package Casava::PostAlignment::Sequencing::MapReadToGenome; BEGIN { use Exporter(); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&mapReadToGenome $VERSION); } # PROJECT: CASAVA # MODULE: $RCSfile:,v $ # File: # # Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Solexa # Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Illumina, Inc. # # This software is covered by the "Illumina Genome Analyzer Software # License Agreement" and the "Illumina Source Code License Agreement", # and certain third party copyright/licenses, and any user of this # source file is bound by the terms therein (see accompanying files # Illumina_Genome_Analyzer_Software_License_Agreement.pdf and # Illumina_Source_Code_License_Agreement.pdf and third party # copyright/license notices). # # This file is part of the Consensus Assessment of Sequence And VAriation # (CASAVA) software package. # # Author: A. J. Cox # This source file is covered by the "Illumina Public Source License" # agreement and bound by the terms therein. # Description: # Convert a read into a set of bases that can be mapped to a reference # file, accounting for: # 1. orientation of its match relative to reference # 2. the way ELAND handles N characters # Convert the reads associated fastq string to match # Usage: # mapReadToGenome( read, fastq, nDescription, fastqString use strict; use English; sub mapReadToGenome { my ($read, $strand, $nDescription, $fastq)=@_; my ($r2, $q2); my ($leadingNs, $trailingNs); my ($leadingQs, $trailingQs); $fastq='0' x length($read) unless (defined($fastq)); die "length of read $read (".length($read). ") not equal to length of quality string $fastq (".length($fastq). ")\n" unless (length($fastq)==length($read)); # This code changed by TC 22.4.8 to fix issue IMP-15 # Function needs to retain leading Ns # Trim off trailing Ns # $read=~s/[Nn]+$//; # $fastq=substr($fastq,0,length($read)); # Trim off leading Ns # $read=~s/^[Nn]+//; # $fastq=substr($fastq,length($fastq)-length($read)); # separate leading and trailing Ns from read and split # corresponding quality string in the same way if ($read=~/(^[Nn]*)(.*?)([Nn]*$)/) { ($leadingNs, $read, $trailingNs)=($1,$2,$3); $leadingQs=substr($fastq,0,length($leadingNs)); $trailingQs=substr($fastq,-length($trailingNs),length($trailingNs)); $fastq=substr($fastq, length($leadingNs), length($fastq)-length($leadingNs)-length($trailingNs)); # print "$leadingNs $read $trailingNs $leadingQs $fastq $trailingQs\n"; } # if # if an N is an I, delete the base (insertion in read relative to genome) # if an N is a D, leave it in (base read but not detected) for my $nType (split(//,$nDescription)) { next unless ($nType=~/[DI]/); if ($read=~/([Nn])/) { $r2.=$PREMATCH; $q2.=substr($fastq,0,length($PREMATCH)); if ($nType eq 'D') { $r2.=$1; $q2.=substr($fastq,length($PREMATCH),1); } # if $read=$POSTMATCH; $fastq=substr($fastq,length($fastq)-length($read)); } else { print STDERR "Expected to find N"; } # else } # for $r2.=$read; $q2.=$fastq; # Finally, change strand if required if ($strand eq 'R') { # Append trailing Ns, these become leading Ns when translated to # forward strand $r2.=$trailingNs; $q2.=$trailingQs; $r2=reverse($r2); $r2=~tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; $q2=reverse($q2); } # if else { # Add in leading Ns $r2=$leadingNs.$r2; $q2=$leadingQs.$q2; } # else die "length of mapped read $r2 (".length($r2). ") not equal to length of quality string $q2 (".length($q2). ")\nOriginal read = $read original quality=$fastq\n" unless (length($q2)==length($r2)); return ($r2,$q2); } # sub mapReadToGenome # Comment out next 2 lines to use as standalone 1; __END__ # Simple main program to test my ($read, $strand, $nDescription, $fastq)=@ARGV; die unless ((@ARGV==3)||(@ARGV==4)); print "$read $fastq\n"; my ($readOut, $fastqOut)=mapReadToGenome($read, $strand, $nDescription, $fastq); print "$readOut $fastqOut\n";