- wrapper program to prepare and creates sub project directories for gap resolution. [options] <aceFile> <454Scaffold.txt> <454NewblerMetrics.txt>
Options: -od <directory> Output directory (optional; default is current working directory). -h Detailed message (optional)
This program reads an agp formatted file (i.e., 454Scaffold.txt) and constructs a sub project directory for each gap in all scaffolds that are larger than N (configurable) and have more than one contig. The two contigs spanning the gap must have at least M (configurable) number of linking reads for creation of the directory. Each directory contains a scaffinfo.txt file containing the information about the contig and gap size, formatted as such, whereby each item is separated by a tab, and represents one entry per line:
1. gap name 2. gap size 3. left contig length 4. left contig name 5. right contig length 6. right contig name 7. scaffold name
The program also creates the directory 'assemInfo' within the specified output directory containing the following files:
* gapdirs.txt - list of sub project directories.
* libinfo.txt - library name, insert size and standard deviation. For more information on the format of this file, refer to the documentation. * sffinfo.txt - sff name and location. For more information on the format of this file, refer to the * readinfo.txt - read pairing information. For more information on the format of this file, refer to the documentation. * contigOrientation.txt - file containing contig name and orientation (+/-) delimited by a tab, one per line. The program acts as a wrapper that calls the following executables:
1. 2. 3. A default config file named gapRes.config residing in <installPath>/config is used to specify the following parameters:
createSubProject.minReadLinkage=minimum number of read links across gapped contigs createSubProject.minScaffSize=minimum scaffold size for sub project creation createSubProject.ignoreCircularGap=0|1 used to create sub project for circularized genomes If the value of the config parameter script.nnnn doesn't contain file paths, assumes that the script name resides in the <installPath>/bin directory.
$Revision: 1.6 $
$Date: 2009-08-26 17:18:14 $
Stephan Trong
S.Trong 2008/10/28 creation
S.Trong 2009/08/05 - added ability to skip and create warnings file if sub project fails.