right = left cigars = cigar_re.findall(cigar_str) cigars = [[cigar[-1], int(cigar[:-1])] for cigar in cigars] if len(cigars) > 1 or cigars[0][0] != 'M': continue for i in range(len(cigars)): cigar_op, length = cigars[i] if cigar_op in "MND": right += length flag = int(flag) strand = '-' if flag & 0x10 else '+' AS = "" for i in range(11, len(cols)): col = cols[i] if col.startswith("AS"): AS = col[5:] assert AS != "" AS = int(AS) if AS > best_AS: allele_id = temp_allele_id best_chr, best_left, best_right, best_AS, best_strand = chr, left, right, AS, strand chr, left, right, strand = best_chr, best_left, best_right, best_strand align_proc.communicate() if allele_id == "": remove_locus_list.append(gene) continue if base_fname == "hla": allele_name = "" for line in open("%s/%s_gen.fasta" % (fasta_dname, gene)): line = line.strip() if not line.startswith('>'): continue tmp_allele_id, tmp_allele_name = line[1:].split()[:2] if allele_id == tmp_allele_id: allele_name = tmp_allele_name break else: allele_name = allele_id assert allele_name != "" and strand != '' genes[gene] = allele_name gene_strand[gene] = strand print >> sys.stderr, "%s-%s's reference allele is %s on '%s' strand of chromosome %s" % \ (base_fname.upper(), gene, allele_name, strand, chr) assert chr != "" and left >= 0 and right > left if ext_seq_len > 0: left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq = "", "" left1, left2 = max(1, left - ext_seq_len), max(1, left - 1) if left2 > 0: extract_seq_cmd = ["samtools", "faidx", "genome.fa", "%s:%d-%d" % (chr, left1, left2)] extract_seq_proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_seq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) for line in extract_seq_proc.stdout: if line.startswith('>'): continue line = line.strip() left_ext_seq += line extract_seq_cmd = ["samtools", "faidx", "genome.fa", "%s:%d-%d" % (chr, right, right + ext_seq_len - 1)] extract_seq_proc = subprocess.Popen(extract_seq_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) for line in extract_seq_proc.stdout: if line.startswith('>'): continue line = line.strip() right_ext_seq += line if strand == '-': left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq = typing_common.reverse_complement(right_ext_seq), typing_common.reverse_complement(left_ext_seq) left_ext_seq_dic[gene], right_ext_seq_dic[gene] = left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq # Extract exon information from hla.data gene_exons = {} if base_fname == "hla": skip = False for line in open("hisatgenotype_db/%s/hla.dat" % base_fname.upper()): if line.startswith("DE"): allele_name = line.split()[1][:-1] if allele_name.startswith("HLA-"): allele_name = allele_name[4:] gene = allele_name.split('*')[0] if line.find("partial") != -1 or \ not gene in genes or \ allele_name != genes[gene]: skip = True continue skip = False elif not skip: if not line.startswith("FT"): continue if line.find("exon") != -1: exon_range = line.split()[2].split("..") exon_left, exon_right = int(exon_range[0]) - 1, int(exon_range[1]) - 1 assert exon_left >= 0 assert exon_left < exon_right if not gene in gene_exons: gene_exons[gene] = [] if gene in left_ext_seq_dic: left_ext_seq_len = len(left_ext_seq_dic[gene]) else: left_ext_seq_len = 0 gene_exons[gene].append([exon_left + left_ext_seq_len, exon_right + left_ext_seq_len]) tmp_locus_list = [] for gene in locus_list: if gene in remove_locus_list: continue if base_fname == "hla" and gene not in gene_exons: continue tmp_locus_list.append(gene) locus_list = tmp_locus_list