#------------------------- BACHREST 2/ 8/05 -------------------------- item:BACHREST - Batch Rest. Site Search # The directory fsapdoc must also be available in the $GDE_HELP_DIR, # containing the file rest.asc from the FSAP package. Again, this # directory can be implemented as a symbolic link. #itemmethod: readseq -f1 -oin1.ig in1; (bachrest.csh in1.ig $DAT/REBASE/type2.lst in1.tmp $SOURCE $PROTO $MINSITE $MAXSITE | bachrest; ($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.tmp; $RM_CMD in1*)& )& itemmethod: (bachrest.csh in1 $DAT/REBASE/type2.lst in1.tmp $SOURCE $PROTO $MINSITE $MAXSITE; ($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.tmp; $RM_CMD in1*)& )& itemhelp:doc/fsap/rest.txt arg:SOURCE argtype:chooser arglabel:Source argchoice:Commercial:C argchoice:All:A argvalue:1 arg:PROTO argtype:chooser arglabel:Prototypes only? argchoice:Prototypes:P argchoice:All:A argvalue:0 arg:MINSITE argtype:slider arglabel:Min. Recognition Seq. Length argmin:4 argmax:21 argvalue:6 arg:MAXSITE argtype:slider arglabel:Max. Recognition Seq. Length argmin:4 argmax:21 argvalue:21 in:in1 informat:genbank insave: