# Copyright 2012 by Wibowo Arindrarto. All rights reserved. # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Common SearchIO utility functions.""" from Bio._py3k import basestring def get_processor(format, mapping): """Return the object to process the given format according to the mapping. :param format: format name :type format: string, lower case :param mapping: mapping of format name and its processor object :type mapping: dictionary {string: object} """ # map file format to iterator name try: obj_info = mapping[format] except KeyError: # handle the errors with helpful messages if format is None: raise ValueError("Format required (lower case string)") elif not isinstance(format, basestring): raise TypeError("Need a string for the file format (lower case)") elif format != format.lower(): raise ValueError("Format string %r should be lower case" % format) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown format %r. Supported formats are %r" % (format, "', '".join(mapping)) ) mod_name, obj_name = obj_info mod = __import__("Bio.SearchIO.%s" % mod_name, fromlist=[""]) return getattr(mod, obj_name) def singleitem(attr=None, doc=""): """Property for fetching attribute from first entry of container. Returns a property that fetches the given attribute from the first item in a SearchIO container object. """ # This comment stops black style adding a blank line here, which causes flake8 D202. def getter(self): if len(self._items) > 1: raise ValueError("More than one HSPFragment objects found in HSP") if attr is None: return self._items[0] return getattr(self._items[0], attr) return property(fget=getter, doc=doc) def allitems(attr=None, doc=""): """Property for fetching attribute from all entries of container. Returns a property that fetches the given attributes from all items in a SearchIO container object. """ # This comment stops black style adding a blank line here, which causes flake8 D202. def getter(self): if attr is None: return self._items return [getattr(frag, attr) for frag in self._items] return property(fget=getter, doc=doc) def fullcascade(attr, doc=""): """Return a getter property with a cascading setter. This is similar to ``optionalcascade``, but for SearchIO containers that have at least one item (HSP). The getter always retrieves the attribute value from the first item. If the items have more than one attribute values, an error will be raised. The setter behaves like ``partialcascade``, except that it only sets attributes to items in the object, not the object itself. """ # This comment stops black style adding a blank line here, which causes flake8 D202. def getter(self): return getattr(self._items[0], attr) def setter(self, value): for item in self: setattr(item, attr, value) return property(fget=getter, fset=setter, doc=doc) def optionalcascade(cont_attr, item_attr, doc=""): """Return a getter property with a cascading setter. This is used for the ``id`` and ``description`` properties of the container objects with zero or more items. These items have their own private attributes that stores query and/or hit ID and description. When the container has zero items, attribute values are always retrieved from the container's attribute. Otherwise, the first item's attribute is used. To keep the container items' query and/or hit ID and description in-sync, the setter cascades any new value given to the items' values. """ # This comment stops black style adding a blank line here, which causes flake8 D202. def getter(self): if self._items: # don't use self._items here, so QueryResult can use this property # as well (the underlying OrderedDict is not integer-indexable) return getattr(self[0], item_attr) else: return getattr(self, cont_attr) def setter(self, value): setattr(self, cont_attr, value) for item in self: setattr(item, item_attr, value) return property(fget=getter, fset=setter, doc=doc) def fragcascade(attr, seq_type, doc=""): """Return a getter property with cascading setter, for HSPFragment objects. Similar to ``partialcascade``, but for HSPFragment objects and acts on ``query`` or ``hit`` properties of the object if they are not None. """ assert seq_type in ("hit", "query") attr_name = "_%s_%s" % (seq_type, attr) def getter(self): return getattr(self, attr_name) def setter(self, value): setattr(self, attr_name, value) seq = getattr(self, seq_type) if seq is not None: setattr(seq, attr, value) return property(fget=getter, fset=setter, doc=doc)