# encoding: utf-8 require_relative '../lib/yell' puts <<-EOS # You can add logging to any class by including the Yell::Loggable module. # # When including the module, your class will get a :logger method. Before you # can use it, though, you will need to define a logger providing the :name of # your class. Yell.new :stdout, :name => 'Foo' # Define the class class Foo include Yell::Loggable end foo = Foo.new foo.logger.info "Hello World!" #=> "2012-02-29T09:30:00+01:00 [ INFO] 65784 : Hello World!" EOS puts "=== actual example ===" Yell.new :stdout, :name => 'Foo' class Foo include Yell::Loggable end foo = Foo.new foo.logger.info "Hello World!"