# # = sample/demo_kegg_genome.rb - demonstration of Bio::KEGG::GENOME # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2007 Toshiaki Katayama # License:: The Ruby License # # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::KEGG::GENOME, a parser class for the KEGG/GENOME # genome database. # # == Usage # # Specify files containing KEGG GENOME data. # # $ ruby demo_kegg_genome.rb files... # # == Example of running this script # # Download test data. # # $ ruby -Ilib bin/br_biofetch.rb genome eco > eco.genome # $ ruby -Ilib bin/br_biofetch.rb genome hsa > hsa.genome # # Run this script. # # $ ruby -Ilib sample/demo_kegg_genome.rb eco.genome hsa.genome # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/db/kegg/genome.rb and modified. # require 'bio' #if __FILE__ == $0 begin require 'pp' def p(arg); pp(arg); end rescue LoadError end #require 'bio/io/flatfile' ff = Bio::FlatFile.new(Bio::KEGG::GENOME, ARGF) ff.each do |genome| puts "### Tags" p genome.tags [ %w( ENTRY entry_id ), %w( NAME name ), %w( DEFINITION definition ), %w( TAXONOMY taxonomy taxid lineage ), %w( REFERENCE references ), %w( CHROMOSOME chromosomes ), %w( PLASMID plasmids ), %w( STATISTICS statistics nalen num_gene num_rna ), ].each do |x| puts "### " + x.shift x.each do |m| p genome.__send__(m) end end puts "=" * 78 end #end