# Copyright 2009-2016 by Peter Cock. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by your # choice of the "Biopython License Agreement" or the "BSD 3-Clause License". # Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included as part of this # package. """Optimised sequence conversion code (PRIVATE). You are not expected to access this module, or any of its code, directly. This is all handled internally by the Bio.SeqIO.convert(...) function which is the public interface for this. The idea here is that while doing this will work:: from Bio import SeqIO records = SeqIO.parse(in_handle, in_format) count = SeqIO.write(records, out_handle, out_format) it is shorter to write:: from Bio import SeqIO count = SeqIO.convert(in_handle, in_format, out_handle, out_format) Also, the convert function can take a number of special case optimisations. This means that using Bio.SeqIO.convert() may be faster, as well as more convenient. All these file format specific optimisations are handled by this (private) module. """ from Bio import BiopythonWarning from Bio import SeqIO # NOTE - Lots of lazy imports further on... def _genbank_convert_fasta(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast GenBank to FASTA (PRIVATE).""" # We don't need to parse the features... from Bio.GenBank.Scanner import GenBankScanner records = GenBankScanner().parse_records(in_handle, do_features=False) # For FASTA output we can ignore the alphabet too return SeqIO.write(records, out_handle, "fasta") def _embl_convert_fasta(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast EMBL to FASTA (PRIVATE).""" # We don't need to parse the features... from Bio.GenBank.Scanner import EmblScanner records = EmblScanner().parse_records(in_handle, do_features=False) # For FASTA output we can ignore the alphabet too return SeqIO.write(records, out_handle, "fasta") def _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping): """FASTQ helper function where can't have data loss by truncation (PRIVATE).""" from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator # For real speed, don't even make SeqRecord and Seq objects! count = 0 null = chr(0) for title, seq, old_qual in FastqGeneralIterator(in_handle): count += 1 # map the qual... qual = old_qual.translate(mapping) if null in qual: raise ValueError("Invalid character in quality string") out_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual)) return count def _fastq_generic2(in_handle, out_handle, mapping, truncate_char, truncate_msg): """FASTQ helper function where there could be data loss by truncation (PRIVATE).""" from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator # For real speed, don't even make SeqRecord and Seq objects! count = 0 null = chr(0) for title, seq, old_qual in FastqGeneralIterator(in_handle): count += 1 # map the qual... qual = old_qual.translate(mapping) if null in qual: raise ValueError("Invalid character in quality string") if truncate_char in qual: qual = qual.replace(truncate_char, chr(126)) import warnings warnings.warn(truncate_msg, BiopythonWarning) out_handle.write("@%s\n%s\n+\n%s\n" % (title, seq, qual)) return count def _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_sanger(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Sanger FASTQ to Sanger FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Useful for removing line wrapping and the redundant second identifier on the plus lines. Will check also check the quality string is valid. Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 33)] + [chr(ascii) for ascii in range(33, 127)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_solexa(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Solexa FASTQ to Solexa FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Useful for removing line wrapping and the redundant second identifier on the plus lines. Will check also check the quality string is valid. Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 59)] + [chr(ascii) for ascii in range(59, 127)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_illumina(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ to Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Useful for removing line wrapping and the redundant second identifier on the plus lines. Will check also check the quality string is valid. Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 64)] + [chr(ascii) for ascii in range(64, 127)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_sanger(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ to Sanger FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 64)] + [chr(33 + q) for q in range(0, 62 + 1)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_illumina(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Sanger FASTQ to Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. Will issue a warning if the scores had to be truncated at 62 (maximum possible in the Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ format) """ # Map unexpected chars to null trunc_char = chr(1) mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 33)] + [chr(64 + q) for q in range(0, 62 + 1)] + [trunc_char for ascii in range(96, 127)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic2( in_handle, out_handle, mapping, trunc_char, "Data loss - max PHRED quality 62 in Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ", ) def _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_sanger(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Solexa FASTQ to Sanger FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import phred_quality_from_solexa mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 59)] + [ chr(33 + int(round(phred_quality_from_solexa(q)))) for q in range(-5, 62 + 1) ] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_solexa(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Sanger FASTQ to Solexa FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. Will issue a warning if the scores had to be truncated at 62 (maximum possible in the Solexa FASTQ format) """ # Map unexpected chars to null from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import solexa_quality_from_phred trunc_char = chr(1) mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 33)] + [chr(64 + int(round(solexa_quality_from_phred(q)))) for q in range(0, 62 + 1)] + [trunc_char for ascii in range(96, 127)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic2( in_handle, out_handle, mapping, trunc_char, "Data loss - max Solexa quality 62 in Solexa FASTQ", ) def _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_illumina(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Solexa