[options] <subdirectory list> <sffInfo file>
Options: -o <dir> output assembly directory (optional) default=Newbler -log <file> log file (optional; default is -warn <file> warning file (optional; default is defined in gapRes.config) -h detailed message (optional) -d debug printing (optional)
This program takes a list of gap project subdirectories as well as an sffInfo file, which lists the name and locations of each sff file for the project, and converts any reads specified in a read list into sff or fasta/qual depending on if it is a 454 or sanger type read. It organizes the data into three directories created within each gap subdirectory for paired 454 data, unpaired 454 data, and sanger-type data (fasta/quals).
The organized read data for each gap subproject is then assembled with newbler. It finds the location of newblers runAssembly using the config file param "newblerEnv" which points to the isntallation of newbler. This is also used to set the env variable SFFFILE_PATH needed by reads2sff. The assembly output can be found in a directory within each gap subdirectory and its name is configurable (default = Newbler).
A default config file named gapRes.config residing in <installPath>/config is used to specify the following parameters: newblerAssemSubProject.newbler=<path to newbler> newblerAssemSubProject.newblerOptions=-consed -g -nrm -rip newblerAssemSubProject.pairedDataDir=pairedData newblerAssemSubProject.unpairedDataDir=unpairedData
If the value of the config parameter script.nnnn doesn't contain file paths, assumes that the script name resides in the <installPath>/bin directory.
$Revision: 1.3 $
$Date: 2010-03-07 16:56:42 $
Kurt M. LaButti 2009-08-11 creation
Stephan Trong 2009-08-05 - added ability to skip and create warnings file if sub project fails.
Kurt M. LaButti - modified this code ( into a new componant.
Stephan Trong 2010-01-11 - added -log and -warn options.