# # = sample/demo_fasta_remote.rb - demonstration of FASTA execution using GenomeNet web service # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Toshiaki Katayama # License:: The Ruby License # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::Fasta.remote, wrapper class for FASTA execution using # GenomeNet fasta.genome.jp web service. # # == Requirements # # * Internet connection # # == Usage # # Specify a files containing a nucleic acid sequence. # The file format should be the fasta format. # # $ ruby demo_fasta_remote.rb file.fst # # Example usage using test data: # # $ ruby -Ilib sample/demo_fasta_remote.rb test/data/blast/b0002.faa # # Note that it may take very long time. Please wait for 3 to 5 minutes. # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/appl/fasta.rb. # require 'bio' #if __FILE__ == $0 begin require 'pp' alias p pp rescue end # serv = Bio::Fasta.local('fasta34', 'hoge.nuc') # serv = Bio::Fasta.local('fasta34', 'hoge.pep') # serv = Bio::Fasta.local('ssearch34', 'hoge.pep') # This may take 3 minutes or so. serv = Bio::Fasta.remote('fasta', 'genes') p serv.query(ARGF.read) #end