// Copyright Daniel Wallin 2007. Use, modification and distribution is // subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_ADJLIST_SERIALIZATION_070925_HPP #define BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_ADJLIST_SERIALIZATION_070925_HPP #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_USE_MPI #error "Parallel BGL files should not be included unless has been included" #endif # include # include # include # include # include # include namespace boost { namespace detail { namespace parallel { // Wraps a local descriptor, making it serializable. template struct serializable_local_descriptor { serializable_local_descriptor() {} serializable_local_descriptor(Local local) : local(local) {} operator Local const&() const { return local; } bool operator==(serializable_local_descriptor const& other) const { return local == other.local; } bool operator<(serializable_local_descriptor const& other) const { return local < other.local; } template void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int /*version*/) { ar & unsafe_serialize(local); } Local local; }; template struct pending_edge { pending_edge( Vertex source, Vertex target , Properties properties, void* property_ptr ) : source(source) , target(target) , properties(properties) , property_ptr(property_ptr) {} Vertex source; Vertex target; Properties properties; void* property_ptr; }; inline bool is_digit(char c) { return (bool)std::isdigit(c); } inline std::vector available_process_files(std::string const& filename) { if (!filesystem::exists(filename)) return std::vector(); std::vector result; for (filesystem::directory_iterator i(filename), end; i != end; ++i) { if (!filesystem::is_regular(*i)) boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("directory contains non-regular entries")); #if BOOST_VERSION >= 103600 std::string process_name = i->path().filename(); #else std::string process_name = i->leaf(); #endif for (std::string::size_type i = 0; i < process_name.size(); ++i) if (!is_digit(process_name[i])) boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("directory contains files with invalid names")); result.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(process_name)); } return result; } template void maybe_load_properties( Archive& ar, char const* name, property& properties) { ar >> serialization::make_nvp(name, get_property_value(properties, Tag())); maybe_load_properties(ar, name, static_cast(properties)); } template void maybe_load_properties( Archive&, char const*, no_property&) {} template void maybe_load_properties( Archive& ar, char const* name, Bundle& bundle) { ar >> serialization::make_nvp(name, bundle); no_property prop; maybe_load_properties(ar, name, prop); } template struct graph_loader { typedef typename Graph::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Graph::local_vertex_descriptor local_vertex_descriptor; typedef typename Graph::vertex_property_type vertex_property_type; typedef typename Graph::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; typedef typename Graph::local_edge_descriptor local_edge_descriptor; typedef typename Graph::edge_property_type edge_property_type; typedef typename Graph::process_group_type process_group_type; typedef typename process_group_type::process_id_type process_id_type; typedef typename Graph::directed_selector directed_selector; typedef typename mpl::if_< is_same, vecS, VertexListS >::type vertex_list_selector; typedef pending_edge pending_edge_type; typedef serializable_local_descriptor serializable_vertex_descriptor; graph_loader(Graph& g, Archive& ar) : m_g(g) , m_ar(ar) , m_pg(g.process_group()) , m_requested_vertices(num_processes(m_pg)) , m_remote_vertices(num_processes(m_pg)) , m_property_ptrs(num_processes(m_pg)) { g.clear(); load_prefix(); load_vertices(); load_edges(); ar >> make_nvp("distribution", m_g.distribution()); } private: struct pending_in_edge { pending_in_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, void* property_ptr ) : u(u) , v(v) , property_ptr(property_ptr) {} vertex_descriptor u; vertex_descriptor v; void* property_ptr; }; bool is_root() const { return process_id(m_pg) == 0; } template serialization::nvp const make_nvp(char const* name, T& value) const { return serialization::nvp(name, value); } void load_prefix(); void load_vertices(); template void maybe_load_and_store_local_vertex(Anything); void maybe_load_and_store_local_vertex(vecS); void load_edges(); void load_in_edges(bidirectionalS); void load_in_edges(directedS); void add_pending_in_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, void* property_ptr, vecS); template void add_pending_in_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, void* property_ptr, Anything); template void add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v , edge_property_type const& property, void* property_ptr, Anything); void add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v , edge_property_type const& property, void* property_ptr, vecS); void add_remote_vertex_request( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, directedS); void add_remote_vertex_request( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, bidirectionalS); void add_in_edge( edge_descriptor const&, void*, directedS); void add_in_edge( edge_descriptor const& edge, void* old_property_ptr, bidirectionalS); void resolve_remote_vertices(directedS); void resolve_remote_vertices(bidirectionalS); vertex_descriptor resolve_remote_vertex(vertex_descriptor u) const; vertex_descriptor resolve_remote_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, vecS) const; template vertex_descriptor resolve_remote_vertex(vertex_descriptor u, Anything) const; void resolve_property_ptrs(); void commit_pending_edges(vecS); template void commit_pending_edges(Anything); void commit_pending_in_edges(directedS); void commit_pending_in_edges(bidirectionalS); void* maybe_load_property_ptr(directedS) { return 0; } void* maybe_load_property_ptr(bidirectionalS); Graph& m_g; Archive& m_ar; process_group_type m_pg; std::vector m_id_mapping; // Maps local vertices as loaded from the archive to // the ones actually added to the graph. Only used // when !vecS. std::map m_local_vertices; // This is the list of remote vertex descriptors that we // are going to receive from other processes. This is // kept sorted so that we can determine the position of // the matching vertex descriptor in m_remote_vertices. std::vector > m_requested_vertices; // This is the list of remote vertex descriptors that // we send and receive from other processes. std::vector > m_remote_vertices; // ... std::vector m_pending_edges; // The pending in-edges that will be added in the commit step, after // the remote vertex descriptors has been resolved. Only used // when bidirectionalS and !vecS. std::vector m_pending_in_edges; std::vector > > m_property_ptrs; }; template void graph_loader::load_prefix() { typename process_group_type::process_size_type num_processes_; m_ar >> make_nvp("num_processes", num_processes_); if (num_processes_ != num_processes(m_pg)) boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("number of processes mismatch")); process_id_type old_id; m_ar >> make_nvp("id", old_id); std::vector mapping; m_ar >> make_nvp("mapping", mapping); // Fetch all the old id's from the other processes. std::vector old_ids; all_gather(m_pg, &old_id, &old_id+1, old_ids); m_id_mapping.resize(num_processes(m_pg), -1); for (process_id_type i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << i << " used to be " << old_ids[i] << "\n"; # endif assert(m_id_mapping[old_ids[i]] == -1); m_id_mapping[old_ids[i]] = i; } std::vector new_mapping( mapping.size()); for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { new_mapping[mapping[old_ids[i]]] = i; } m_g.distribution().assign_mapping( new_mapping.begin(), new_mapping.end()); } template void graph_loader::load_vertices() { int V; m_ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(V); # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << "Loading vertices\n"; # endif for (int i = 0; i < V; ++i) { maybe_load_and_store_local_vertex(vertex_list_selector()); } } template template void graph_loader::maybe_load_and_store_local_vertex(Anything) { // Load the original vertex descriptor local_vertex_descriptor local; m_ar >> make_nvp("local", unsafe_serialize(local)); // Load the properties vertex_property_type property; detail::parallel::maybe_load_properties(m_ar, "vertex_property", property); // Add