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If you use these install instructions, please cite: Graham G.M. Alvare, Natalie K. Björklund, John Schellenberg, Richard Sparling, Brian Fristensky; Koala: Overlaying Local Gene Expression Data on BioCyc Pathway Diagrams

Install Apache

  1. Download Apache version 2.2 (Click here for the version we used)

  2. Run the installer

  3. Keep clicking next through the installer until you reach the server information window

  4. Configure your server information. If you don't know what this is, or if you are only using Biocyc on your local computer, fill out the fields as follows:

  5. Click through the rest of the install process:

  6. Open the Apache configuration file

  7. Locate the following lines, and remove any # marks at the beginning of the line (see below):

  8. Save & exit

  9. Open a command prompt

  10. Type the following commands:
    cd "\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\"
    cd Apache2.2
    cd conf
    openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server.crt -keyout server.key -config openssl.cnf

  11. Fill out the below form any way you wish

  12. Close the command prompt, then test your Apache configuration

  13. Restart Apache

  14. Test the web server by opening Firefox to the following URL(s): http://localhost/ and https://localhost/