# # = sample/demo_psort.rb - demonstration of Bio::PSORT, client for PSORT WWW server # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003-2006 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::PSORT, client for PSORT (protein sorting site # prediction systems) WWW server. # # == Requirements # # Internet connection is needed. # # == Usage # # Simply run this script. # # $ ruby demo_psort.rb # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/appl/psort.rb. # require 'bio' #if __FILE__ == $0 #begin # require 'psort/report.rb' #rescue LoadError #end seq = ">hoge mit MALEPIDYTT RDEDDLDENE LLMKISNAAG SSRVNDNNDD LTFVENDKII ARYSIQTSSK QQGKASTPPV EEAEEAAPQL PSRSSAAPPP PPRRATPEKK DVKDLKSKFE GLAASEKEEE EMENKFAPPP KKSEPTIISP KPFSKPQEPV FKGYHVQVTA HSREIDAEYL KIVRGSDPDT TWLIISPNAK KEYEPESTGS KKSFTPSKSP APVSKKEPVK TPSPAPAAKI PKENPWATAE YDYDAAEDNE NIEFVDDDWW LGELEKDGSK GLFPSNYVSL LPSRNVASGA PVQKEEPEQE SFHDFLQLFD ETKVQYGLAR RKAKQNSGNA ETKAEAPKPE VPEDEPEGEP DDWNEPELKE RDFDQAPLKP NQSSYKPIGK IDLQKVIAEE KAKEDPRLVQ DYKKIGNPLP GMHIEADNEE EPEENDDDWD DDEDEAAQPP ANFAAVANNL KPTAAGSKID DDKVIKGFRN EKSPAQLWAE VSPPGSDVEK IIIIGWCPDS APLKTRASFA PSSDIANLKN ESKLKRDSEF NSFLGTTKPP SMTESSLKND KAEEAEQPKT EIAPSLPSRN SIPAPKQEEA PEQAPEEEIE GN " Seq1 = ">hgoe LTFVENDKII NI " puts "\n Bio::PSORT::PSORT" puts "\n ==> p serv = Bio::PSORT::PSORT.imsut" p serv = Bio::PSORT::PSORT1.imsut puts "\n ==> p serv.class " p serv.class puts "\n ==> p serv.title = 'Query_title_splited_by_white space'" p serv.title = 'Query_title_splited_by_white space' puts "\n ==> p serv.exec(seq, false) " p serv.exec(seq, false) puts "\n ==> p serv.exec(seq) " p serv.exec(seq) puts "\n ==> p report = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq)) " p report = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq)) puts "\n ==> p report.class" p report.class puts "\n ==> p report_raw = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq), false) " p report_raw = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq), false) puts "\n ==> p report_raw.class" p report_raw.class puts "\n ==> p report.methods" p report.methods methods = ['entry_id', 'origin', 'title', 'sequence','result_info', 'reasoning', 'final_result', 'raw'] methods.each do |method| puts "\n ==> p report.#{method}" p eval("report.#{method}") end puts "\n Bio::PSORT::PSORT2" puts "\n ==> p serv = Bio::PSORT::PSORT2.imsut" p serv = Bio::PSORT::PSORT2.imsut puts "\n ==> p serv.class " p serv.class puts "\n ==> p seq " p seq puts "\n ==> p serv.title = 'Query_title_splited_by_white space'" p serv.title = 'Query_title_splited_by_white space' puts "\n ==> p serv.exec(seq) # parsed report" p serv.exec(seq) puts "\n ==> p report = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq)) # parsed report" p report = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq)) puts "\n ==> p serv.exec(seq, false) # report in plain text" p serv.exec(seq, false) puts "\n ==> p report_raw = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq), false) # report in plain text" p report_raw = serv.exec(Bio::FastaFormat.new(seq), false) puts "\n ==> p report.methods" p report.methods methods = ['entry_id', 'scl', 'definition', 'seq', 'features', 'prob', 'pred', 'k', 'raw'] methods.each do |method| puts "\n ==> p report.#{method}" p eval("report.#{method}") end #end