// Copyright (c) 2001 Daniel C. Nuffer // Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Hartmut Kaiser // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #if !defined(BOOST_SPIRIT_BUFFERING_ITERATOR_INPUT_ITERATOR_POLICY_MAR_04_2010_1224AM) #define BOOST_SPIRIT_BUFFERING_ITERATOR_INPUT_ITERATOR_POLICY_MAR_04_2010_1224AM #include #include #include #include // for boost::detail::iterator_traits #include namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace iterator_policies { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class input_iterator // // Implementation of the InputPolicy used by multi_pass, this is different // from the input_iterator policy only as it is buffering the last input // character to allow returning it by reference. This is needed for // wrapping iterators not buffering the last item (such as the // std::istreambuf_iterator). Unfortunately there is no way to // automatically figure this out at compile time. // // The buffering_input_iterator encapsulates an input iterator of type T /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct buffering_input_iterator { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class unique // : public detail::default_input_policy { private: typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::value_type result_type; public: typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::difference_type distance_type; typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::reference reference; typedef result_type value_type; protected: unique() {} explicit unique(T x) {} void swap(unique&) {} public: template static void destroy(MultiPass&) {} template static typename MultiPass::reference get_input(MultiPass& mp) { return mp.shared()->get_input(); } template static void advance_input(MultiPass& mp) { BOOST_ASSERT(0 != mp.shared()); mp.shared()->advance_input(); } // test, whether we reached the end of the underlying stream template static bool input_at_eof(MultiPass const& mp) { static T const end_iter; return mp.shared()->input_ == end_iter; } template static bool input_is_valid(MultiPass const& mp, value_type const& t) { return mp.shared()->input_is_valid_; } // no unique data elements }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template struct shared { typedef typename boost::detail::iterator_traits::value_type result_type; explicit shared(T const& input) : input_(input), curtok_(0), input_is_valid_(false) {} void advance_input() { ++input_; input_is_valid_ = false; } result_type& get_input() { if (!input_is_valid_) { curtok_ = *input_; input_is_valid_ = true; } return curtok_; } T input_; result_type curtok_; bool input_is_valid_; }; }; }}} #endif