package CanvasXpress::Heatmap; use strict; use warnings; sub draw { my %inputs = @_; # structure of input hash: # # %inputs = ( samples => [ 'sampleA', 'sampleB', 'sampleC', ...], # value_matrix => [ ['featureA', valA, valB, valC, ...], # ['featureB', valA, valB, valC, ...], ... , # ], # ## and optionally: # feature_tree => "", # string containing the newick formatted tree # sample_tree => "", # ditto above # feature_descriptions => ['name of feature A', 'name of feature B', ...], # cluster_features => 0|1, ## clustering done in browser, exclusive with feature_tree option # cluster_samples => 0|1, # ); # my $html = "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
__EOJS__ ; return($html); } 1; #EOM