the vertex vertex_descriptor v(process_id(m_pg), add_vertex(property, m_g.base())); if (m_g.on_add_vertex) m_g.on_add_vertex(v, m_g); // Create the mapping from the "old" local descriptor to the new // local descriptor. m_local_vertices[local] = v.local; } template void graph_loader::maybe_load_and_store_local_vertex(vecS) { // Load the properties vertex_property_type property; detail::parallel::maybe_load_properties(m_ar, "vertex_property", property); // Add the vertex vertex_descriptor v(process_id(m_pg), add_vertex(m_g.build_vertex_property(property), m_g.base())); if (m_g.on_add_vertex) m_g.on_add_vertex(v, m_g); } template void graph_loader::load_edges() { int E; m_ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(E); # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << "Loading edges\n"; # endif for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i) { local_vertex_descriptor local_src; process_id_type target_owner; local_vertex_descriptor local_tgt; m_ar >> make_nvp("source", unsafe_serialize(local_src)); m_ar >> make_nvp("target_owner", target_owner); m_ar >> make_nvp("target", unsafe_serialize(local_tgt)); process_id_type new_src_owner = process_id(m_pg); process_id_type new_tgt_owner = m_id_mapping[target_owner]; vertex_descriptor source(new_src_owner, local_src); vertex_descriptor target(new_tgt_owner, local_tgt); edge_property_type properties; detail::parallel::maybe_load_properties(m_ar, "edge_property", properties); void* property_ptr = maybe_load_property_ptr(directed_selector()); add_edge(source, target, properties, property_ptr, vertex_list_selector()); } load_in_edges(directed_selector()); commit_pending_edges(vertex_list_selector()); } template void graph_loader::load_in_edges(bidirectionalS) { std::size_t I; m_ar >> BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(I); # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << "Loading in-edges\n"; # endif for (int i = 0; i < I; ++i) { process_id_type src_owner; local_vertex_descriptor local_src; local_vertex_descriptor local_target; void* property_ptr; m_ar >> make_nvp("src_owner", src_owner); m_ar >> make_nvp("source", unsafe_serialize(local_src)); m_ar >> make_nvp("target", unsafe_serialize(local_target)); m_ar >> make_nvp("property_ptr", unsafe_serialize(property_ptr)); src_owner = m_id_mapping[src_owner]; vertex_descriptor u(src_owner, local_src); vertex_descriptor v(process_id(m_pg), local_target); add_pending_in_edge(u, v, property_ptr, vertex_list_selector()); } } template void graph_loader::load_in_edges(directedS) {} template void graph_loader::add_pending_in_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, void* property_ptr, vecS) { m_pending_in_edges.push_back(pending_in_edge(u,v,property_ptr)); } template template void graph_loader::add_pending_in_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, void* property_ptr, Anything) { // u and v represent the out-edge here, meaning v is local // to us, and u is always remote. m_pending_in_edges.push_back(pending_in_edge(u,v,property_ptr)); add_remote_vertex_request(v, u, bidirectionalS()); } template template void graph_loader::add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v , edge_property_type const& property, void* property_ptr, Anything) { m_pending_edges.push_back(pending_edge_type(u, v, property, property_ptr)); add_remote_vertex_request(u, v, directed_selector()); } template void graph_loader::add_remote_vertex_request( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, directedS) { // We have to request the remote vertex. m_requested_vertices[owner(v)].push_back(local(v)); } template void graph_loader::add_remote_vertex_request( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v, bidirectionalS) { // If the edge spans to another process, we know // that that process has a matching in-edge, so // we can just send our vertex. No requests // necessary. if (owner(v) != m_g.processor()) { m_remote_vertices[owner(v)].push_back(local(u)); m_requested_vertices[owner(v)].push_back(local(v)); } } template void graph_loader::add_edge( vertex_descriptor u, vertex_descriptor v , edge_property_type const& property, void* property_ptr, vecS) { std::pair inserted = detail::parallel::add_local_edge( local(u), local(v) , m_g.build_edge_property(property), m_g.base()); assert(inserted.second); put(edge_target_processor_id, m_g.base(), inserted.first, owner(v)); edge_descriptor e(owner(u), owner(v), true, inserted.first); if (inserted.second && m_g.on_add_edge) m_g.on_add_edge(e, m_g); add_in_edge(e, property_ptr, directed_selector()); } template void graph_loader::add_in_edge( edge_descriptor const&, void*, directedS) {} template void graph_loader::add_in_edge( edge_descriptor const& edge, void* old_property_ptr, bidirectionalS) { if (owner(target(edge, m_g)) == m_g.processor()) { detail::parallel::stored_in_edge e(m_g.processor(), local(edge)); boost::graph_detail::push(get( vertex_in_edges, m_g.base())[local(target(edge, m_g))], e); } else { // We send the (old,new) property pointer pair to // the remote process. This could be optimized to // only send the new one -- the ordering can be // made implicit because the old pointer value is // stored on the remote process. // // Doing that is a little bit more complicated, but // in case it turns out it's important we can do it. void* property_ptr = local(edge).get_property(); m_property_ptrs[owner(target(edge, m_g))].push_back( unsafe_pair(old_property_ptr, property_ptr)); } } template void graph_loader::resolve_property_ptrs() { # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << "Resolving property pointers\n"; # endif for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { std::sort( m_property_ptrs[i].begin(), m_property_ptrs[i].end()); } boost::parallel::inplace_all_to_all(m_pg, m_property_ptrs); } template void graph_loader::resolve_remote_vertices(directedS) { for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { std::sort(m_requested_vertices[i].begin(), m_requested_vertices[i].end()); } boost::parallel::inplace_all_to_all( m_pg, m_requested_vertices, m_remote_vertices); for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { BOOST_FOREACH(serializable_vertex_descriptor& u, m_remote_vertices[i]) { u = m_local_vertices[u]; } } boost::parallel::inplace_all_to_all(m_pg, m_remote_vertices); } template void graph_loader::resolve_remote_vertices(bidirectionalS) { # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG if (is_root()) std::cout << "Resolving remote vertices\n"; # endif for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) { std::sort(m_requested_vertices[i].begin(), m_requested_vertices[i].end()); std::sort(m_remote_vertices[i].begin(), m_remote_vertices[i].end()); BOOST_FOREACH(serializable_vertex_descriptor& u, m_remote_vertices[i]) { u = m_local_vertices[u]; } } boost::parallel::inplace_all_to_all(m_pg, m_remote_vertices); for (int i = 0; i < num_processes(m_pg); ++i) assert(m_remote_vertices[i].size() == m_requested_vertices[i].size()); } template void graph_loader::commit_pending_edges(vecS) { commit_pending_in_edges(directed_selector()); } template template void graph_loader::commit_pending_edges(Anything) { resolve_remote_vertices(directed_selector()); BOOST_FOREACH(pending_edge_type const& e, m_pending_edges) { vertex_descriptor u = resolve_remote_vertex(e.source); vertex_descriptor v = resolve_remote_vertex(e.target); add_edge(u, v, e.properties, e.property_ptr, vecS()); } commit_pending_in_edges(directed_selector()); } template void graph_loader::commit_pending_in_edges(directedS) {} template void graph_loader::commit_pending_in_edges(bidirectionalS) { resolve_property_ptrs(); BOOST_FOREACH(pending_in_edge const& e, m_pending_in_edges) { vertex_descriptor u = resolve_remote_vertex(e.u, vertex_list_selector()); vertex_descriptor v = resolve_remote_vertex(e.v, vertex_list_selector()); typedef detail::parallel::stored_in_edge stored_edge; std::vector >::iterator i = std::lower_bound( m_property_ptrs[owner(u)].begin() , m_property_ptrs[owner(u)].end() , unsafe_pair(e.property_ptr, 0) ); if (i == m_property_ptrs[owner(u)].end() || i->first != e.property_ptr) { assert(false); } local_edge_descriptor local_edge(local(u), local(v), i->second); stored_edge edge(owner(u), local_edge); boost::graph_detail::push( get(vertex_in_edges, m_g.base())[local(v)], edge); } } template typename graph_loader::vertex_descriptor graph_loader::resolve_remote_vertex( vertex_descriptor