[options] <acefile> <outputfile> Options: -cf <file> File containing contig name and orientation (+/-) delimited by a tab, one per line (optional; use this to define contigs that need to be reverse complemented) -h help message (optional)
This script takes as input an ace file and generates a file containing the information of the reads and it's mate. The format of the output file is as follows, where each item is separated by a tab:
1. read name 2. read start 3. read stop 4. read strand (+/-) 5. contig name of the read 6. contig length of the read 7. type of pairing (P-paired, U-unpaired, M-multiply placed) 8. read pair name 9. read pair start 10. read pair stop 11. read pair strand (+/-) 12. contig name of the read pair 13. contig length of the read pair
$Revision: 1.13 $
$Date: 2009-08-26 17:18:15 $
S.Trong 2008/10/13 Creation
S.Trong 2009/02/20 - added support for phrap based read pairing