""" Logo formatting. Each formatter is a function f(data, format) that draws a representation of the logo. The main graphical formatter is eps_formatter. A mapping 'formatters' containing all available formatters . Each formatter returns binary data. The eps and data formats can decoded to strings, e.g. eps_as_string = eps_data.decode() """ import shutil from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from math import log from string import Template import os from .utils import resource_string from .logo import LogoData, LogoFormat from .color import Color __all__ = ['pdf_formatter', 'jpeg_formatter', 'svg_formatter', 'png_formatter', 'png_print_formatter', 'txt_formatter', 'eps_formatter', 'formatters', 'default_formatter', 'GhostscriptAPI'] std_units = { "bits": 1. / log(2), "nats": 1., "digits": 1. / log(10), "kT": 1., "kJ/mol": 8.314472 * 298.15 / 1000., "kcal/mol": 1.987 * 298.15 / 1000., "probability": None, } """Some text""" def pdf_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in PDF format.""" eps = eps_formatter(logodata, logoformat).decode() gs = GhostscriptAPI() return gs.convert('pdf', eps, logoformat.logo_width, logoformat.logo_height) def _bitmap_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat, device: str) -> bytes: eps = eps_formatter(logodata, logoformat).decode() gs = GhostscriptAPI() return gs.convert(device, eps, logoformat.logo_width, logoformat.logo_height, logoformat.resolution) def jpeg_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in JPEG format.""" return _bitmap_formatter(logodata, logoformat, device="jpeg") def svg_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. Requires the program 'pdf2svg' be installed. """ pdf = pdf_formatter(logodata, logoformat) command = shutil.which('pdf2svg') if command is None: raise EnvironmentError("Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format requires the program" "'pdf2svg'.") # pragma: no cover import tempfile fpdfi, fname_pdf = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".pdf") fsvgi, fname_svg = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".svg") try: fpdf2 = open(fname_pdf, 'w') fpdf2.buffer.write(pdf) fpdf2.seek(0) args = [command, fname_pdf, fname_svg] p = Popen(args) (out, err) = p.communicate() fsvg = open(fname_svg) return fsvg.read().encode() finally: os.remove(fname_svg) os.remove(fname_pdf) def png_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in PNG format.""" return _bitmap_formatter(logodata, logoformat, device="png") def png_print_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in PNG format with print quality (600 DPI) resolution.""" logoformat.resolution = 600 return _bitmap_formatter(logodata, logoformat, device="png") def txt_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Create a text representation of the logo data. """ return str(logodata).encode() def eps_formatter(logodata: LogoData, logoformat: LogoFormat) -> bytes: """ Generate a logo in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)""" substitutions = {} from_format = [ "creation_date", "logo_width", "logo_height", "lines_per_logo", "line_width", "line_height", "line_margin_right", "line_margin_left", "line_margin_bottom", "line_margin_top", "title_height", "xaxis_label_height", "creator_text", "logo_title", "logo_margin", "stroke_width", "tic_length", "stacks_per_line", "stack_margin", "yaxis_label", "yaxis_tic_interval", "yaxis_minor_tic_interval", "xaxis_label", "xaxis_tic_interval", "number_interval", "fineprint", "shrink_fraction", "errorbar_fraction", "errorbar_width_fraction", "errorbar_gray", "small_fontsize", "fontsize", "title_fontsize", "number_fontsize", "text_font", "logo_font", "title_font", "logo_label", "yaxis_scale", "end_type", "debug", "show_title", "show_xaxis", "show_xaxis_label", "show_yaxis", "show_yaxis_label", "show_boxes", "show_errorbars", "show_fineprint", "rotate_numbers", "show_ends", "stack_height", "stack_width" ] for sf in from_format: substitutions[sf] = getattr(logoformat, sf) substitutions["shrink"] = str(logoformat.show_boxes).lower() def format_color(color: Color) -> str: # (no fold) return " ".join(("[", str(color.red), str(color.green), str(color.blue), "]")) substitutions["default_color"] = format_color(logoformat.default_color) data = [] # Unit conversion. 'None' for probability units conv_factor = std_units[logoformat.unit_name] data.append("StartLine") seq_from = logoformat.logo_start - logoformat.first_index seq_to = logoformat.logo_end - logoformat.first_index + 1 # seq_index : zero based index into sequence data # logo_index : User visible coordinate, first_index based # stack_index : zero based index of visible stacks for seq_index in range(seq_from, seq_to): # logo_index = seq_index + logoformat.first_index stack_index = seq_index - seq_from if stack_index != 0 and (stack_index % logoformat.stacks_per_line) == 0: data.append("") data.append("EndLine") data.append("StartLine") data.append("") data.append("(%s) StartStack" % logoformat.annotate[seq_index]) if conv_factor: stack_height = logodata.entropy[seq_index] * std_units[logoformat.unit_name] else: stack_height = 1.0 # probability # pragma: no cover # Sort by frequency. If equal frequency then reverse alphabetic # (So sort reverse alphabetic first, then frequencty) # TODO: doublecheck this actual works s = list(zip(logodata.counts[seq_index], logodata.alphabet)) s.