/* test/sam.c -- SAM/BAM/CRAM API test cases. Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Genome Research Ltd. Author: John Marshall Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Suppress message for faidx_fetch_nseq(), which we're intentionally testing #include "htslib/hts_defs.h" #undef HTS_DEPRECATED #define HTS_DEPRECATED(message) #include "htslib/sam.h" #include "htslib/faidx.h" #include "htslib/kstring.h" int status; static void HTS_FORMAT(HTS_PRINTF_FMT, 1, 2) fail(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "Failed: "); va_start(args, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); va_end(args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); status = EXIT_FAILURE; } uint8_t *check_bam_aux_get(const bam1_t *aln, const char *tag, char type) { uint8_t *p = bam_aux_get(aln, tag); if (p) { if (*p == type) return p; else fail("%s field of type '%c', expected '%c'\n", tag, *p, type); } else fail("can't find %s field\n", tag); return NULL; } static void check_int_B_array(bam1_t *aln, char *tag, uint32_t nvals, int64_t *vals) { uint8_t *p; if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, tag, 'B')) != NULL) { uint32_t i; if (bam_auxB_len(p) != nvals) fail("Wrong length reported for %s field, got %u, expected %u\n", tag, bam_auxB_len(p), nvals); for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++) { if (bam_auxB2i(p, i) != vals[i]) { fail("Wrong value from bam_auxB2i for %s field index %u, " "got %"PRId64" expected %"PRId64"\n", tag, i, bam_auxB2i(p, i), vals[i]); } if (bam_auxB2f(p, i) != (double) vals[i]) { fail("Wrong value from bam_auxB2f for %s field index %u, " "got %f expected %f\n", tag, i, bam_auxB2f(p, i), (double) vals[i]); } } } } #define PI 3.141592653589793 #define E 2.718281828459045 #define HELLO "Hello, world!" #define NEW_HELLO "Yo, dude" #define BEEF "DEADBEEF" #define str(x) #x #define xstr(x) str(x) static int aux_fields1(void) { static const char sam[] = "data:," "@SQ\tSN:one\tLN:1000\n" "@SQ\tSN:two\tLN:500\n" "r1\t0\tone\t500\t20\t8M\t*\t0\t0\tATGCATGC\tqqqqqqqq\tXA:A:k\tXi:i:37\tXf:f:" xstr(PI) "\tXd:d:" xstr(E) "\tXZ:Z:" HELLO "\tXH:H:" BEEF "\tXB:B:c,-2,0,+2\tB0:B:i,-2147483648,-1,0,1,2147483647\tB1:B:I,0,1,2147483648,4294967295\tB2:B:s,-32768,-1,0,1,32767\tB3:B:S,0,1,32768,65535\tB4:B:c,-128,-1,0,1,127\tB5:B:C,0,1,127,255\tBf:B:f,-3.14159,2.71828\tZZ:i:1000000\tY1:i:-2147483648\tY2:i:-2147483647\tY3:i:-1\tY4:i:0\tY5:i:1\tY6:i:2147483647\tY7:i:2147483648\tY8:i:4294967295\n"; // Canonical form of the alignment record above, as output by sam_format1() static const char r1[] = "r1\t0\tone\t500\t20\t8M\t*\t0\t0\tATGCATGC\tqqqqqqqq\tXi:i:37\tXf:f:3.14159\tXd:d:2.71828\tXZ:Z:" NEW_HELLO "\tXH:H:" BEEF "\tXB:B:c,-2,0,2\tB0:B:i,-2147483648,-1,0,1,2147483647\tB1:B:I,0,1,2147483648,4294967295\tB2:B:s,-32768,-1,0,1,32767\tB3:B:S,0,1,32768,65535\tB4:B:c,-128,-1,0,1,127\tB5:B:C,0,1,127,255\tBf:B:f,-3.14159,2.71828\tZZ:i:1000000\tY1:i:-2147483648\tY2:i:-2147483647\tY3:i:-1\tY4:i:0\tY5:i:1\tY6:i:2147483647\tY7:i:2147483648\tY8:i:4294967295\tN0:i:-1234\tN1:i:1234"; samFile *in = sam_open(sam, "r"); bam_hdr_t *header = sam_hdr_read(in); bam1_t *aln = bam_init1(); uint8_t *p; kstring_t ks = { 0, 0, NULL }; int64_t b0vals[5] = { -2147483648LL,-1,0,1,2147483647LL }; // i int64_t b1vals[4] = { 0,1,2147483648LL,4294967295LL }; // I int64_t b2vals[5] = { -32768,-1,0,1,32767 }; // s int64_t b3vals[4] = { 0,1,32768,65535 }; // S int64_t b4vals[5] = { -128,-1,0,1,127 }; // c int64_t b5vals[4] = { 0,1,127,255 }; // C // NB: Floats not doubles below! // See https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/doubles-are-not-floats-so-dont-compare-them/ float bfvals[2] = { -3.14159f, 2.71828f }; int32_t ival = -1234; uint32_t uval = 1234; size_t nvals, i; if (sam_read1(in, header, aln) >= 0) { if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "XA", 'A')) && bam_aux2A(p) != 'k') fail("XA