for key in genes.keys(): if key in locus_list: continue del genes[key] del gene_strand[key] # Write the backbone sequences into a fasta file backbone_file = open(base_fullpath_name + "_backbone.fa", 'w') # variants w.r.t the backbone sequences into a SNP file var_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".snp", 'w') var_index_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".index.snp", 'w') # variant frequence var_freq_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".snp.freq", 'w') # haplotypes haplotype_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".haplotype", 'w') # pairs of a variant and the corresponding HLA allels into a LINK file link_file = open(base_fullpath_name + ".link", 'w') # Write all the sequences with dots removed into a file input_file = open(base_fullpath_name + "_sequences.fa", 'w') num_vars, num_haplotypes = 0, 0 full_alleles = {} for gene, ref_gene in genes.items(): strand = gene_strand[gene] left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq = "", "" if gene in left_ext_seq_dic: left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq = left_ext_seq_dic[gene], right_ext_seq_dic[gene] def read_MSF_file(fname, left_ext_seq = "", right_ext_seq = ""): names = {} # HLA allele names to numeric IDs seqs = [] # HLA multiple alignment sequences for line in open(fname): line = line.strip() if not line or \ not line[0].isalnum(): continue if line.startswith("MSF"): continue if line.startswith("Name"): try: name = line.split('\t')[0] name = name.split()[1] except ValueError: continue if name in names: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: %s is found more than once in Names" % (name) continue names[name] = len(names) else: if len(seqs) == 0: seqs = [left_ext_seq for i in range(len(names))] try: cols = line.split() name = cols[0] fives = cols[1:] assert len(fives) > 0 except ValueError: continue if name not in names: names[name] = len(names) id = names[name] if id >= len(seqs): assert id == len(seqs) seqs.append(left_ext_seq) seqs[id] += ''.join(fives) # Add sub-names of the allele sub_name = "" for group in name.split(':')[:-1]: if sub_name != "": sub_name += ":" sub_name += group if sub_name not in full_alleles: full_alleles[sub_name] = [name] else: full_alleles[sub_name].append(name) if len(right_ext_seq) > 0: for i_ in range(len(seqs)): seqs[i_] += right_ext_seq return names, seqs if base_fname == "hla": MSA_fname = "hisatgenotype_db/%s/msf/%s_gen.msf" % (base_fname.upper(), gene) else: MSA_fname = "hisatgenotype_db/%s/msf/%s_gen.msf" % (base_fname.upper(), gene) if not os.path.exists(MSA_fname): print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: %s does not exist" % MSA_fname continue names, seqs = read_MSF_file(MSA_fname, left_ext_seq, right_ext_seq) # Identify a consensus sequence assert len(seqs) > 0 # Check sequences are of equal length def find_seq_len(seqs): seq_lens = {} for s in range(len(seqs)): seq_len = len(seqs[s]) if seq_len not in seq_lens: seq_lens[seq_len] = 1 else: seq_lens[seq_len] += 1 max_seq_count = 0 for tmp_seq_len, tmp_seq_count in seq_lens.items(): if tmp_seq_count > max_seq_count: seq_len = tmp_seq_len max_seq_count = tmp_seq_count return seq_len seq_len = find_seq_len(seqs) backbone_name = "%s*BACKBONE" % gene backbone_seq, backbone_freq = create_consensus_seq(seqs, seq_len, min_var_freq, not partial) # Remove empty sequences? # Allele sequences can shrink, so readjust the sequence length if not partial: seq_len = find_seq_len(seqs) if partial and base_fname == "hla": partial_MSA_fname = "hisatgenotype_db/HLA/msf/%s_nuc.msf" % gene if not os.path.exists(partial_MSA_fname): print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: %s does not exist" % partial_MSA_fname continue partial_names, partial_seqs = read_MSF_file(partial_MSA_fname) # DK - debugging purposes # Partial alleles vs. Full alleles """ counts = [0, 0, 0, 0] for partial_name in partial_names.keys(): if partial_name in names: continue name_group = partial_name.split(':') for group_i in [3, 2, 1, 0]: if group_i == 0: counts[group_i] += 1 if group_i > len(name_group): continue sub_name = ':'.join(name_group[:group_i]) if sub_name in full_alleles: print partial_name, sub_name, full_alleles[sub_name][:5] counts[group_i] += 1 break print "DK: counts:", counts sys.exit(1) """ ref_seq = seqs[names[ref_gene]] ref_seq_map = create_map(ref_seq) ref_partial_seq = partial_seqs[partial_names[ref_gene]] ref_partial_seq_map = create_map(ref_partial_seq) exons = gene_exons[gene] exon_len = 0 ref_exons = [] # converted exons to MSF file (e.g. A_gen.msf) ref_partial_exons = [] # converted exons to MSF file (e.g. A_nuc.msf) complete = True for exon in exons: left, right = exon ref_exons.append([ref_seq_map[left], ref_seq_map[right]]) next_exon_len = right - left + exon_len if next_exon_len >= len(ref_partial_seq_map): print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: partial sequences (%s) seem to be incomplete" % gene complete = False break ref_partial_exons.append([ref_partial_seq_map[exon_len], ref_partial_seq_map[next_exon_len]]) exon_len += (right - left + 1) # Make sure two MSF files (e.g. A_gen.msf and A_nuc.msf) share the same MSF lengths in the exonic sequences ref_exon_len = ref_exons[-1][1] - ref_exons[-1][0] + 1 ref_partial_exon_len = ref_partial_exons[-1][1] - ref_partial_exons[-1][0] + 1 assert ref_exon_len == ref_partial_exon_len if complete: partial_seq_len = find_seq_len(partial_seqs) partial_backbone_seq, partial_backbone_freq = create_consensus_seq(partial_seqs, partial_seq_len, min_var_freq, False) # Remove empty sequences? for name, seq_id in partial_names.items(): if name in names: continue seq = partial_seqs[seq_id] new_seq = "" right = 0 for e in range(len(exons)): ref_exon = ref_exons[e] ref_partial_exon = ref_partial_exons[e] new_seq += backbone_seq[right:ref_exon[0]] exon_seq = seq[ref_partial_exon[0]:ref_partial_exon[1] + 1] nt_exon_seq = exon_seq.replace('.', '') if len(nt_exon_seq) == 0: exon_seq = partial_backbone_seq[ref_partial_exon[0]:ref_partial_exon[1] + 1] new_seq += exon_seq right = ref_exon[1] + 1 new_seq += backbone_seq[right:] names[name] = len(seqs) seqs.append(new_seq) backbone_seq, backbone_freq = create_consensus_seq(seqs, seq_len, min_var_freq, True) # Remove empty sequences? seq_len = find_seq_len(seqs) if min_var_freq <= 0.0: assert '.' not in backbone_seq and 'E' not in backbone_seq # Reverse complement MSF if this gene is on '-' strand if strand == '-': # Reverse exons ref_seq = seqs[names[ref_gene]] ref_seq = ref_seq.replace('.', '') ref_seq_len = len(ref_seq) if base_fname == "hla": exons = [] for left, right in reversed(gene_exons[gene]): left, right = ref_seq_len - right - 1, ref_seq_len - left - 1 exons.append([left, right]) gene_exons[gene] = exons for i in range(len(seqs)): seqs[i] = typing_common.reverse_complement(seqs[i]) backbone_seq, backbone_freq = create_consensus_seq(seqs, seq_len, min_var_freq, True) if leftshift: for seq_i in range(len(seqs)): seqs[seq_i] = leftshift_deletions(backbone_seq, seqs[seq_i]) backbone_seq, backbone_freq = create_consensus_seq(seqs, seq_len, min_var_freq, True) seq_len = find_seq_len(seqs) print >> sys.stderr, "%s: number of HLA alleles is %d." % (gene, len(names)) Vars = {} for cmp_name, id in names.items(): if cmp_name == backbone_name: continue assert id < len(seqs) cmp_seq = seqs[id] if len(cmp_seq) != seq_len: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: the length of %s (%d) is different from %d" % \ (cmp_name, len(cmp_seq), seq_len) continue # DK - debugging purposes """ if cmp_name == "A*03:01:07": print cmp_name cmp_seq2 = seqs[names["A*32:29"]] for s in range(0, seq_len, 100): print s, backbone_seq[s:s+100] print s, cmp_seq2[s:s+100] print s, cmp_seq[s:s+100] # sys.exit(1) """ def insertVar(type, info): pos, backbone_pos, data = info if type in "MI": varKey = "%d-%s-%s" % (pos, type, data) else: varKey = "%d-%s-%d" % (pos, type, data) if varKey not in Vars: if type == 'M': assert backbone_pos < backbone_freq assert data in backbone_freq[backbone_pos] freq = backbone_freq[backbone_pos][data] elif type == 'D': del_len = int(data) freq = 100.0 assert backbone_pos + del_len <= backbone_freq for d in range(del_len): assert '.' in backbone_freq[backbone_pos + d] freq2 = backbone_freq[backbone_pos + d]['.'] if freq2 < freq: freq = freq2 else: assert type == 'I' ins_len = len(data) freq = 100.0 assert backbone_pos + ins_len <= backbone_freq for i in range(ins_len): nt = data[i] assert nt in backbone_freq[backbone_pos + i] freq2 = backbone_freq[backbone_pos + i][nt] if freq2 < freq: freq = freq2 assert freq <= min_var_freq Vars[varKey] = [freq, [cmp_name]] else: Vars[varKey][1].append(cmp_name) insertion, deletion = [], [] ndots = 0 for s in range(seq_len): assert not (insertion and deletion) bc = backbone_seq[s] cc = cmp_seq[s] if bc != '.' and cc != '.': if insertion: insertVar('I', insertion) insertion = [] elif deletion: insertVar('D', deletion) deletion = [] if bc != cc: mismatch = [s - ndots, s, cc] insertVar('M', mismatch) elif bc == '.' and cc != '.': if deletion: insertVar('D', deletion) deletion = [] if insertion: insertion[2] += cc else: insertion = [s - ndots, s, cc] elif bc != '.' and cc == '.': if insertion: insertVar('I', insertion) insertion = [] if deletion: deletion[2] += 1 else: deletion = [s - ndots, s, 1] if bc == '.': ndots += 1 """ if backbone_seq[s] != cmp_seq[s]: print "%s is different %s at %d: %s vs. %s" % \ (backbone_name, cmp_name, s+1, backbone_seq[s], cmp_seq[s]) """ if insertion: insertVar('I', insertion) elif deletion: insertVar('D', deletion) print >> sys.stderr, "Number of variants is %d." % (len(Vars.keys())) # Compare variants def cmp_varKey(a, b): a_locus, a_type, a_data = a.split('-') b_locus, b_type, b_data = b.split('-') a_locus, b_locus = int(a_locus), int(b_locus) if a_locus != b_locus: return a_locus - b_locus if a_type != b_type: if a_type == 'I': return -1 elif b_type == 'I': return 1 elif a_type == 'M': return -1 else: assert b_type == 'M' return 1 assert a_data != b_data if a_type in "MI": if a_data < b_data: return -1 else: return 1 else: assert a_type == 'D' return int(a_data) - int(b_data) Vars_ = {} for key, values in Vars.items(): freq, names_ = values for name in names_: if not name in Vars_: Vars_[name] = [key] else: Vars_[name].append(key) for name, vars in Vars_.items(): Vars_[name] = sorted(vars, cmp=cmp_varKey) # Sanity check - # (1) Reconstruct the other sequences from the backbone sequence and variants and # (2) Confirm these constructed sequences are the