# Copyright 2000 by Bertrand Frottier. All rights reserved. # Revisions 2005-2006 copyright Michiel de Hoon # Revisions 2006-2009 copyright Peter Cock # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Code to work with the BLAST XML output. The BLAST XML DTD file is on the NCBI FTP site at: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/documents/xml/NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd """ from __future__ import print_function from Bio.Blast import Record import xml.sax from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler class _XMLparser(ContentHandler): """Generic SAX Parser (PRIVATE). Just a very basic SAX parser. Redefine the methods startElement, characters and endElement. """ def __init__(self, debug=0): """Initialize the parser. Arguments: - debug - integer, amount of debug information to print """ self._tag = [] self._value = "" self._debug = debug self._debug_ignore_list = [] self._method_name_level = 1 self._method_map = None def startElement(self, name, attr): """Found XML start tag. No real need of attr, BLAST DTD doesn't use them Arguments: - name -- name of the tag - attr -- tag attributes """ self._tag.append(name) if len(self._tag) == 1: # root node self._on_root_node(name) return # Try to call a method (defined in subclasses) method = "start_" + self._node_method_name(name) # Note could use try / except AttributeError # BUT I found often triggered by nested errors... if method in self._method_map: self._method_map[method]() if self._debug > 4: print("NCBIXML: Parsed: " + method) elif self._debug > 3: # Doesn't exist (yet) and may want to warn about it if method not in self._debug_ignore_list: print("NCBIXML: Ignored: " + method) self._debug_ignore_list.append(method) # We don't care about white space in parent tags like Hsp, # but that white space doesn't belong to child tags like Hsp_midline if self._value.strip(): raise ValueError("What should we do with %s before the %s tag?" % (repr(self._value), name)) self._value = "" def characters(self, ch): """Found some text. Arguments: - ch -- characters read """ self._value += ch # You don't ever get the whole string def endElement(self, name): """Found XML end tag. Arguments: - name -- tag name """ # DON'T strip any white space, we may need it e.g. the hsp-midline # Try to call a method (defined in subclasses) method = "end_" + self._node_method_name(name) # Note could use try / except AttributeError # BUT I found often triggered by nested errors... if method in self._method_map: self._method_map[method]() if self._debug > 2: print("NCBIXML: Parsed: %s %s" % (method, self._value)) elif self._debug > 1: # Doesn't exist (yet) and may want to warn about it if method not in self._debug_ignore_list: print("NCBIXML: Ignored: %s %s" % (method, self._value)) self._debug_ignore_list.append(method) # Reset character buffer self._value = "" self._tag.pop() def _node_method_name(self, name): if self._method_name_level == 1: return name return "/".join(self._tag[-self._method_name_level:]) class BlastParser(_XMLparser): """Parse XML BLAST data into a Record.Blast object. Parses XML output from BLAST (direct use discouraged). This (now) returns a list of Blast records. Historically it returned a single Blast record. You are expected to use this via the parse or read functions. All XML 'action' methods are private methods and may be: - ``_start_TAG`` called when the start tag is found - ``_end_TAG`` called when the end tag is found """ def __init__(self, debug=0): """Initialize the parser. Arguments: - debug - integer, amount of debug information to print """ # Calling superclass method _XMLparser.__init__(self, debug) self._parser = xml.sax.make_parser() self._parser.setContentHandler(self) # To avoid ValueError: unknown url type: NCBI_BlastOutput.dtd self._parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_validation, 0) self._parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_namespaces, 0) self._parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_pes, 0) self._parser.setFeature(xml.sax.handler.feature_external_ges, 0) self._xml_version = 1 self.reset() def reset(self): """Reset all the data allowing reuse of the BlastParser() object.""" self._records = [] self._header = Record.Header() self._parameters = Record.Parameters() self._parameters.filter = None # Maybe I should update the class? def _on_root_node(self, name): if name == "BlastOutput": self._setup_blast_v1() elif name == "BlastXML2": self._setup_blast_v2() else: raise ValueError("Invalid root node name: %s. Root node should be either BlastOutput or BlastXML2" % name) def _setup_blast_v1(self): self._method_map = { "start_Iteration": self._start_blast_record, "end_Iteration": self._end_blast_record, "end_BlastOutput_program": self._set_header_application, "end_BlastOutput_version": self._set_header_version, "end_BlastOutput_reference": self._set_header_reference, "end_BlastOutput_db": self._set_header_database, "end_BlastOutput_query-ID": self._set_header_query_id, "end_BlastOutput_query-def": self._set_header_query, "end_BlastOutput_query-len": self._set_header_query_letters, "end_Iteration_query-ID": self._set_record_query_id, "end_Iteration_query-def": self._set_record_query_def, "end_Iteration_query-len": self._set_record_query_letters, "end_BlastOutput_hits": self._set_record_hits, "end_Parameters_matrix": self._set_parameters_matrix, "end_Parameters_expect": self._set_parameters_expect, "end_Parameters_sc-match": self._set_parameters_sc_match, "end_Parameters_sc-mismatch": self._set_parameters_sc_mismatch, "end_Parameters_gap-open": self._set_parameters_gap_penalties, "end_Parameters_gap-extend": self._set_parameters_gap_extend, "end_Parameters_filter": self._set_parameters_filter, "start_Hit": self._start_hit, "end_Hit": self._end_hit, "end_Hit_id": self.set_hit_id, "end_Hit_def": self.set_hit_def, "end_Hit_accession": self.set_hit_accession, "end_Hit_len": self.set_hit_len, "start_Hsp": self._start_hsp, "end_Hsp_score": self._set_hsp_score, "end_Hsp_bit-score": self._set_hsp_bit_score, "end_Hsp_evalue": self._set_hsp_e_value, "end_Hsp_query-from": self._set_hsp_query_start, "end_Hsp_query-to": self._set_hsp_query_end, "end_Hsp_hit-from": self._set_hsp_hit_from, "end_Hsp_hit-to": self._set_hsp_hit_to, "end_Hsp_query-frame": self._set_hsp_query_frame, "end_Hsp_hit-frame": self._set_hsp_hit_frame, "end_Hsp_identity": self._set_hsp_identity, "end_Hsp_positive": self._set_hsp_positive, "end_Hsp_gaps": self._set_hsp_gaps, "end_Hsp_align-len": self._set_hsp_align_len, "end_Hsp_qseq": self._set_hsp_query_seq, "end_Hsp_hseq": self._set_hsp_subject_seq, "end_Hsp_midline": self._set_hsp_midline, "end_Statistics_db-num": self._set_statistics_db_num, "end_Statistics_db-len": self._set_statistics_db_len, "end_Statistics_hsp-len": self._set_statistics_hsp_len, "end_Statistics_eff-space": self._set_statistics_eff_space, "end_Statistics_kappa": self._set_statistics_kappa, "end_Statistics_lambda": self._set_statistics_lambda, "end_Statistics_entropy": self._set_statistics_entropy, } def _setup_blast_v2(self): self._method_name_level = 2 self._xml_version = 2 self._method_map = { "start_report/Report": self._start_blast_record, "end_report/Report": self._end_blast_record, "end_Report/program": self._set_header_application, "end_Report/version": self._set_header_version, "end_Report/reference": self._set_header_reference, "end_Target/db": self._set_header_database, "end_Search/query-id": self._set_record_query_id, "end_Search/query-title": self._set_record_query_def, "end_Search/query-len": self._set_record_query_letters, "end_BlastOutput_hits": self._set_record_hits, "end_Parameters/matrix": self._set_parameters_matrix, "end_Parameters/expect": self._set_parameters_expect, "end_Parameters/sc-match": self._set_parameters_sc_match, "end_Parameters/sc-mismatch": self._set_parameters_sc_mismatch, "end_Parameters/gap-open": self._set_parameters_gap_penalties, "end_Parameters/gap-extend": self._set_parameters_gap_extend, "end_Parameters/filter": self._set_parameters_filter, "start_hits/Hit": self._start_hit, "end_hits/Hit": self._end_hit, "start_description/HitDescr": self._start_hit_descr_item, "end_description/HitDescr": self._end_hit_descr_item, "end_HitDescr/id": self._end_description_id, "end_HitDescr/accession": self._end_description_accession, "end_HitDescr/title": self._end_description_title, "end_HitDescr/taxid": self._end_description_taxid, "end_HitDescr/sciname": self._end_description_sciname, "end_Hit/len": self.set_hit_len, "start_hsps/Hsp": self._start_hsp, "end_hsps/Hsp": self._end_hsp, "end_Hsp/score": self._set_hsp_score