field is '%c', expected 'k'", bam_aux2A(p)); bam_aux_del(aln,p); if (bam_aux_get(aln,"XA")) fail("XA field was not deleted"); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "Xi", 'C')) && bam_aux2i(p) != 37) fail("Xi field is %"PRId64", expected 37", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "Xf", 'f')) && fabs(bam_aux2f(p) - PI) > 1E-6) fail("Xf field is %.12f, expected pi", bam_aux2f(p)); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "Xd", 'd')) && fabs(bam_aux2f(p) - E) > 1E-6) fail("Xf field is %.12f, expected e", bam_aux2f(p)); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "XZ", 'Z')) && strcmp(bam_aux2Z(p), HELLO) != 0) fail("XZ field is \"%s\", expected \"%s\"", bam_aux2Z(p), HELLO); bam_aux_update_str(aln,"XZ",strlen(NEW_HELLO)+1,NEW_HELLO); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "XZ", 'Z')) && strcmp(bam_aux2Z(p), NEW_HELLO) != 0) fail("XZ field is \"%s\", expected \"%s\"", bam_aux2Z(p), NEW_HELLO); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "XH", 'H')) && strcmp(bam_aux2Z(p), BEEF) != 0) fail("XH field is \"%s\", expected \"%s\"", bam_aux2Z(p), BEEF); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "XB", 'B')) && ! (memcmp(p, "Bc", 2) == 0 && memcmp(p + 2, "\x03\x00\x00\x00\xfe\x00\x02", 7) == 0)) fail("XB field is %c,..., expected c,-2,0,+2", p[1]); check_int_B_array(aln, "B0", sizeof(b0vals) / sizeof(b0vals[0]), b0vals); check_int_B_array(aln, "B1", sizeof(b1vals) / sizeof(b1vals[0]), b1vals); check_int_B_array(aln, "B2", sizeof(b2vals) / sizeof(b2vals[0]), b2vals); check_int_B_array(aln, "B3", sizeof(b3vals) / sizeof(b3vals[0]), b3vals); check_int_B_array(aln, "B4", sizeof(b4vals) / sizeof(b4vals[0]), b4vals); check_int_B_array(aln, "B5", sizeof(b5vals) / sizeof(b5vals[0]), b5vals); nvals = sizeof(bfvals) / sizeof(bfvals[0]); if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "Bf", 'B')) != NULL) { if (bam_auxB_len(p) != nvals) fail("Wrong length reported for Bf field, got %d, expected %zd\n", bam_auxB_len(p), nvals); for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++) { if (bam_auxB2f(p, i) != bfvals[i]) { fail("Wrong value from bam_auxB2f for Bf field index %zd, " "got %f expected %f\n", i, bam_auxB2f(p, i), bfvals[i]); } } } if ((p = check_bam_aux_get(aln, "ZZ", 'I')) && bam_aux2i(p) != 1000000) fail("ZZ field is %"PRId64", expected 1000000", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y1")) && bam_aux2i(p) != -2147483647-1) fail("Y1 field is %"PRId64", expected -2^31", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y2")) && bam_aux2i(p) != -2147483647) fail("Y2 field is %"PRId64", expected -2^31+1", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y3")) && bam_aux2i(p) != -1) fail("Y3 field is %"PRId64", expected -1", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y4")) && bam_aux2i(p) != 0) fail("Y4 field is %"PRId64", expected 0", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y5")) && bam_aux2i(p) != 1) fail("Y5 field is %"PRId64", expected 1", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y6")) && bam_aux2i(p) != 2147483647) fail("Y6 field is %"PRId64", expected 2^31-1", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y7")) && bam_aux2i(p) != 2147483648LL) fail("Y7 field is %"PRId64", expected 2^31", bam_aux2i(p)); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "Y8")) && bam_aux2i(p) != 4294967295LL) fail("Y8 field is %"PRId64", expected 2^32-1", bam_aux2i(p)); // Try appending some new tags if (bam_aux_append(aln, "N0", 'i', sizeof(ival), (uint8_t *) &ival) != 0) fail("Failed to append N0:i tag"); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "N0")) && bam_aux2i(p) != ival) fail("N0 field is %"PRId64", expected %d", bam_aux2i(p), ival); if (bam_aux_append(aln, "N1", 'I', sizeof(uval), (uint8_t *) &uval) != 0) fail("failed to append N1:I tag"); if ((p = bam_aux_get(aln, "N1")) && bam_aux2i(p) != uval) fail("N1 field