# # = sample/demo_psort_report.rb - demonstration of Bio::PSORT::PSORT2::Report # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003 # Mitsuteru C. Nakao # License:: The Ruby License # # # == IMPORTANT NOTE # # The sample may not work because it has not been tested for a long time. # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::PSORT::PSORT2::Report, parser class for the PSORT # systems output. # # == Usage # # Specify a file containing PSORT2 output. # # $ ruby demo_psort_report.rb # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/appl/psort/report.rb. # require 'bio' # testing code #if __FILE__ == $0 while entry = $<.gets(Bio::PSORT::PSORT2::Report::DELIMITER) puts "\n ==> a = Bio::PSORT::PSORT2::Report.parser(entry)" a = Bio::PSORT::PSORT2::Report.parser(entry) puts "\n ==> a.entry_id " p a.entry_id puts "\n ==> a.scl " p a.scl puts "\n ==> a.pred " p a.pred puts "\n ==> a.prob " p a.prob p a.prob.keys.sort.map {|k| k.rjust(4)}.inspect.gsub('"','') p a.prob.keys.sort.map {|k| a.prob[k].to_s.rjust(4) }.inspect.gsub('"','') puts "\n ==> a.k " p a.k puts "\n ==> a.definition" p a.definition puts "\n ==> a.seq" p a.seq puts "\n ==> a.features.keys.sort " p a.features.keys.sort a.features.keys.sort.each do |key| puts "\n ==> a.features['#{key}'] " puts a.features[key] end end #end