same as those input sequences. for cmp_name, id in names.items(): if cmp_name == backbone_name: continue constr_seq = backbone_seq.replace('.', '') constr_seq = list(constr_seq) locus_diff = 0 if cmp_name not in Vars_: continue for var in Vars_[cmp_name]: try: locus, type, data = var.split('-') locus = int(locus) except ValueError: continue if type == 'M': assert len(data) == 1 constr_seq[locus + locus_diff] = data[0] elif type == 'I': assert locus + locus_diff >= 0 assert locus + locus_diff <= len(constr_seq) constr_seq = constr_seq[:locus + locus_diff] + list(data) + constr_seq[locus + locus_diff:] locus_diff += len(data) else: assert type == 'D' assert locus + locus_diff + len(data) <= len(constr_seq) assert locus + locus_diff >= 0 del_len = int(data) constr_seq = constr_seq[:locus + locus_diff] + constr_seq[locus + locus_diff + del_len:] locus_diff -= del_len constr_seq = "".join(constr_seq) assert id < len(seqs) cmp_seq = seqs[id].replace('.', '') if len(constr_seq) != len(cmp_seq): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: reconstruction fails (%s)! Lengths different: %d vs. %d" % \ (cmp_name, len(constr_seq), len(cmp_seq)) assert False # Sanity check for s in range(len(constr_seq)): if constr_seq[s] != cmp_seq[s]: print >> sys.stderr, "Differ at %d: %s vs. %s (reconstruction vs. original)" % \ (s, constr_seq[s], cmp_seq[s]) print "%s:%s vs. %s:%s" % \ (constr_seq[s-10:s], constr_seq[s:s+10], cmp_seq[s-10:s], cmp_seq[s:s+10]) if constr_seq != cmp_seq.replace('.', ''): print >> sys.stderr, "Error: reconstruction fails for %s" % (cmp_name) assert False # Write the backbone sequences into a fasta file print >> backbone_file, ">%s" % (backbone_name) backbone_seq_ = backbone_seq.replace('.', '') for s in range(0, len(backbone_seq_), 60): print >> backbone_file, backbone_seq_[s:s+60] # Remap the backbone allele, which is sometimes slighly different from # fasta version ref_backbone_id = names[ref_gene] ref_backbone_seq = seqs[ref_backbone_id] aligner_cmd = ["hisat2"] if base_fname == "hla": aligner_cmd += ["--score-min", "C,0"] aligner_cmd += ["--no-unal", "-x", "grch38/genome", "-f", "-c", "%s" % ref_backbone_seq.replace('.', '')] align_proc = subprocess.Popen(aligner_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open("/dev/null", 'w')) best_chr, best_left, best_right, best_AS = "", 0, 0, -sys.maxint for line in align_proc.stdout: if line.startswith('@'): continue line = line.strip() cols = line.split() allele_id, flag, chr, left, mapQ, cigar_str = cols[:6] flag = int(flag) assert flag & 0x10 == 0 left = int(left) - 1 right = left AS = "" for i in range(11, len(cols)): col = cols[i] if col.startswith("AS"): AS = col[5:] AS = int(AS) cigars = cigar_re.findall(cigar_str) cigars = [[cigar[-1], int(cigar[:-1])] for cigar in cigars] for i in range(len(cigars)): cigar_op, length = cigars[i] if cigar_op in "MND": right += length if AS > best_AS: best_chr, best_left, best_right, best_AS = chr, left, right, AS chr, left, right = best_chr, best_left, best_right align_proc.communicate() if left == right: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: %s (%s) is not remapped" % (gene, ref_gene) continue assert left < right base_locus = 0 ref_seq = seqs[names[ref_gene]] ref_seq_map = create_map(ref_seq) del_count = [] for nt in backbone_seq: assert nt in "ACGT." add = 1 if nt == '.' else 0 if len(del_count) == 0: del_count.append(add) else: del_count.append(del_count[-1] + add) if base_fname == "hla": exon_str = "" for exon_left, exon_right in