is %"PRId64", expected %u", bam_aux2i(p), uval); if (sam_format1(header, aln, &ks) < 0) fail("can't format record"); if (strcmp(ks.s, r1) != 0) fail("record formatted incorrectly: \"%s\"", ks.s); free(ks.s); } else fail("can't read record"); bam_destroy1(aln); bam_hdr_destroy(header); sam_close(in); return 1; } static void iterators1(void) { hts_itr_destroy(sam_itr_queryi(NULL, HTS_IDX_REST, 0, 0)); hts_itr_destroy(sam_itr_queryi(NULL, HTS_IDX_NONE, 0, 0)); } static void copy_check_alignment(const char *infname, const char *informat, const char *outfname, const char *outmode, const char *outref) { samFile *in = sam_open(infname, "r"); samFile *out = sam_open(outfname, outmode); bam1_t *aln = bam_init1(); bam_hdr_t *header; if (outref) { if (hts_set_opt(out, CRAM_OPT_REFERENCE, outref) < 0) fail("setting reference %s for %s", outref, outfname); } header = sam_hdr_read(in); if (sam_hdr_write(out, header) < 0) fail("writing headers to %s", outfname); while (sam_read1(in, header, aln) >= 0) { int mod4 = ((intptr_t) bam_get_cigar(aln)) % 4; if (mod4 != 0) fail("%s CIGAR not 4-byte aligned; offset is 4k+%d for \"%s\"", informat, mod4, bam_get_qname(aln)); if (sam_write1(out, header, aln) < 0) fail("writing to %s", outfname); } bam_destroy1(aln); bam_hdr_destroy(header); sam_close(in); sam_close(out); } static void samrecord_layout(void) { static const char qnames[] = "data:," "@SQ\tSN:CHROMOSOME_II\tLN:5000\n" "a\t0\tCHROMOSOME_II\t100\t10\t4M\t*\t0\t0\tATGC\tqqqq\n" "bc\t0\tCHROMOSOME_II\t200\t10\t4M\t*\t0\t0\tATGC\tqqqq\n" "def\t0\tCHROMOSOME_II\t300\t10\t4M\t*\t0\t0\tATGC\tqqqq\n" "ghij\t0\tCHROMOSOME_II\t400\t10\t4M\t*\t0\t0\tATGC\tqqqq\n" "klmno\t0\tCHROMOSOME_II\t500\t10\t4M\t*\t0\t0\tATGC\tqqqq\n"; size_t bam1_t_size, bam1_t_size2; bam1_t_size = 36 + sizeof (int) + 4 + sizeof (char *); #ifndef BAM_NO_ID bam1_t_size += 8; #endif bam1_t_size2 = bam1_t_size + 4; // Account for padding on some platforms if (sizeof (bam1_core_t) != 36) fail("sizeof bam1_core_t is %zu, expected 36", sizeof (bam1_core_t)); if (sizeof (bam1_t) != bam1_t_size && sizeof (bam1_t) != bam1_t_size2) fail("sizeof bam1_t is %zu, expected either %zu or %zu", sizeof(bam1_t), bam1_t_size, bam1_t_size2); copy_check_alignment(qnames, "SAM", "test/sam_alignment.tmp.bam", "wb", NULL); copy_check_alignment("test/sam_alignment.tmp.bam", "BAM", "test/sam_alignment.tmp.cram", "wc", "test/ce.fa"); copy_check_alignment("test/sam_alignment.tmp.cram", "CRAM", "test/sam_alignment.tmp.sam_", "w", NULL); } static void faidx1(const char *filename) { int n, n_exp = 0; char tmpfilename[FILENAME_MAX], line[500]; FILE *fin, *fout; faidx_t *fai; fin = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fin == NULL) fail("can't open %s\n", filename); sprintf(tmpfilename, "%s.tmp", filename); fout = fopen(tmpfilename, "w"); if (fout == NULL) fail("can't create temporary %s\n", tmpfilename); while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fin)) { if (line[0] == '>') n_exp++; fputs(line, fout); } fclose(fin); fclose(fout); if (fai_build(tmpfilename) < 0) fail("can't index %s", tmpfilename); fai = fai_load(tmpfilename); if (fai == NULL) fail("can't load faidx file %s", tmpfilename); n = faidx_fetch_nseq(fai); if (n != n_exp) fail("%s: faidx_fetch_nseq returned %d, expected %d", filename, n, n_exp); n = faidx_nseq(fai); if (n != n_exp) fail("%s: faidx_nseq returned %d, expected %d", filename, n, n_exp); fai_destroy(fai); } static void check_enum1(void) { // bgzf_compression() returns int, but enjoys this correspondence if (no_compression != 0) fail("no_compression is %d", no_compression); if (gzip != 1) fail("gzip is %d", gzip); if (bgzf != 2) fail("bgzf is %d", bgzf); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; status = EXIT_SUCCESS; aux_fields1(); iterators1(); samrecord_layout(); check_enum1(); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) faidx1(argv[i]); return status; }