, "end_Hsp/bit-score": self._set_hsp_bit_score, "end_Hsp/evalue": self._set_hsp_e_value, "end_Hsp/query-from": self._set_hsp_query_start, "end_Hsp/query-to": self._set_hsp_query_end, "end_Hsp/hit-from": self._set_hsp_hit_from, "end_Hsp/hit-to": self._set_hsp_hit_to, "end_Hsp/query-frame": self._set_hsp_query_frame, "end_Hsp/hit-frame": self._set_hsp_hit_frame, "end_Hsp/query-strand": self._set_hsp_query_strand, "end_Hsp/hit-strand": self._set_hsp_hit_strand, "end_Hsp/identity": self._set_hsp_identity, "end_Hsp/positive": self._set_hsp_positive, "end_Hsp/gaps": self._set_hsp_gaps, "end_Hsp/align-len": self._set_hsp_align_len, "end_Hsp/qseq": self._set_hsp_query_seq, "end_Hsp/hseq": self._set_hsp_subject_seq, "end_Hsp/midline": self._set_hsp_midline, "end_Statistics/db-num": self._set_statistics_db_num, "end_Statistics/db-len": self._set_statistics_db_len, "end_Statistics/hsp-len": self._set_statistics_hsp_len, "end_Statistics/eff-space": self._set_statistics_eff_space, "end_Statistics/kappa": self._set_statistics_kappa, "end_Statistics/lambda": self._set_statistics_lambda, "end_Statistics/entropy": self._set_statistics_entropy, } def _start_blast_record(self): """Start interaction (PRIVATE).""" self._blast = Record.Blast() pass def _end_blast_record(self): """End interaction (PRIVATE).""" # We stored a lot of generic "top level" information # in self._header (an object of type Record.Header) self._blast.reference = self._header.reference self._blast.date = self._header.date self._blast.version = self._header.version self._blast.database = self._header.database self._blast.application = self._header.application # These are required for "old" pre 2.2.14 files # where only , # and were used. Now they # are supplemented/replaced by , # and if not hasattr(self._blast, "query") \ or not self._blast.query: self._blast.query = self._header.query if not hasattr(self._blast, "query_id") \ or not self._blast.query_id: self._blast.query_id = self._header.query_id if not hasattr(self._blast, "query_letters") \ or not self._blast.query_letters: self._blast.query_letters = self._header.query_letters # Hack to record the query length as both the query_letters and # query_length properties (as in the plain text parser, see # Bug 2176 comment 12): self._blast.query_length = self._blast.query_letters # Perhaps in the long term we should deprecate one, but I would # prefer to drop query_letters - so we need a transition period # with both. # Hack to record the claimed database size as database_length # (as well as in num_letters_in_database, see Bug 2176 comment 13): self._blast.database_length = self._blast.num_letters_in_database # TODO? Deprecate database_letters next? # Hack to record the claimed database sequence count as database_sequences self._blast.database_sequences = self._blast.num_sequences_in_database # Apply the "top level" parameter information self._blast.matrix = self._parameters.matrix self._blast.num_seqs_better_e = self._parameters.num_seqs_better_e self._blast.gap_penalties = self._parameters.gap_penalties self._blast.filter = self._parameters.filter self._blast.expect = self._parameters.expect self._blast.sc_match = self._parameters.sc_match self._blast.sc_mismatch = self._parameters.sc_mismatch # Add to the list self._records.append(self._blast) # Clear the object (a new empty one is create in _start_Iteration) self._blast = None if self._debug: print("NCBIXML: Added Blast record to results") # Header def _set_header_application(self): """BLAST program, e.g., blastp, blastn, etc. (PRIVATE). Save this to put on each blast record object """ self._header.application = self._value.upper() def _set_header_version(self): """Version number and date of the BLAST engine (PRIVATE). e.g. "BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005]" but there can also be variants like "BLASTP 2.2.18+" without the date. Save this to put on each blast record object """ parts = self._value.split() # TODO - Check the first word starts with BLAST? # The version is the second word (field one) self._header.version = parts[1] # Check there is a third word (the date) if len(parts) >= 3: if parts[2][0] == "[" and parts[2][-1] == "]": self._header.date = parts[2][1:-1] else: # Assume this is still a date, but without the # square brackets self._header.date = parts[2] def _set_header_reference(self): """Record any article reference describing the algorithm (PRIVATE). Save this to put on each blast record object """ self._header.reference = self._value def _set_header_database(self): """Record the database(s) searched (PRIVATE). Save this to put on each blast record object """ self._header.database = self._value def _set_header_query_id(self): """Record the identifier of the query (PRIVATE). Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions is enough """ self._header.query_id = self._value def _set_header_query(self): """Record the definition line of the query (PRIVATE). Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions is enough """ self._header.query = self._value def _set_header_query_letters(self): """Record the length of the query (PRIVATE). Important in old pre 2.2.14 BLAST, for recent versions is enough """ self._header.query_letters = int(self._value) def _set_record_query_id(self): """Record the identifier of the query (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.query_id = self._value def _set_record_query_def(self): """Record the definition line of the query (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.query = self._value def _set_record_query_letters(self): """Record the length of the query (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.query_letters = int(self._value) # def _end_BlastOutput_query_seq(self): # """The query sequence (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX Missing in Record.Blast ? # def _end_BlastOutput_iter_num(self): # """The psi-blast iteration number (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX TODO PSI def _set_record_hits(self): """Hits to the database sequences, one for every sequence (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.num_hits = int(self._value) # def _end_BlastOutput_message(self): # """error messages (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX What to do ? # Parameters def _set_parameters_matrix(self): """Matrix used (-M on legacy BLAST) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.matrix = self._value def _set_parameters_expect(self): """Expect values cutoff (PRIVATE).""" # NOTE: In old text output there was a line: # Number of sequences better than 1.0e-004: 1 # As far as I can see, parameters.num_seqs_better_e # would take the value of 1, and the expectation # value was not recorded. # # Anyway we should NOT record this against num_seqs_better_e self._parameters.expect = self._value # def _end_Parameters_include(self): # """Inclusion threshold for a psi-blast iteration (-h) (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX TODO PSI def _set_parameters_sc_match(self): """Match score for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.sc_match = int(self._value) def _set_parameters_sc_mismatch(self): """Mismatch penalty for nucleotide-nucleotide comparison (-r) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.sc_mismatch = int(self._value) def _set_parameters_gap_penalties(self): """Gap existence cost (-G) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.gap_penalties = int(self._value) def _set_parameters_gap_extend(self): """Gap extension cose (-E) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.gap_penalties = (self._parameters.gap_penalties, int(self._value)) def _set_parameters_filter(self): """Record filtering options (-F) (PRIVATE).""" self._parameters.filter = self._value # def _end_Parameters_pattern(self): # """Pattern used for phi-blast search (PRIVATE). # """ # pass # XXX TODO PSI # def _end_Parameters_entrez_query(self): # """Entrez query used to limit search (PRIVATE). # """ # pass # XXX TODO PSI # Hits def _start_hit(self): """Start filling records (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.alignments.append(Record.Alignment()) self._descr = Record.Description() if self._xml_version == 1 else Record.DescriptionExt() self._blast.descriptions.append(self._descr) self._blast.multiple_alignment = [] self._hit = self._blast.alignments[-1] self._descr.num_alignments = 0 def _end_hit(self): """Clear variables (PRIVATE).""" # Cleanup self._blast.multiple_alignment = None self._hit = None self._descr = None def set_hit_id(self): """Record the identifier of the database sequence (PRIVATE).""" self._hit.hit_id = self._value