# # = sample/demo_genscan_report.rb - demonstration of Bio::Genscan::Report # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::Genscan::Report, parser class for Genscan output. # # == Usage # # Usage 1: Without arguments, demonstrates using preset sample data. # # $ ruby demo_genscan.rb # # Usage 2: When a "-" is specified as the argument, read data from stdin. # # $ cat testdata | ruby demo_genscan.rb - # # Usage 3: Specify a file containing a Genscan output. # # $ ruby demo_genscan.rb file # # Example usage using test data: # # $ ruby -Ilib sample/demo_genscan.rb test/data/genscan/sample.report # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/appl/genscan/report.rb and modified: # * Changed the way to read preset sample data. # require 'bio' #if __FILE__ == $0 if ARGV.empty? then report = DATA.read elsif ARGV.size == 1 and ARGV[0] == '-' then ARGV.shift report = $<.read else report = ARGF.read end puts "= class Bio::Genscan::Report " report = Bio::Genscan::Report.new(report) print " report.genscan_version #=> " p report.genscan_version print " report.date_run #=> " p report.date_run print " report.time #=> " p report.time print " report.query_name #=> " p report.query_name print " report.length #=> " p report.length print " report.gccontent #=> " p report.gccontent print " report.isochore #=> " p report.isochore print " report.matrix #=> " p report.matrix puts " report.predictions (Array of Bio::Genscan::Report::Gene) " print " report.predictions.size #=> " p report.predictions.size report.predictions.each {|gene| puts "\n== class Bio::Genscan::Report::Gene " print " gene.number #=> " p gene.number print " gene.aaseq (Bio::FastaFormat) #=> " p gene.aaseq print " gene.naseq (Bio::FastaFormat) #=> " p gene.naseq print " ene.promoter (Bio::Genscan::Report::Exon) #=> " p gene.promoter print " gene.polyA (Bio::Genscan::Report::Exon) #=> " p gene.polyA puts " gene.exons (Array of Bio::Genscan::Report::Exon) " print " gene.exons.size #=> " p gene.exons.size gene.exons.each {|exon| puts "\n== class Bio::Genscan::Report::Exon " print " exon.number #=> " p exon.number print " exon.exon_type #=> " p exon.exon_type print " exon.exon_type_long #=> " p exon.exon_type_long print " exon.strand #=> " p exon.strand print " exon.first #=> " p exon.first print " exon.last #=> " p exon.last print " exon.range (Range) #=> " p exon.range print " exon.frame #=> " p exon.frame print " exon.phase #=> " p exon.phase print " exon.acceptor_score #=> " p exon.acceptor_score print " exon.donor_score #=> " p exon.donor_score print " exon.initiation_score #=> " p exon.initiation_score print " exon.termination_score #=> " p exon.termination_score print " exon.score #=> " p exon.score print " exon.p_value #=> " p exon.p_value print " exon.t_score #=> " p exon.t_score puts } puts } #end ### Sample Genscan report is attached below. ### The lines after the "__END__" can be accessed by using "DATA". __END__ GENSCAN 1.0 Date run: 30-May-103 Time: 14:06:28 Sequence HUMRASH : 12942 bp : 68.17% C+G : Isochore 4 (57 - 100 C+G%) Parameter matrix: HumanIso.smat Predicted genes/exons: Gn.Ex Type S .Begin ...End .Len Fr Ph I/Ac Do/T CodRg P.... Tscr.. ----- ---- - ------ ------ ---- -- -- ---- ---- ----- ----- ------ 1.01 Init + 1664 1774 111 1 0 94 83 212 0.997 21.33 1.02 Intr + 2042 2220 179 1 2 104 66 408 0.997 40.12 1.03 Intr + 2374 2533 160 1 1 89 94 302 0.999 32.08 1.04 Term + 3231 3350 120 2 0 115 48 202 0.980 18.31 1.05 PlyA + 3722 3727 6 -5.80 2.00 Prom + 6469 6508 40 -7.92 2.01 Init + 8153 8263 111 1 0 94 83 212 0.998 21.33 2.02 Intr + 8531 8709 179 1 2 104 66 408 0.997 40.12 2.03 Intr + 8863 9022 160 1 1 89 94 302 0.999 32.08 2.04 Term + 9720 9839 120 2 0 115 48 202 0.961 18.31 Predicted peptide sequence(s): Predicted coding sequence(s): >HUMRASH|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_1|189_aa MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVIDGETCLLDILDTAG QEEYSAMRDQYMRTGEGFLCVFAINNTKSFEDIHQYREQIKRVKDSDDVPMVLVGNKCDL AARTVESRQAQDLARSYGIPYIETSAKTRQGVEDAFYTLVREIRQHKLRKLNPPDESGPG CMSCKCVLS >HUMRASH|GENSCAN_predicted_CDS_1|570_bp atgacggaatataagctggtggtggtgggcgccggcggtgtgggcaagagtgcgctgacc atccagctgatccagaaccattttgtggacgaatacgaccccactatagaggattcctac cggaagcaggtggtcattgatggggagacgtgcctgttggacatcctggataccgccggc caggaggagtacagcgccatgcgggaccagtacatgcgcaccggggagggcttcctgtgt gtgtttgccatcaacaacaccaagtcttttgaggacatccaccagtacagggagcagatc aaacgggtgaaggactcggatgacgtgcccatggtgctggtggggaacaagtgtgacctg gctgcacgcactgtggaatctcggcaggctcaggacctcgcccgaagctacggcatcccc tacatcgagacctcggccaagacccggcagggagtggaggatgccttctacacgttggtg cgtgagatccggcagcacaagctgcggaagctgaaccctcctgatgagagtggccccggc tgcatgagctgcaagtgtgtgctctcctga >HUMRASH|GENSCAN_predicted_peptide_2|189_aa MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVIDGETCLLDILDTAG QEEYSAMRDQYMRTGEGFLCVFAINNTKSFEDIHQYREQIKRVKDSDDVPMVLVGNKCDL AARTVESRQAQDLARSYGIPYIETSAKTRQGVEDAFYTLVREIRQHKLRKLNPPDESGPG CMSCKCVLS >HUMRASH|GENSCAN_predicted_CDS_2|570_bp atgacggaatataagctggtggtggtgggcgccggcggtgtgggcaagagtgcgctgacc atccagctgatccagaaccattttgtggacgaatacgaccccactatagaggattcctac cggaagcaggtggtcattgatggggagacgtgcctgttggacatcctggataccgccggc caggaggagtacagcgccatgcgggaccagtacatgcgcaccggggagggcttcctgtgt gtgtttgccatcaacaacaccaagtcttttgaggacatccaccagtacagggagcagatc aaacgggtgaaggactcggatgacgtgcccatggtgctggtggggaacaagtgtgacctg gctgcacgcactgtggaatctcggcaggctcaggacctcgcccgaagctacggcatcccc tacatcgagacctcggccaagacccggcagggagtggaggatgccttctacacgttggtg cgtgagatccggcagcacaagctgcggaagctgaaccctcctgatgagagtggccccggc tgcatgagctgcaagtgtgtgctctcctga