gene_exons[gene]: exon_left, exon_right = ref_seq_map[exon_left], ref_seq_map[exon_right] exon_left -= del_count[exon_left] exon_right -= del_count[exon_right] if exon_str != "": exon_str += ',' exon_str += ("%d-%d" % (exon_left, exon_right)) # Sanity check for exonic sequence sanity_check = True if sanity_check and \ os.path.exists("hisatgenotype_db/HLA/fasta/%s_nuc.fasta" % gene): exons_ = [] for exon in exon_str.split(','): exon_left, exon_right = exon.split('-') exon_left, exon_right = int(exon_left), int(exon_right) exons_.append([exon_left, exon_right]) backbone_seq_ = backbone_seq.replace('.', '') if ref_gene in Vars_: vars_ = Vars_[ref_gene] else: vars_ = [] seq_ = list(backbone_seq_) has_insertion = False for var_ in vars_: var_pos, var_type, var_data = var_.split('-') var_pos = int(var_pos) assert var_pos >= 0 and var_pos < len(backbone_seq_) if var_type == 'M': seq_[var_pos] = var_data elif var_type == 'D': del_len = int(var_data) assert var_pos + del_len <= len(ref_seq) seq_[var_pos:var_pos + del_len] = ['.'] * del_len else: assert var_type == 'I' has_insertion = True seq_ = ''.join(seq_) exon_seq_ = "" for exon_left, exon_right in exons_: exon_seq_ += seq_[exon_left:exon_right+1] exon_seq_ = exon_seq_.replace('.', '') if gene_strand[gene] == '-': exon_seq_ = typing_common.reverse_complement(exon_seq_) cmp_exon_seq_, allele_name_ = "", "" for line in open("hisatgenotype_db/HLA/fasta/%s_nuc.fasta" % gene): if line.startswith(">"): if allele_name_ == ref_gene: break allele_name_ = line.strip().split()[1] cmp_exon_seq_ = "" else: cmp_exon_seq_ += line.strip() """ print "Has insertions:", has_insertion print "constructed:", len(exon_seq_) for p in range(0, len(exon_seq_), 60): print exon_seq_[p:p+60] print "true:", len(cmp_exon_seq_) for p in range(0, len(cmp_exon_seq_), 60): print cmp_exon_seq_[p:p+60] """ if exon_seq_ != cmp_exon_seq_: print >> sys.stderr, "Waring: exonic sequences do not match (%s)" % gene else: exon_str = "%d-%d" % (left, right - 1) print >> locus_file, "%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s" % \ (backbone_name, chr, left, right - 1, len(backbone_seq.replace('.', '')), exon_str, gene_strand[gene]) # Write # (1) variants w.r.t the backbone sequences into a SNP file # (2) pairs of a variant and the corresponding HLA allels into a LINK file keys = sorted(Vars.keys(), cmp=cmp_varKey) var2ID = {} for k in range(len(keys)): locus, type, data = keys[k].split('-') locus = int(locus) if type == 'M': type_str = "single" elif type == 'I': type_str = "insertion" else: assert type == 'D' type_str = "deletion" freq, names_ = Vars[keys[k]] names_ = sorted(names_) varID = "hv%d" % (num_vars) tmp_backbone_name = backbone_name print >> var_file, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s" % \ (varID, type_str, tmp_backbone_name, base_locus + locus, data) if freq >= min_var_freq: print >> var_index_file, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s" % \ (varID, type_str, tmp_backbone_name, base_locus + locus, data) print >> var_freq_file, "%s\t%.2f" % (varID, freq) print >> link_file, "%s\t%s" % (varID, ' '.join(names_)) var2ID[keys[k]] = num_vars num_vars += 1 add_seq_len = 0 # Write haplotypes excluded_vars = set() var_leftmost, var_rightmost = sys.maxint, -1 for k in range(len(keys)): key = keys[k] if Vars[key][0] < min_var_freq: excluded_vars.add(key) # Update leftmost and rightmost of Vars locus, type, data = key.split('-') left = right = int(locus) if type == 'D': right = left + int(data) - 1 if k == 0: var_leftmost = left