u) const { if (owner(u) == process_id(m_pg)) { return vertex_descriptor( process_id(m_pg), m_local_vertices.find(local(u))->second); } typename std::vector::const_iterator i = std::lower_bound( m_requested_vertices[owner(u)].begin() , m_requested_vertices[owner(u)].end() , serializable_vertex_descriptor(local(u)) ); if (i == m_requested_vertices[owner(u)].end() || *i != local(u)) { assert(false); } local_vertex_descriptor local = m_remote_vertices[owner(u)][m_requested_vertices[owner(u)].end() - i]; return vertex_descriptor(owner(u), local); } template typename graph_loader::vertex_descriptor graph_loader::resolve_remote_vertex( vertex_descriptor u, vecS) const { return u; } template template typename graph_loader::vertex_descriptor graph_loader::resolve_remote_vertex( vertex_descriptor u, Anything) const { return resolve_remote_vertex(u); } template void* graph_loader::maybe_load_property_ptr(bidirectionalS) { void* ptr; m_ar >> make_nvp("property_ptr", unsafe_serialize(ptr)); return ptr; } template void maybe_save_local_descriptor(Archive& ar, D const&, vecS) {} template void maybe_save_local_descriptor(Archive& ar, D const& d, NotVecS) { ar << serialization::make_nvp( "local", unsafe_serialize(const_cast(d))); } template void maybe_save_properties( Archive&, char const*, no_property const&) {} template void maybe_save_properties( Archive& ar, char const* name, property const& properties) { ar & serialization::make_nvp(name, get_property_value(properties, Tag())); maybe_save_properties(ar, name, static_cast(properties)); } template void save_in_edges(Archive& ar, Graph const& g, directedS) {} // We need to save the edges in the base edge // list, and the in_edges that are stored in the // vertex_in_edges vertex property. template void save_in_edges(Archive& ar, Graph const& g, bidirectionalS) { typedef typename Graph::process_group_type process_group_type; typedef typename process_group_type::process_id_type process_id_type; typedef typename graph_traits< Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename vertex_descriptor::local_descriptor_type local_vertex_descriptor; typedef typename graph_traits< Graph>::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; process_id_type id = g.processor(); typedef std::pair in_edge; std::vector saved_in_edges; BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, g, Graph) { BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor const& e, in_edges(v, g)) { // Only save the in_edges that isn't owned by this process. if (owner(e) == id) continue; saved_in_edges.push_back(e); } } std::size_t I = saved_in_edges.size(); ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(I); BOOST_FOREACH(edge_descriptor const& e, saved_in_edges) { process_id_type src_owner = owner(source(e,g)); local_vertex_descriptor local_src = local(source(e,g)); local_vertex_descriptor local_target = local(target(e,g)); void* property_ptr = local(e).get_property(); using serialization::make_nvp; ar << make_nvp("src_owner", src_owner); ar << make_nvp("source", unsafe_serialize(local_src)); ar << make_nvp("target", unsafe_serialize(local_target)); ar << make_nvp("property_ptr", unsafe_serialize(property_ptr)); } } template void maybe_save_property_ptr(Archive&, Edge const&, directedS) {} template void maybe_save_property_ptr(Archive& ar, Edge const& e, bidirectionalS) { void* ptr = local(e).get_property(); ar << serialization::make_nvp("property_ptr", unsafe_serialize(ptr)); } template void save_edges(Archive& ar, Graph const& g, DirectedS) { typedef typename Graph::process_group_type process_group_type; typedef typename process_group_type::process_id_type process_id_type; typedef typename graph_traits< Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef typename graph_traits< Graph>::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor; // We retag the property list here so that bundled properties are // properly placed into property. typedef typename boost::detail::retag_property_list< edge_bundle_t, typename Graph::edge_property_type>::type edge_property_type; int E = num_edges(g); ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(E); // For *directed* graphs, we can just save // the edge list and be done. // // For *bidirectional* graphs, we need to also // save the "vertex_in_edges" property map, // because it might contain in-edges that // are not locally owned. BGL_FORALL_EDGES_T(e, g, Graph) { vertex_descriptor src(source(e, g)); vertex_descriptor tgt(target(e, g)); typename vertex_descriptor::local_descriptor_type local_u(local(src)); typename vertex_descriptor::local_descriptor_type local_v(local(tgt)); process_id_type target_owner = owner(tgt); using serialization::make_nvp; ar << make_nvp("source", unsafe_serialize(local_u)); ar << make_nvp("target_owner", target_owner); ar << make_nvp("target", unsafe_serialize(local_v)); maybe_save_properties( ar, "edge_property" , static_cast(get(edge_all_t(), g, e)) ); maybe_save_property_ptr(ar, e, DirectedS()); } save_in_edges(ar, g, DirectedS()); } }} // namespace detail::parallel template template void PBGL_DISTRIB_ADJLIST_TYPE::load(std::string const& filename) { typedef typename config_type::VertexListS vertex_list_selector; process_group_type pg = process_group(); process_id_type id = process_id(pg); synchronize(pg); std::vector disk_files = detail::parallel::available_process_files(filename); std::sort(disk_files.begin(), disk_files.end()); // Negotiate which process gets which file. Serialized. std::vector consumed_files; int picked_file = -1; if (id > 0) receive_oob(pg, id-1, 0, consumed_files); std::sort(consumed_files.begin(), consumed_files.end()); std::vector available_files; std::set_difference( disk_files.begin(), disk_files.end() , consumed_files.begin(), consumed_files.end() , std::back_inserter(available_files) ); if (available_files.empty()) boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("no file available")); // back() used for debug purposes. Making sure the // ranks are shuffled. picked_file = available_files.back(); # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG std::cout << id << " picked " << picked_file << "\n"; # endif consumed_files.push_back(picked_file); if (id < num_processes(pg) - 1) send_oob(pg, id+1, 0, consumed_files); std::string local_filename = filename + "/" + lexical_cast(picked_file); std::ifstream in(local_filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); IStreamConstructibleArchive ar(in); detail::parallel::graph_loader< graph_type, IStreamConstructibleArchive, InVertexListS > loader(*this, ar); # ifdef PBGL_SERIALIZE_DEBUG std::cout << "Process " << id << " done loading.\n"; # endif synchronize(pg); } template template void PBGL_DISTRIB_ADJLIST_TYPE::save(std::string const& filename) const { // We retag the property list here so that bundled properties are // properly placed into property. typedef typename boost::detail::retag_property_list< vertex_bundle_t, vertex_property_type >::type vertex_property_type; typedef typename config_type::VertexListS vertex_list_selector; process_group_type pg = process_group(); process_id_type id = process_id(pg); if (filesystem::exists(filename) && !filesystem::is_directory(filename)) boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("entry exists, but is not a directory")); filesystem::remove_all(filename); filesystem::create_directory(filename); synchronize(pg); std::string local_filename = filename + "/" + lexical_cast(id); std::ofstream out(local_filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); OStreamConstructibleArchive ar(out); using serialization::make_nvp; typename process_group_type::process_size_type num_processes_ = num_processes(pg); ar << make_nvp("num_processes", num_processes_); ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(id); ar << make_nvp("mapping", this->distribution().mapping()); int V = num_vertices(*this); ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(V); BGL_FORALL_VERTICES_T(v, *this, graph_type) { local_vertex_descriptor local_descriptor(local(v)); detail::parallel::maybe_save_local_descriptor( ar, local_descriptor, vertex_list_selector()); detail::parallel::maybe_save_properties( ar, "vertex_property" , static_cast(get(vertex_all_t(), *this, v)) ); } detail::parallel::save_edges(ar, *this, directed_selector()); ar << make_nvp("distribution", this->distribution()); } } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_DISTRIBUTED_ADJLIST_SERIALIZATION_070925_HPP