This script is a shortcut way of
entering information for many documentation files into a birchdb
database. For each file in the target directory with one of
the file extensions listed below, write a File object to the file
docfiles.ace, in the current working directory.
docfiles.ace can be read in birchdb or lbirchdb in the
--> Read .ace file menu. File objects can then be added
to Program
or Package objects.
The target directory
is the name of a directory either in $BIRCH/doc or in $local/doc (=
$BIRCH/local/doc). Even if
is a symbolic link to another directory, do NOT use the fully-qualified
path of that directory on the command line, or incorrect filenames will
be written to docfiles.ace. The safest way to run this command is to
use the environment varibles, as shown in the SYNOPSIS.
Files with the following file extensions are recognized as
documentation files:
- pdf, PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format
- ps,PS - Adobe PostScript
- txt, asc - ASCII text
- html,htm,HTML,HTM - Hypertext Markup Language
- man - Unix manual pages
- doc - MS-Word format
- sxw, sxi, sxc - StarOffice/OpenOffice formats
EXAMPLEIf the directory $local/doc/staden
contains the files manual_unix.pdf and overview.html, the following
File objects will be written to docfiles.ace:
File : "$local\/doc\/staden\/manual_unix.pdf"
Pick_me_to_call "$ACE_FILE_LAUNCHER" "$local\/doc\/staden\/manual_unix.pdf"
File : "$local\/doc\/staden\/overview.html"
Pick_me_to_call "$ACE_FILE_LAUNCHER" "$local\/doc\/staden\/overview.html"