self._hit.title = self._value + " " def set_hit_def(self): """Record the definition line of the database sequence (PRIVATE).""" self._hit.hit_def = self._value self._hit.title += self._value self._descr.title = self._hit.title def set_hit_accession(self): """Record the accession value of the database sequence (PRIVATE).""" self._hit.accession = self._value self._descr.accession = self._value def set_hit_len(self): """Record the length of the hit.""" self._hit.length = int(self._value) # HSPs def _start_hsp(self): # Note that self._start_Hit() should have been called # to setup things like self._blast.multiple_alignment self._hsp = Record.HSP() self._hsp.positives = None self._hit.hsps.append(self._hsp) self._descr.num_alignments += 1 self._blast.multiple_alignment.append(Record.MultipleAlignment()) self._mult_al = self._blast.multiple_alignment[-1] def _end_hsp(self): if self._hsp.frame and len(self._hsp.frame) == 1: self._hsp.frame += (0,) # Hsp_num is useless def _set_hsp_score(self): """Record the raw score of HSP (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.score = float(self._value) if self._descr.score is None: self._descr.score = float(self._value) def _set_hsp_bit_score(self): """Record the Bit score of HSP (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.bits = float(self._value) if self._descr.bits is None: self._descr.bits = float(self._value) def _set_hsp_e_value(self): """Record the expect value of the HSP (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.expect = float(self._value) if self._descr.e is None: self._descr.e = float(self._value) def _set_hsp_query_start(self): """Offset of query at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.query_start = int(self._value) def _set_hsp_query_end(self): """Offset of query at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.query_end = int(self._value) def _set_hsp_hit_from(self): """Offset of the database at the start of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.sbjct_start = int(self._value) def _set_hsp_hit_to(self): """Offset of the database at the end of the alignment (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.sbjct_end = int(self._value) # def _end_Hsp_pattern_from(self): # """Start of phi-blast pattern on the query (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX TODO PSI # def _end_Hsp_pattern_to(self): # """End of phi-blast pattern on the query (one-offset) (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX TODO PSI def _set_hsp_query_frame(self): """Frame of the query if applicable (PRIVATE).""" v = int(self._value) self._hsp.frame = (v,) if self._header.application == "BLASTN": self._hsp.strand = ("Plus" if v > 0 else "Minus",) def _set_hsp_hit_frame(self): """Frame of the database sequence if applicable (PRIVATE).""" v = int(self._value) if len(self._hsp.frame) == 0: self._hsp.frame = (0, v) else: self._hsp.frame += (v,) if self._header.application == "BLASTN": self._hsp.strand += ("Plus" if v > 0 else "Minus",) def _set_hsp_query_strand(self): """Frame of the query if applicable (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.strand = (self._value,) if self._header.application == "BLASTN": self._hsp.frame = (1 if self._value == "Plus" else -1,) def _set_hsp_hit_strand(self): """Frame of the database sequence if applicable (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.strand += (self._value,) if self._header.application == "BLASTN": self._hsp.frame += (1 if self._value == "Plus" else -1,) def _set_hsp_identity(self): """Record the number of identities in the alignment (PRIVATE).""" v = int(self._value) self._hsp.identities = v if self._hsp.positives is None: self._hsp.positives = v def _set_hsp_positive(self): """Record the number of positive (conservative) substitutions in the alignment (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.positives = int(self._value) def _set_hsp_gaps(self): """Record the number of gaps in the alignment (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.gaps = int(self._value) def _set_hsp_align_len(self): """Record the length of the alignment (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.align_length = int(self._value) # def _en_Hsp_density(self): # """Score density (PRIVATE).""" # pass # XXX ??? def _set_hsp_query_seq(self): """Record the