FASTQ to Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import phred_quality_from_solexa mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 59)] + [ chr(64 + int(round(phred_quality_from_solexa(q)))) for q in range(-5, 62 + 1) ] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_solexa(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ to Solexa FASTQ conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. """ # Map unexpected chars to null from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import solexa_quality_from_phred mapping = "".join( [chr(0) for ascii in range(0, 64)] + [chr(64 + int(round(solexa_quality_from_phred(q)))) for q in range(0, 62 + 1)] + [chr(0) for ascii in range(127, 256)] ) assert len(mapping) == 256 return _fastq_generic(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_convert_fasta(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast FASTQ to FASTA conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids dealing with the FASTQ quality encoding, and creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. NOTE - This does NOT check the characters used in the FASTQ quality string are valid! """ from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator # For real speed, don't even make SeqRecord and Seq objects! count = 0 for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(in_handle): count += 1 out_handle.write(">%s\n" % title) # Do line wrapping for i in range(0, len(seq), 60): out_handle.write(seq[i : i + 60] + "\n") return count def _fastq_convert_tab(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast FASTQ to simple tabbed conversion (PRIVATE). Avoids dealing with the FASTQ quality encoding, and creating SeqRecord and Seq objects in order to speed up this conversion. NOTE - This does NOT check the characters used in the FASTQ quality string are valid! """ from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator # For real speed, don't even make SeqRecord and Seq objects! count = 0 for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(in_handle): count += 1 out_handle.write("%s\t%s\n" % (title.split(None, 1)[0], seq)) return count def _fastq_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, mapping): """FASTQ helper function for QUAL output (PRIVATE). Mapping should be a dictionary mapping expected ASCII characters from the FASTQ quality string to PHRED quality scores (as strings). """ from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import FastqGeneralIterator # For real speed, don't even make SeqRecord and Seq objects! count = 0 for title, seq, qual in FastqGeneralIterator(in_handle): count += 1 out_handle.write(">%s\n" % title) # map the qual... note even with Sanger encoding max 2 digits try: qualities_strs = [mapping[ascii] for ascii in qual] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid character in quality string") data = " ".join(qualities_strs) while len(data) > 60: # Know quality scores are either 1 or 2 digits, so there # must be a space in any three consecutive characters. if data[60] == " ": out_handle.write(data[:60] + "\n") data = data[61:] elif data[59] == " ": out_handle.write(data[:59] + "\n") data = data[60:] else: assert data[58] == " ", "Internal logic failure in wrapping" out_handle.write(data[:58] + "\n") data = data[59:] out_handle.write(data + "\n") return count def _fastq_sanger_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Sanger FASTQ to QUAL conversion (PRIVATE).""" mapping = {chr(q + 33): str(q) for q in range(0, 93 + 1)} return _fastq_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_solexa_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Solexa FASTQ to QUAL conversion (PRIVATE).""" from Bio.SeqIO.QualityIO import phred_quality_from_solexa mapping = { chr(q + 64): str(int(round(phred_quality_from_solexa(q)))) for q in range(-5, 62 + 1) } return _fastq_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) def _fastq_illumina_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet=None): """Fast Illumina 1.3+ FASTQ to QUAL conversion (PRIVATE).""" mapping = {chr(q + 64): str(q) for q in range(0, 62 + 1)} return _fastq_convert_qual(in_handle, out_handle, mapping) # TODO? - Handling aliases explicitly would let us shorten this list: _converter = { ("genbank", "fasta"): _genbank_convert_fasta, ("gb", "fasta"): _genbank_convert_fasta, ("embl", "fasta"): _embl_convert_fasta, ("fastq", "fasta"): _fastq_convert_fasta, ("fastq-sanger", "fasta"): _fastq_convert_fasta, ("fastq-solexa", "fasta"): _fastq_convert_fasta, ("fastq-illumina", "fasta"): _fastq_convert_fasta, ("fastq", "tab"): _fastq_convert_tab, ("fastq-sanger", "tab"): _fastq_convert_tab, ("fastq-solexa", "tab"): _fastq_convert_tab, ("fastq-illumina", "tab"): _fastq_convert_tab, ("fastq", "fastq"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-sanger", "fastq"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-solexa", "fastq"): _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-illumina", "fastq"): _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq", "fastq-sanger"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-sanger", "fastq-sanger"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-solexa", "fastq-sanger"): _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq-illumina", "fastq-sanger"): _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_sanger, ("fastq", "fastq-solexa"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_solexa, ("fastq-sanger", "fastq-solexa"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_solexa, ("fastq-solexa", "fastq-solexa"): _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_solexa, ("fastq-illumina", "fastq-solexa"): _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_solexa, ("fastq", "fastq-illumina"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_illumina, ("fastq-sanger", "fastq-illumina"): _fastq_sanger_convert_fastq_illumina, ("fastq-solexa", "fastq-illumina"): _fastq_solexa_convert_fastq_illumina, ("fastq-illumina", "fastq-illumina"): _fastq_illumina_convert_fastq_illumina, ("fastq", "qual"): _fastq_sanger_convert_qual, ("fastq-sanger", "qual"): _fastq_sanger_convert_qual, ("fastq-solexa", "qual"): _fastq_solexa_convert_qual, ("fastq-illumina", "qual"): _fastq_illumina_convert_qual, } def _handle_convert(in_handle, in_format, out_handle, out_format, alphabet=None): """Convert handles from one format to another (PRIVATE).""" try: f = _converter[(in_format, out_format)] except KeyError: f = None if f: return f(in_handle, out_handle, alphabet) else: records = SeqIO.parse(in_handle, in_format, alphabet) return SeqIO.write(records, out_handle, out_format)