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) s.reverse() s.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) if not logoformat.reverse_stacks: s.reverse() # pragma: no cover C = float(sum(logodata.counts[seq_index])) if C > 0.0: fraction_width = 1.0 if logoformat.scale_width: fraction_width = logodata.weight[seq_index] # print(fraction_width, file=sys.stderr) for rank, c in enumerate(s): color = logoformat.color_scheme.symbol_color(seq_index, c[1], rank) data.append(" %f %f %s (%s) ShowSymbol" % ( fraction_width, c[0] * stack_height / C, format_color(color), c[1])) # Draw error bar on top of logo. Replaced by DrawErrorbarFirst above. if logodata.entropy_interval is not None and conv_factor and C > 0.0: low, high = logodata.entropy_interval[seq_index] center = logodata.entropy[seq_index] low *= conv_factor high *= conv_factor center *= conv_factor if high > logoformat.yaxis_scale: high = logoformat.yaxis_scale # pragma: no cover down = (center - low) up = (high - center) data.append(" %f %f DrawErrorbar" % (down, up)) data.append("EndStack") data.append("") data.append("EndLine") substitutions["logo_data"] = "\n".join(data) # Create and output logo template = resource_string(__name__, 'template.eps', __file__).decode() logo = Template(template).substitute(substitutions) return logo.encode() formatters = { 'eps': eps_formatter, 'pdf': pdf_formatter, 'png': png_formatter, 'png_print': png_print_formatter, 'jpeg': jpeg_formatter, 'svg': svg_formatter, 'logodata': txt_formatter, } """Map between output format names and corresponing logo formatter""" default_formatter = eps_formatter """The default logo formatter.""" class GhostscriptAPI(object): """Interface to the command line program Ghostscript ('gs')""" formats = ('png', 'pdf', 'jpeg') def __init__(self, path: os.PathLike = None) -> None: """ Raises: EnvironmentError: If cannot find Ghostscript executable on path """ command = shutil.which('gs', path=path) if command is None: command = shutil.which('gswin32c.exe', path=path) # pragma: no cover if command is None: raise EnvironmentError("Could not find Ghostscript on path. " "There should be either a gs executable or a gswin32c.exe on " "your system's path") # pragma: no cover self.command = command def version(self) -> str: """Returms: The ghostscript version string""" args = [self.command, '--version'] try: p = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() except OSError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Cannot communicate with ghostscript.") # pragma: no cover return out.strip() def convert(self, format: str, postscript: str, width: int, height: int, resolution: int = 300) -> bytes: """Convert a string of postscript into a different graphical format Supported foramts are 'png', 'pdf', and 'jpeg'. Raises: ValueError: For an unregonized format. """ device_map = {'png': 'png16m', 'pdf': 'pdfwrite', 'jpeg': 'jpeg'} try: device = device_map[format] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Unsupported format.") args = [self.command, "-sDEVICE=%s" % device, "-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer", # "-q", # Quite: Do not dump messages to stdout. "-sstdout=%stderr", # Redirect messages and errors to stderr # fix issue 36, problems with ghostscript 9.10 "-dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged", "-sOutputFile=-", # Stdout "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=%s" % str(width), "-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=%s" % str(height), "-dSAFER", # For added security "-dNOPAUSE", ] if device != 'pdf': args.append("-r%s" % str(resolution)) if resolution < 300: # Antialias if resolution is Less than 300 DPI args.append("-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4") args.append("-dTextAlphaBits=4") args.append("-dAlignToPixels=0") args.append("-") # Read from stdin. Must be last argument. error_msg = "Unrecoverable error : Ghostscript conversion failed " \ "(Invalid postscript?). %s" % " ".join(args) try: p = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate(postscript.encode()) except OSError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError(error_msg) # pragma: no cover if p.returncode != 0: # pragma: no cover error_msg += '\nReturn code: %i\n' % p.returncode if err is not None: error_msg += err raise RuntimeError(error_msg) return out # end class Ghostscript