alignment string for the query (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.query = self._value def _set_hsp_subject_seq(self): """Record the alignment string for the database (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.sbjct = self._value def _set_hsp_midline(self): """Record the middle line as normally seen in BLAST report (PRIVATE).""" self._hsp.match = self._value # do NOT strip spaces! assert len(self._hsp.match) == len(self._hsp.query) assert len(self._hsp.match) == len(self._hsp.sbjct) # Statistics def _set_statistics_db_num(self): """Record the number of sequences in the database (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.num_sequences_in_database = int(self._value) def _set_statistics_db_len(self): """Record the number of letters in the database (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.num_letters_in_database = int(self._value) def _set_statistics_hsp_len(self): """Record the effective HSP length (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.effective_hsp_length = int(self._value) def _set_statistics_eff_space(self): """Record the effective search space (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.effective_search_space = float(self._value) def _set_statistics_kappa(self): """Karlin-Altschul parameter K (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.ka_params = float(self._value) def _set_statistics_lambda(self): """Karlin-Altschul parameter Lambda (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.ka_params = (float(self._value), self._blast.ka_params) def _set_statistics_entropy(self): """Karlin-Altschul parameter H (PRIVATE).""" self._blast.ka_params = self._blast.ka_params + (float(self._value),) def _start_hit_descr_item(self): """XML v2. Start hit description item.""" self._hit_descr_item = Record.DescriptionExtItem() def _end_hit_descr_item(self): """XML v2. Start hit description item.""" self._descr.append_item(self._hit_descr_item) if not self._hit.title: self._hit.title = str(self._hit_descr_item) self._hit_descr_item = None def _end_description_id(self): """XML v2. The identifier of the database sequence(PRIVATE).""" self._hit_descr_item.id = self._value if not self._hit.hit_id: self._hit.hit_id = self._value def _end_description_accession(self): """XML v2. The accession value of the database sequence (PRIVATE).""" self._hit_descr_item.accession = self._value if not getattr(self._hit, "accession", None): self._hit.accession = self._value def _end_description_title(self): """XML v2. The hit description title (PRIVATE).""" self._hit_descr_item.title = self._value def _end_description_taxid(self): try: self._hit_descr_item.taxid = int(self._value) except ValueError: pass def _end_description_sciname(self): self._hit_descr_item.sciname = self._value def read(handle, debug=0): """Return a single Blast record (assumes just one query). Uses the BlastParser internally. This function is for use when there is one and only one BLAST result in your XML file. Use the Bio.Blast.NCBIXML.parse() function if you expect more than one BLAST record (i.e. if you have more than one query sequence). """ iterator = parse(handle, debug) try: first = next(iterator) except StopIteration: first = None if first is None: raise ValueError("No records found in handle") try: second = next(iterator) except StopIteration: second = None if second is not None: raise ValueError("More than one record found in handle") return first def parse(handle, debug=0): """Return an iterator a Blast record for each query. Incremental parser, this is an iterator that returns Blast records. It uses the BlastParser internally. handle - file handle to and XML file to parse debug - integer, amount of debug information to print This is a generator function that returns multiple Blast records objects - one for each query sequence given to blast. The file is read incrementally, returning complete records as they are read in. Should cope with new BLAST 2.2.14+ which gives a single XML file for multiple query records. Should also cope with XML output from older versions BLAST which gave multiple XML files concatenated together (giving a single file which strictly speaking wasn't valid XML). """ from xml.parsers import expat BLOCK = 1024 MARGIN = 10 # must be at least length of newline + XML start XML_START = "