//#ifndef FORCE_DEBUG //#define NDEBUG //#endif #include #include #include "analysis/DNAVector.h" #include "analysis/KmerTable.h" #include "base/CommandLineParser.h" #include "analysis/sequenceUtil.h" extern "C" { #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif } static bool DEBUG_FLAG = false; using namespace std; static float MIN_KMER_ENTROPY = 1.0; bool Exists(const string & s) { FILE * p = fopen(s.c_str(), "r"); if (p != NULL) { fclose(p); return true; } // cout << "FATAL ERROR: Could not open file for read: " << s << endl; // cout << "Please make sure to enter the correct file name(s). Exiting now." << endl; return false; } void SortPrint(FILE * pReads, svec & ids, const vecDNAVector & seq) { long long i; Sort(ids); int lastID = -1; int id = -1; int start = -1; int edge = -1; int lastStart = -1; int lastEdge = -1; int ori; string line; char tmp[1024 * 10]; int lastStartTemp = -1; int lastOri = 1; for (i = 0; i lastStartTemp) { fprintf(pReads, "%s\t", line.c_str()); //const DNAVector &d = seq[lastID]; #ifndef NO_REVERSE_OUT DNAVector d = seq[lastID]; if (lastOri == -1) { d.ReverseComplement(); //cout << "Reversing" << endl; } else { //cout << "Forward" << endl; } #endif for (int j = 0; j lastStartTemp) { fprintf(pReads, "%s\t", line.c_str()); DNAVector d = seq[id]; if (ori == -1) d.ReverseComplement(); for (int j = 0; j= 0; i--) { if (n - i > 6) { break; } if (tmp[i] == '.') { tmp[i] = 0; string out = tmp; out += ".reads"; return out; } } string out = in + ".reads"; return out; } class KmerEntryCompare { const vecDNAVector& master; size_t kmer_length; DNAVector target; public: KmerEntryCompare(const vecDNAVector& m, size_t k) : master(m), kmer_length(k) { } const DNAVector& GetDNA(KmerEntry kmer) { return kmer.Index() < 0 ? target : master[kmer.Index()]; } int operator()(KmerEntry a, KmerEntry b) { const DNAVector &me = GetDNA(a); const DNAVector &you = GetDNA(b); //ML: perform the actual comparison on the raw char array const char* me_str = (&(me[0])) + max(a.Pos(), 0); const char* you_str = (&(you[0])) + max(b.Pos(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i you_str[i]) return false; if (me_str[i] < you_str[i]) return true; } return false; } void set_target(const DNAVector& d) { target = d; } }; void add_kmers(const vecDNAVector & all, int K, vector& result) { for (size_t j = 0; j& kmers, svec & ids, long long & count, const DNAVector & d, int edge, const vecDNAVector& reads, int kmer_length) { // Stores all kmer match positions among the reads in the svec ids vector. char kmerseq [kmer_length + 1]; strncpy(kmerseq, &d[1], kmer_length); kmerseq[kmer_length] = '\0'; //cout << "kmer: [" << kmerseq << "]" << endl; string s_kmerseq(kmerseq); float entropy = compute_entropy(s_kmerseq); if (entropy < MIN_KMER_ENTROPY) return(0); // only storing those kmers that aren't entirely low complexity. (ie. avoiding polyA) KmerEntryCompare comparer(reads, kmer_length); comparer.set_target(d); KmerEntry dummyKmer; vector::const_iterator iter = lower_bound(kmers.begin(), kmers.end(), dummyKmer, comparer); if (iter == kmers.end() || comparer(dummyKmer, *iter)) return -1; size_t ret = iter - kmers.begin(); count = 0; for (size_t i = ret; i aStringCmmd("-i", "read fasta file"); commandArg gStringCmmd("-g", "graph file"); commandArg oStringCmmd("-o", "graph output"); commandArg kCmmd("-k", "kmer size", 24); commandArg strandCmmd("-strand", "strand specific", false); commandArg maxReadsCmd("-max_reads", "max number of reads to map to graph", -1); commandArg debugCmmd("-debug", "verbosely describe operations", false); commandArg no_cleanupCmmd("-no_cleanup", "retain