from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points from .version import _warn_if_setuptools_outdated from .utils import do, trace_exception from . import _get_version, Configuration def version_keyword(dist, keyword, value): _warn_if_setuptools_outdated() if not value: return if value is True: value = {} if getattr(value, "__call__", None): value = value() config = Configuration(**value) dist.metadata.version = _get_version(config) def find_files(path=""): for ep in iter_entry_points("setuptools_scm.files_command"): command = ep.load() if isinstance(command, str): # this technique is deprecated res = do(ep.load(), path or ".").splitlines() else: res = command(path) if res: return res return [] def _args_from_toml(name="pyproject.toml"): # todo: more sensible config initialization # move this elper back to config and unify it with the code from get_config with open(name) as strm: defn = __import__("toml").load(strm) return defn.get("tool", {})["setuptools_scm"] def infer_version(dist): try: config = Configuration.from_file() except Exception: return trace_exception() dist.metadata.version = _get_version(config)