A.4 -- Creating a Template-Definition File

The size of each band in base pairs is listed in the right-most column. The template-definition file contains the location and size of the bands that define a given template. The first line of the file is always a comment line. Each remaining line contains a {row, bp} pair for each band in the template. The row coordinate indicates the pixel-row number of the template band while the bp coordinate indicates the band's size in base pairs. To define a new template, a new template-definition file should be constructed. We recommend that the band positions of the newly defined template be taken from an actual autoradiogram or gel.

                          88 33498
                          97 22010
                          117 15004
                          121 13286
                          143 9688
                          159 8454
                          176 7242
                          190 6369
                          203 5686
                          226 4822
                          238 4324
                          262 3675
                          325 2358
                          352 1929
                          398 1371
                          406 1264
Figure A.2: An example of a template-definition file.

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