package Casava::Common::Bcl; use File::Spec; use Data::Dumper; use Carp; use Casava::Common::Eamss qw(maskQvalsByEamss); BEGIN { use Exporter(); use vars qw (@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(%bclDef $BCL_FIELD_SEPARATOR); @EXPORT_OK = qw(&new &close &getRead &getFilter &getClusterCount); } # PROJECT: Pipeline # MODULE: # AUTHOR: Come Raczy # # Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # _bcl file API functions =pod =head1 NAME - _bcl file API functions =head2 SYNOPSIS use qw(); =head2 AUTHORSHIP Copyright (c) 2008 Illumina This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party copyright/license notices). =head1 DESCRIPTION Bcl Read file (_bcl file API functions) =head2 Overview Definition of the _qseq data format Currently tab separated text format. * Machine name: (hopefully) unique identifier of the sequencer. [:alnum:] * Run number: (hopefully) unique number to identify the run on the sequencer * Lane number: (strictly) positive integer (currently 1-8) * Tile number: (strictly) positive integer * X: x coordinate of the spot. Integer (can be negative) * Y: y coordinate of the spot. Integer (can be negativE) * Index: (strictly) positive integer. No indexing should have a value of 1. * Read Number: 1 for single reads; 1 or 2 for paired ends * Sequence: the sequence (ACGT.) * Quality: the calibrated quality string * Filter: Did the read passed filter (0 - No, 1 - Yes) 1 file for 1 "virtual lane" (concatenation of the lane number on 1 digit, with the index number on 4 digits), names s_lllll_seq.txt, where "lllll" is the id of the virtual lane. Note: to avoid problems with concurrent access to the files, intermediary "tile-based _qseq files" are created. When they are all completed, they are dispatched by index number and concatenated to get the final _qseq file. Messaging Functions =head2 Exports Casava::Common::Bcl::new($$$$$$$$$$$$$); Casava::Common::Bcl::closeQseq($); Casava::Common::Bcl::getRead($); Global variables: =head2 Depends on Casava::Common::QseqRead warnings, strict, POSIX, constant, IO::File =cut use warnings; use strict; use POSIX; use IO::File; use constant DEBUG => 0; # set to 1 to get debug info use Casava::Common::QseqRead; sub openBcl($$$$$$$$$$$$); sub close($); sub getRead($); sub openPositions($$$$$); sub getClusterCount($$); =pod =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 General Functions =over 4 =cut =pod =item new($$$$$$$$$$$$$) The procedure opens bcl file and returns ref to a structure destribing bcl file. B $machineName - name of the instrument $runNumber - run number on that instrument $laneNumber - lane number (1-8) $tileNumber - tile number (> 0) $inputDirectory - the BaseCalls directory $cyclesRef - arrayref to the list of cycles $positionsDirectory - directory containing the positions file $positionsFileFormat - "txt", "locs" or "clocs" $filtersDirectory - directory containing the filters file B HASH MAP Ref to Bcl structure: qseqRead bclFiles positionsFile filtersFile =cut sub new($$$$$$$$$$$$$) { my $class = shift; my ($machineName, $runNumber, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $inputDirectory, $cyclesRef, $barcodeCyclesRef, $read, $positionsDirectory, $positionsFileFormat, $filtersDirectory, $withEamss) = @_; croak "Input directory $inputDirectory does not exist" unless -d $inputDirectory; croak "Filters directory $filtersDirectory does not exist" unless -d $filtersDirectory; croak "Positions directory $positionsDirectory does not exist" unless -d $positionsDirectory; croak "Empty list of cycles" unless @$cyclesRef; croak "Invalid read $read" unless 0 < $read; croak "Support for barcodes is not implemented yet" if @$barcodeCyclesRef; croak "Unknown positions file format $positionsFileFormat" unless grep(/^$positionsFileFormat$/, 'txt', 'locs'); my $laneDirectory = File::Spec->catfile($inputDirectory, sprintf("L%03u", $laneNumber)); my $bclName = sprintf("s_%u_%u.bcl", $laneNumber, $tileNumber); my @bclFiles; # TODO: implement support for barcodes # my @barcodeFiles; my $clusterCount; foreach my $cycle (@$cyclesRef) { my $bclFilePath = File::Spec->catfile($laneDirectory, sprintf("C%u.1", $cycle), $bclName); my $handle = new IO::File $bclFilePath, "r"; croak "Couldn't open BCL file $bclFilePath: $!" unless $handle; binmode($handle); my $tmpCount = getClusterCount($handle, $bclFilePath); $clusterCount = $tmpCount unless defined $clusterCount; croak "Unexpected cluster count in BCL file $bclFilePath: expected $clusterCount: got $tmpCount" unless $tmpCount==$clusterCount; push @bclFiles, $handle; } my $positionsFile = openPositions($positionsDirectory, $positionsFileFormat, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount); my $filtersFilePath = File::Spec->catfile($filtersDirectory, sprintf("s_%u_%04u.filter", $laneNumber, $tileNumber)); my $filtersFile = new IO::File $filtersFilePath; croak "Couldn't open filters file $filtersFilePath: $!" unless $filtersFile; binmode($filtersFile); my $tmpCount = getClusterCount($filtersFile, $filtersFilePath); croak "Unexpected cluster count in filter file $filtersFilePath: expected $clusterCount: got $tmpCount" unless $tmpCount==$clusterCount; my $qseqRead = Casava::Common::QseqRead->new([$machineName, $runNumber, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, 0, 0, 0, $read, '', '', 0]); my $self = {qseqRead=>$qseqRead, bclFiles=>\@bclFiles, positionsFile=>$positionsFile, filtersFile=>$filtersFile, clusterCount=>$clusterCount, clustersRead=>0, withEamss=>$withEamss}; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # sub openBcl =pod =item close($) The procedure closes bcl and associated file B $self - HASH MAP Ref to Bcl structure: B status (0 or 1) =cut sub close($) { my ($self) = @_; foreach my $bclFile (@{$self->{bclFiles}}) { CORE::close($bclFile); } CORE::close($self->{positionsFile}->{handle}); CORE::close($self->{filtersFile}); return 1; } # sub close =pod =item getQseqRead($) The procedure reads one read (ARRAY Ref) from bcl file. If end of file then returns undef. To iterate while ( defined( my $readTmpRef = getQseqRead( %{$bclFileRef} ) ) ) { my $tile = $readTmpRef->tile(); } B $self - HASH MAP Ref to Bcl structure see openFile B QseqRead object Ref (undef if EOF) =cut our @baseLiterals = ('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'); sub getRead($) { my ($self) = @_; my @bases; my @qualities; if ($self->{clusterCount} <= $self->{clustersRead}) { return undef; } foreach my $bclFile(@{$self->{bclFiles}}) { my $c; read($bclFile, $c, 1) or croak "Failed to read bcl file $bclFile: $!"; my $v = unpack("C", $c); if ($v) { push @bases, $baseLiterals[$v & 3]; push @qualities, chr(64 + ($v >> 2)); } else { push @bases, 'N'; push @qualities, chr(66); } } # TODO: apply the EAMSS filter if needed if ($self->{withEamss}) { maskQvalsByEamss(\@qualities, \@bases); } my $coordinates = $self->{positionsFile}->{getCoordinates}(); my $filter = $self->getFilter(); my $qseqRead = $self->{qseqRead}; $qseqRead->X(sprintf("%.0f", 1000.0 + 10.0*$coordinates->[0])); $qseqRead->Y(sprintf("%.0f", 1000.0 + 10.0*$coordinates->[1])); # TODO: implement support for barcodes #$qseqRead->index = 0; $qseqRead->seq(join("", @bases)); $qseqRead->qualityString(join("", @qualities)); $qseqRead->filter($filter); $self->{clustersRead}++; return $qseqRead; } # sub getQseqRead =pod =item writeQseqRead($\%) The procedure writes one qseq read (ARRAY Ref) to qseq file. B $qseqReadRef - ARRAY MAP Ref to qseq read structure see getQseqRead $qseqRef - QseqRead object Ref B Nothing =cut sub getClusterCount($$) { my ($handle, $filePath) = @_; my $buffer; my $r = read($handle, $buffer, 4); croak "Couldn't read cluster count from $filePath: $!" unless $r and 4==$r; my $clusterCount = unpack("L", $buffer); return $clusterCount; } sub openTxtPositions($$$$); sub openLocsPositions($$$$); sub openPositions($$$$$) { my ($positionsDirectory, $positionsFileFormat, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount) = @_; if ('txt' eq $positionsFileFormat) { return openTxtPositions($positionsDirectory, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount) } elsif ('locs' eq $positionsFileFormat) { return openLocsPositions($positionsDirectory, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount) } else { croak "Unsupported position file format: $positionsFileFormat"; } } sub openTxtPositions($$$$) { my ($positionsDirectory, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount) = @_; my $positionsFilePath = File::Spec->catfile($positionsDirectory, sprintf("s_%u_%04u_pos.txt", $laneNumber, $tileNumber)); my $positionsFile = new IO::File $positionsFilePath, "r"; croak "Couldn't open positions file $positionsFilePath: $!" unless $positionsFile; my $getCoordinates = sub { croak "Unexpected error in positions file $positionsFilePath" unless $positionsFile; my $coordinatesLine; $coordinatesLine = <$positionsFile>; croak "Failed to read coordinates from positions file $positionsFilePath: $!" unless $coordinatesLine; $coordinatesLine =~ /^\s*(-?\d+([.]\d*)?)\s+(-?\d+([.]\d*)?)(\s|\n|\r)*$/ or croak "Failed to read coordinates from positions file $positionsFilePath: $coordinatesLine"; return [$1, $3]; }; return {getCoordinates=>$getCoordinates, handle=>$positionsFile}; } sub openLocsPositions($$$$) { my ($positionsDirectory, $laneNumber, $tileNumber, $clusterCount) = @_; my $positionsFilePath = File::Spec->catfile($positionsDirectory, sprintf("s_%u_%04u.locs", $laneNumber, $tileNumber)); my $positionsFile = new IO::File $positionsFilePath, "r"; croak "Couldn't open positions file $positionsFilePath: $!" unless $positionsFile; binmode($positionsFile); my $tmpCount = getClusterCount($positionsFile, $positionsFilePath); croak "Unexpected cluster count in positions file $positionsFilePath: expected $clusterCount: got $tmpCount" unless $tmpCount==$clusterCount; my $getCoordinates = sub { my $c; my $r = read($positionsFile, $c, 4); croak "Couldn't read X coordinate from positions file $positionsFilePath: $!" unless $r and 4 == $r; my $x = unpack("l", $c); $r = read($positionsFile, $c, 4); croak "Couldn't read Y coordinate from positions file $positionsFilePath: $!" unless $r and 4 == $r; my $y = unpack("l", $c); return [$x, $y]; }; return {getCoordinates=>$getCoordinates, handle=>$positionsFile}; } sub getFilter($) { my ($self) = @_; my $buffer; my $r = read($self->{filtersFile}, $buffer, 1); croak "Failed to read filter information: $!" unless $r and 1 == $r; # TODO: add full support for the controls my $fullFilter = unpack('C', $buffer); my $passFilter = ($fullFilter & 1); my $isControl = ($fullFilter > 1); return ($isControl ? 0 : $passFilter); } 1; # says use was ok __END__