== 1.0.7 - 9-Sep-2015 * This gem is now signed. * The Rakefile tasks now assume Rubygems 2.x. == 1.0.6 - 12-Oct-2014 * Updates to the gemspec and Rakefile. == 1.0.5 - 10-Nov-2010 * Refactored the Rakefile. == 1.0.4 - 3-Aug-2009 * Fixed a symbol vs string issue for Ruby 1.9.x. == 1.0.3 - 21-Jul-2009 * License changed to Artistic 2.0. * Documentation updates. * Test file renamed to test_facade.rb. * Some Rakefile and gemspec updates * One test modified so that it passes with 1.9.x as well. == 1.0.2 - 11-Jun-2007 * Added a Rakefile with tasks for installation and testing. * Removed the install.rb file. Installation is now handled as a Rake task. * Some test suite refactoring. * Fixed the FACADE_VERSION number (now 1.0.2, was 1.1.0). == 1.0.1 - 8-Jun-2005 * Moved project to RubyForge. * Added a .gemspec file. * Added a MANIFEST. == 1.0.0 - 18-May-2005 * Initial release