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If you use these install instructions, please cite: Graham G.M. Alvare, Natalie K. Björklund, John Schellenberg, Richard Sparling, Brian Fristensky; Koala: Overlaying Local Gene Expression Data on BioCyc Pathway Diagrams

Install PHP

  1. Download PHP version 5.2 - zip (Click here for the version we used)

  2. Find the zip file, right-click (click using the right mouse button) on it, then click "Extract All..." - NOTE: "click" means to click with the left mouse button, "right-click" means to click with the right mouse button

  3. Click next

  4. Change the extraction path to C:\PHP, then click next

  5. Click finish

  6. Open up the php configuration file - aka. "php.ini" - by double clicking on it

  7. Add the following lines near the top:

  8. Save & exit

  9. NOTE: for the next few steps, if you encounter the following screen, click "Show the contents of this folder"

  10. Open my computer (in the Start menu), and follow the screenshots to libmysql.dll

  11. Right-click on libmysql.dll, then click "Copy" with the left mouse button

  12. Open my computer (in the Start menu) again, and follow the screenshots to system32

  13. Double click on system32

  14. Click Edit then paste

  15. Edit the apache configuration files, and add the following lines:

    LoadModule php5_module "c:/php5apache2_2.dll"
    PHPIniDir "C:/php"
          SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

  16. Save & exit

  17. Test the configuration (if it looks like test configuration didn't work, then it was successful)

  18. Restart apache