if var_rightmost < right: var_rightmost = right i = 0 while i < len(keys): key_i = keys[i] locus, type, data = key_i.split('-') locus = int(locus) if type == 'D': locus += (int(data) - 1) prev_locus = locus if whole_haplotype: j = len(keys) else: j = i + 1 while j < len(keys): key_j = keys[j] locus2, type2, data2 = key_j.split('-') locus2 = int(locus2) if prev_locus + inter_gap < locus2: break prev_locus = locus2 if type == 'D': prev_locus += (int(data) - 1) j += 1 alleles = set() for k in range(i, j): key_k = keys[k] freq, names_ = Vars[key_k] if freq < min_var_freq: continue add_alleles = set(names_) alleles |= add_alleles haplotypes = set() cur_vars = set(keys[i:j]) - excluded_vars for allele in alleles: allele_vars = set(Vars_[allele]) - excluded_vars allele_cur_vars = '#'.join(sorted(list(cur_vars & allele_vars), cmp=cmp_varKey)) haplotypes.add(allele_cur_vars) # Split some haplotypes that include large gaps inside def split_haplotypes(haplotypes): split_haplotypes = set() for haplotype in haplotypes: haplotype = haplotype.split('#') assert len(haplotype) > 0 if len(haplotype) == 1: split_haplotypes.add(haplotype[0]) continue prev_s, s = 0, 1 while s < len(haplotype): prev_locus, prev_type, prev_data = haplotype[s-1].split('-') locus, type, data = haplotype[s].split('-') prev_locus, locus = int(prev_locus), int(locus) if prev_type == 'D': prev_locus += (int(prev_data) - 1) if prev_locus + intra_gap < locus: split_haplotypes.add('#'.join(haplotype[prev_s:s])) prev_s = s s += 1 if s == len(haplotype): split_haplotypes.add('#'.join(haplotype[prev_s:s])) return split_haplotypes if not whole_haplotype: haplotypes = split_haplotypes(haplotypes) def cmp_haplotype(a, b): a = a.split('#') a1_locus, _, _ = a[0].split('-') a2_locus, a2_type, a2_data = a[-1].split('-') a_begin, a_end = int(a1_locus), int(a2_locus) if a2_type == 'D': a_end += (int(a2_data) - 1) b = b.split('#') b1_locus, _, _ = b[0].split('-') b2_locus, b2_type, b2_data = b[-1].split('-') b_begin, b_end = int(b1_locus), int(b2_locus) if b2_type == 'D': b_end += (int(b2_data) - 1) if a_begin != b_begin: return a_begin - b_begin return a_end - b_end haplotypes = sorted(list(haplotypes), cmp=cmp_haplotype) # DK - for debugging purposes """ dis = prev_locus - locus print "\n[%d, %d]: %d haplotypes" % (i, j, len(haplotypes)), dis if len(cur_vars) in range(0, 1000): # print "vars:", sorted(list(cur_vars), cmp=cmp_varKey print "num:", len(haplotypes) for haplotype in haplotypes: print haplotype.split('#') print "\nnum:", len(haplotypes2) for haplotype in haplotypes2: print haplotype.split('#') """ # Write haplotypes sanity_vars = set() for h_i in range(len(haplotypes)): h = haplotypes[h_i].split('#') varIDs = [] for var in h: varIDs.append("hv%s" % var2ID[var]) # DK - for debugging purposes # varIDs.append(var) sanity_vars.add(var2ID[var]) if whole_haplotype: h_begin, h_end = var_leftmost, var_rightmost else: h1_locus, _, _ = h[0].split('-') h2_locus, h2_type, h2_data = h[-1].split('-') h_begin, h_end = int(h1_locus), int(h2_locus) if h2_type == 'D': h_end += (int(h2_data) - 1) assert h_begin <= h_end h_new_begin = h_begin for h_j in reversed(range(0, h_i)): hc = haplotypes[h_j].split('#') hc_begin, hc_type, hc_data = hc[-1].split('-') hc_begin = int(hc_begin) hc_end = hc_begin if hc_type == 'D': hc_end += (int(hc_data) - 1) if hc_end + inter_gap < h_begin: break if h_new_begin > hc_end: h_new_begin = hc_end assert h_new_begin <= h_begin h_begin = h_new_begin tmp_backbone_name = backbone_name print >> haplotype_file, "ht%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s" % \ (num_haplotypes, tmp_backbone_name, base_locus + h_begin, base_locus + h_end, ','.join(varIDs)) num_haplotypes += 1 add_seq_len += (h_end - h_begin + 1) assert len(sanity_vars) == len(cur_vars) i = j print >> sys.stderr, "Length of additional sequences for haplotypes:", add_seq_len # Write all the sequences with dots removed into a file for name, ID in names.items(): print >> input_file, ">%s" % (name) assert ID < len(seqs) seq = seqs[ID].replace('.', '') for s in range(0, len(seq), 60): print >> input_file, seq[s:s+60] backbone_file.close() locus_file.close() var_file.close() var_index_file.close() var_freq_file.close() haplotype_file.close() link_file.close() input_file.close() # Read partial alleles from hla.data, and write them into a file partial_allele_list = [] if base_fname == "hla": for line in open("hisatgenotype_db/HLA/hla.dat"): if not line.startswith("DE"): continue allele_name = line.split()[1][:-1] if allele_name.startswith("HLA-"): allele_name = allele_name[4:] gene = allele_name.split('*')[0] if line.find("partial") != -1: partial_allele_list.append(allele_name) partial_file = open("%s.partial" % base_fullpath_name, 'w') for partial_allele in partial_allele_list: print >> partial_file, partial_allele partial_file.close() """ """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = ArgumentParser( description="Extract variants from multiple sequence alignments") parser.add_argument("-b", "--base", dest="base_fname", type=str, default="hla", help="base filename for backbone sequence, variants, and linking info (Default: hla)") parser.add_argument("--locus-list", dest="locus_list", type=str, default="", help="A comma-separated list of gene names (default: empty, all genes)") parser.add_argument("--inter-gap", dest="inter_gap", type=int, default=30, help="Maximum distance for variants to be in the same haplotype (default: 30)") parser.add_argument("--intra-gap", dest="intra_gap", type=int, default=50, help="Break a haplotype into several haplotypes (default: 50)") parser.add_argument("--whole-haplotype", dest="whole_haplotype", action="store_true", help="Include partial alleles (e.g. A_nuc.fasta)") parser.add_argument("--min-var-freq", dest="min_var_freq", type=float, default=0.0, help="Exclude variants whose freq is below than this value in percentage (Default: 0.0)") parser.add_argument("--ext-seq", dest="ext_seq_len", type=int, default=0, help="Length of extra sequences flanking backbone sequences (Default: 0)") parser.add_argument("--leftshift", dest="leftshift", action="store_true", help="Shift deletions to the leftmost") parser.add_argument("--no-partial", dest="partial", action="store_false", help="Exclude partial alleles, exon-only sequences in HLA") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="also print some statistics to stderr") args = parser.parse_args() if args.locus_list == "": locus_list = [] else: locus_list = args.locus_list.split(',') if args.inter_gap > args.intra_gap: print >> sys.stderr, "Error: --inter-gap (%d) must be smaller than --intra-gap (%d)" % (args.inter_gap, args.intra_gap) sys.exit(1) if args.base_fname.find('/') != -1: elems = args.base_fname.split('/') base_fname = elems[-1] base_dname = '/'.join(elems[:-1]) else: base_fname = args.base_fname base_dname = "" extract_vars(base_fname, base_dname, locus_list, args.inter_gap, args.intra_gap, args.whole_haplotype, args.min_var_freq, args.ext_seq_len, args.leftshift, args.partial, args.verbose)