# Copyright 2001 by Tarjei Mikkelsen. All rights reserved. # Copyright 2007 by Michiel de Hoon. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Load KEGG Pathway maps for use with the Biopython Pathway module. The pathway maps are in the format:: RXXXXX:[X.X.X.X:] A + 2 B <=> C RXXXXX:[X.X.X.X:] 3C <=> 2 D + E ... where RXXXXX is a five-digit reaction id, and X.X.X.X is the optional EC number of the enzyme that catalyze the reaction. """ from Bio.Pathway import Reaction def parse(handle): """Parse a KEGG pathway map.""" for line in handle: data, catalysts, reaction = line.split(":") catalysts = [(catalysts,)] reactants = {} before, after = reaction.split("<=>") compounds = before.split(" + ") for compound in compounds: compound = compound.strip() try: number, compound = compound.split() number = -int(number) except ValueError: number = -1 reactants[compound] = number compounds = after.split(" + ") for compound in compounds: compound = compound.strip() try: number, compound = compound.split() number = int(number) except ValueError: number = +1 reactants[compound] = number yield Reaction(reactants, catalysts, True, data)