Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: dnaio Version: 0.4.1 Summary: Read FASTA and FASTQ files efficiently Home-page: Author: Marcel Martin Author-email: License: MIT Description: [![Travis](]( [![PyPI](]( [![Codecov](]( # dnaio parses FASTQ and FASTA `dnaio` is a Python 3 library for fast parsing of FASTQ and also FASTA files. The code was previously part of the [Cutadapt]( tool and has been improved since it has been split out. ## Example usage The main interface is the `` function: import dnaio with'reads.fastq.gz') as f: bp = 0 for record in f: bp += len(record) print(f'The input file contains {bp/1E6:.1f} Mbp') ## Features and supported file types - FASTQ input and output - FASTA input and output - Compressed input and output (`.gz`, `.bz2` and `.xz`, detected automatically) - Paired-end data in two files - Interleaved paired-end data in a single file - Files with DOS/Windows linebreaks can be read - FASTQ files with a second header line (after the `+`) are supported # Limitations - Multi-line FASTQ files are not supported. You shouldn’t use them anyway. - FASTQ parsing is the focus of this library. The FASTA parser is not as optimized. # Links * [Source code]( * [Report an issue]( * [Project page on PyPI]( Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Natural Language :: English Classifier: Programming Language :: Cython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics Requires-Python: >=3.4 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown Provides-Extra: dev