#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2001 by Gavin E. Crooks. All rights reserved. # This software is distributed under the MIT Open Source License. # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """Unit test for Scop""" import os.path import unittest from corebio.db.scop import * from corebio._py3k import StringIO from test_corebio import * class test_scop(unittest.TestCase): def testParse(self): f = testdata_stream('scop/dir.cla.scop.txt_test') try: cla = f.read() f.close() f = testdata_stream('scop/dir.des.scop.txt_test') des = f.read() f.close() f = testdata_stream('scop/dir.hie.scop.txt_test') hie = f.read() finally: f.close() scop = Scop.parse_files(StringIO(cla), StringIO(des), StringIO(hie)) cla_out = StringIO() scop.write_cla(cla_out) assert cla_out.getvalue() == cla, cla_out.getvalue() des_out = StringIO() scop.write_des(des_out) assert des_out.getvalue() == des, des_out.getvalue() hie_out = StringIO() scop.write_hie(hie_out) assert hie_out.getvalue() == hie, hie_out.getvalue() domain = scop.domains_by_sid["d1hbia_"] self.assertEqual(domain.sunid, 14996) domains = scop.domains self.assertEqual(len(domains), 14) self.assertEqual(domains[4].sunid, 14988) self.assertFalse(-111 in scop.nodes_by_sunid) self.assertFalse("no such domain" in scop.domains_by_sid ) def testSccsOrder(self) : self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("a.1.1.1", "a.1.1.1"), 0) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("a.1.1.2", "a.1.1.1"), 1) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("a.1.1.2", "a.1.1.11"), -1) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("a.1.2.2", "a.1.1.11"), 1) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("a.1.2.2", "a.5.1.11"), -1) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("b.1.2.2", "a.5.1.11"), 1) self.assertEqual(cmp_sccs("b.1.2.2", "b.1.2"), 1) def test_sccs_relations(self): self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("a.1.1.1", "a.1.1.1"), 1) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("a.1.1.2", "a.1.1.1"), 1) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("a.1.1.2", "a.1.1.11"), 1) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("a.1.2.2", "a.1.1.11"), 0) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("a.1.2.2", "a.5.1.11"), -1) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("b.1.2.2", "a.5.1.11"), -1) self.assertEqual(sccs_relation("b.1.2.2", "b.1.2"), 1) def testConstructFromDirectory(self): dir_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'data/scop') scop = Scop.parse(dir_path= dir_path, version="test") self.assertTrue(isinstance(scop, Scop)) domain = scop.domains_by_sid["d1hbia_"] self.assertEqual(domain.sunid, 14996) def testGetAscendent(self): dir_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'data/scop') scop = Scop.parse(dir_path=dir_path, version="test") domain = scop.domains_by_sid["d1hbia_"] # get the fold fold = domain.ascendent('cf') self.assertEqual(fold.sunid, 46457) #get the superfamily sf = domain.ascendent('superfamily') self.assertEqual(sf.sunid, 46458) # px has no px ascendent px = domain.ascendent('px') self.assertTrue(px is None) # an sf has no px ascendent px2 = sf.ascendent('px') self.assertTrue(px2 is None) def test_get_descendents(self): """Test getDescendents method""" dir_path = os.path.join( os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'data/scop') scop = Scop.parse(dir_path=dir_path, version="test") fold = scop.nodes_by_sunid[46457] # get px descendents domains = fold.descendents('px') self.assertEqual(len(domains), 14) for d in domains: self.assertEqual(d.type, 'px') sfs = fold.descendents('superfamily') self.assertEqual(len(sfs), 1) for d in sfs: self.assertEqual(d.type, 'sf') # cl has no cl descendent cl = fold.descendents('cl') self.assertEqual(cl, []) class DesTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) : file = testdata_stream("scop/dir.des.scop.txt_test") self.filename = file.name file.close() def test_parse(self): with open(self.filename) as f: count = 0 for rec in DesRecord.records(f): count +=1 self.assertEqual(count, 20) def testStr(self): with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f : rec = DesRecord(line) #End of line is platform dependent. Strip it off self.assertEqual(str(rec).rstrip(), line.rstrip()) def testError(self) : corruptRec = "49268\tsp\tb.1.2.1\t-\n" self.assertRaises(ValueError, DesRecord, corruptRec) def testRecord(self) : recLine = '49268\tsp\tb.1.2.1\t-\tHuman (Homo sapiens) \n' recFields = (49268, 'sp', 'b.1.2.1', '', 'Human (Homo sapiens)') rec = DesRecord(recLine) self.assertEqual(rec.sunid, recFields[0]) self.assertEqual(rec.nodetype, recFields[1]) self.assertEqual(rec.sccs, recFields[2]) self.assertEqual(rec.name, recFields[3]) self.assertEqual(rec.description, recFields[4]) class test_scop_cla(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) : file = testdata_stream("scop/dir.cla.scop.txt_test") self.filename = file.name file.close() def testParse(self): """Can we parse a CLA file?""" with open(self.filename) as f: count = 0 for rec in ClaRecord.records(f): count +=1 self.assertEqual(count, 14) def testStr(self): with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f : rec = ClaRecord(line) #End of line is platform dependent. Strip it off self.assertEqual(str(rec).rstrip(), line.rstrip()) def testError(self) : corruptRec = "49268\tsp\tb.1.2.1\t-\n" self.assertRaises(ValueError, ClaRecord, corruptRec) def testRecord(self) : recLine = 'd1dan.1\t1dan\tT:,U:91-106\tb.1.2.1\t21953\tcl=48724,cf=48725,sf=49265,fa=49266,dm=49267,sp=49268,px=21953' rec = ClaRecord(recLine) self.assertEqual(rec.sid, 'd1dan.1') self.assertEqual(rec.residues.pdbid, '1dan') self.assertEqual(rec.residues.fragments, (('T','',''),('U','91','106'))) self.assertEqual(rec.sccs, 'b.1.2.1') self.assertEqual(rec.sunid, 21953) self.assertEqual(rec.hierarchy, [ ['cl',48724], ['cf',48725], ['sf',49265], ['fa',49266], ['dm',49267], ['sp',49268], ['px',21953]]) class DomTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) : file = testdata_stream('scop/domtest.txt') self.filename = file.name file.close() def testParse(self): with open(self.filename) as f: count = 0 for rec in DomRecord.records(f): count +=1 self.assertEqual(count, 10) def testStr(self): with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f: if line: rec = DomRecord(line) self.assertEqual(str(rec).rstrip(), line.rstrip()) def testError(self) : corruptDom = "49xxx268\tsp\tb.1.2.1\t-\n" self.assertRaises(ValueError, DomRecord, corruptDom) def testRecord(self) : recLine = 'd7hbib_\t7hbi\tb:\t1.' rec = DomRecord(recLine) self.assertEqual(rec.sid, 'd7hbib_') self.assertEqual(rec.residues.pdbid,'7hbi') self.assertEqual(rec.residues.fragments, (('b','',''),)) self.assertEqual(rec.hierarchy,'') class ResiduesTests(unittest.TestCase): res = ( ( "-", () ), ( "A:", (("A", "", ""),) ), ( "1:", (("1", "", ""),) ), ( "1-100", (("", "1", "100"),) ), ( "B:1-101", (("B", "1" ,"101"),) ), ( "1:1a-100a", (("1", "1a", "100a"),) ), ( "a:-100a--1a", (("a", "-100a", "-1a"),) ), ( "-1-100", (("", "-1", "100"),) ), ( "-1-100", (("", "-1", "100"),) ), ( "A:12-19,A:23-25", (("A","12","19"),("A","23","25")) ), ( "12-19,1:23-25", (("","12","19"),("1","23","25")) ), ( "0-1,1:-1a-25a,T:", (("","0","1"),("1","-1a","25a"),("T","","")) ), ) def testParse(self): for loc in self.res : r = Residues(loc[0]) assert r.fragments == loc[1], str(r.locations) def testStr(self): for loc in self.res : r = Residues(loc[0]) self.assertEqual(str(r), loc[0]) def testAstralParse(self) : """Astral encloses residue subsets in brackets. Lets make sure we can parse those too. """ for loc in self.res : r = Residues("("+loc[0]+")") assert r.fragments == loc[1], str(r.locations) def testPdbId(self): pdbid ="1ddf" for loc in self.res : r = Residues("\t 1ddf \t"+loc[0]+"\t\n\n\n") self.assertEqual(r.pdbid, pdbid) self.assertEqual(str(r), pdbid+" "+loc[0]) r = Residues(pdbid+" "+loc[0]) self.assertEqual(r.pdbid, pdbid) self.assertEqual(str(r), pdbid+" "+loc[0]) r = Residues("104l A:112-113") self.assertEqual(r.pdbid, "104l") self.assertEqual(r.fragments, (('A', '112', '113'),)) def testJustPdbId(self) : r = Residues("1sds") self.assertEqual(r.pdbid, "1sds") assert not r.fragments def testParseError(self) : self.assertRaises(ValueError, Residues, "09324923423hh./;,.389") class HieTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) : file = testdata_stream("scop/dir.hie.scop.txt_test") self.filename = file.name file.close() def testParse(self): with open(self.filename) as f: count = 0 for rec in HieRecord.records(f): count += 1 self.assertEqual(count, 21, "Wrong number of records?!") def testStr(self): with open(self.filename) as f: for line in f : rec = HieRecord(line) #End of line is platform dependent. Strip it off self.assertEqual(str(rec).rstrip(), line.rstrip()) def testError(self): corruptRec = "4926sdfhjhfgyjdfyg" self.assertRaises(ValueError, HieRecord, corruptRec) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()