method name
(eg. SHoundProteinsFromOrganism,
single parameter inline, or
comma-separated list of parameters for 'List' methods
single parameter inline, or
comma-separated list of parameters for 'List' methods
Some SeqHound methods (eg. SHoundGetFasta, SHoundSequenceLength,
) take a single parameter and return a single value. In many cases,
there are similar methods that take lists as arguments and return lists
(eg. SHoundGetFastaList). However, for other methods, there is no
corresponding 'List' method, (eg. SHoundSequenceLength). Since it is
innefficient to call Leash for each item in the list, use -mpil rather
than -mpi. -mpil will iterate through the list, calling the method (eg.
SHoundSequenceLength) for each item in the list, but returning a single
list at the end. Where the list is read from a file, use -mpfl.
[ tab | comma | lf | colon | line]. For
example, -sep comma would write output as a comma-separated list on a
single line. The -sep option does not take the actual character. eg.
"-sep ," is not accepted. Use "-sep comma".
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