input files on success", false); commandLineParser P(argc, argv); P.SetDescription("Assembles k-mer sequences."); P.registerArg(aStringCmmd); P.registerArg(gStringCmmd); P.registerArg(oStringCmmd); P.registerArg(kCmmd); P.registerArg(strandCmmd); P.registerArg(maxReadsCmd); P.registerArg(debugCmmd); P.registerArg(no_cleanupCmmd); P.parse(); string aString = P.GetStringValueFor(aStringCmmd); // reads string gString = P.GetStringValueFor(gStringCmmd); // graph input string oString = P.GetStringValueFor(oStringCmmd); // graph output bool sStrand = P.GetBoolValueFor(strandCmmd); int k = P.GetIntValueFor(kCmmd) + 1; long max_reads = P.GetLongValueFor(maxReadsCmd); bool NO_CLEANUP = P.GetBoolValueFor(no_cleanupCmmd); DEBUG_FLAG = P.GetBoolValueFor(debugCmmd); if (Exists(oString) && (!Exists(gString)) && (!Exists(aString))) { cerr << "Quantify graph previously finished successfully on " << aString << ". Not rerunning here." << endl; return(0); } else if (!(Exists(gString) && Exists(aString))) { cerr << "ERROR: missing either: " << gString << " or " << aString << ", cannot run QuantifyGraph here." << endl; return(1); } int i, j; vecDNAVector seq; if (max_reads > 0) { // std::cerr << "*Restricting number of input reads to " << max_reads << endl; seq.setMaxSeqsToRead(max_reads); } seq.Read(aString, false, true, true, 1000); // parse the reads from the fasta file vector kmers; add_kmers(seq, k, kmers); size_t m = kmers.size(); FlatFileParser parser; // read the raw graph parser.Open(gString); FILE * pOut = fopen(oString.c_str(), "w"); // output graph string reads = ReadsExt(oString); FILE * pReads = fopen(reads.c_str(), "w"); // output reads in context of graph svec ids; ids.reserve(seq.size()); svec first; first.resize(100000, 'N'); // do an initial scan to set up the node identities and linkage info while (parser.ParseLine()) { if (parser.GetItemCount() >= 4) { const string & s = parser.AsString(3); // kmer int node = parser.AsInt(0); int prevNode = parser.AsInt(1); const char * p2 = s.c_str(); if (node >= first.isize()) first.resize(node + 10000, 'N'); first[node] = p2[0]; // first letter of the kmer stored } } // now, do a second pass: parser.Open(gString); while (parser.ParseLine()) { if (parser.GetItemCount() < 4) { fprintf(pOut, "%s\n", parser.Line().c_str()); // component header line // processing of component data from previously processed component if (ids.lsize() > 0) { SortPrint(pReads, ids, seq); } fprintf(pReads, "%s\n", parser.Line().c_str()); ids.clear(); continue; } const string & s = parser.AsString(3); // kmer //float entropy = compute_entropy(s); //cout << "[" << i << "," << j << "] " << s << " entropy: " << entropy << endl; //if (entropy < MIN_KMER_ENTROPY) continue; int node = parser.AsInt(0); int prevNode = parser.AsInt(1); const char * p2 = s.c_str(); long long edge = prevNode; long long n1 = 0; long long n2 = 0; if (prevNode >= 0) { // building the whole kmer sequence in 'sub' DNAVector sub; sub.resize(strlen(s.c_str()) + 1); const char * p = s.c_str(); for (i = 0; i0) fprintf(pOut, "\t"); if (i == 2) { fprintf(pOut, "%d", (int)(n1 + n2)); } else { fprintf(pOut, "%s", parser.AsString(i).c_str()); } } fprintf(pOut, "\n"); } // end looping through the kmer graph nodes if (ids.lsize() > 0) { SortPrint(pReads, ids, seq); } fclose(pOut); fclose(pReads); // only remove the input files once the outputs have been successfully generated. if (!NO_CLEANUP) { // remove inputs to reduce file counts. #ifdef WIN32 _unlink(aString.c_str()); _unlink(gString.c_str()); #else unlink(aString.c_str()); unlink(gString.c_str()); #endif } return 0; }