#ifndef BOOST_SERIALIZATION_COLLECTION_SIZE_TYPE_HPP #define BOOST_SERIALIZATION_COLLECTION_SIZE_TYPE_HPP // (C) Copyright 2005 Matthias Troyer // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #include // size_t #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace serialization { //BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF(std::size_t, collection_size_type) class collection_size_type { private: typedef std::size_t base_type; base_type t; public: collection_size_type(): t(0) {}; explicit collection_size_type(const std::size_t & t_) : t(t_) {} collection_size_type(const collection_size_type & t_) : t(t_.t) {} collection_size_type & operator=(const collection_size_type & rhs){ t = rhs.t; return *this; } collection_size_type & operator=(const unsigned int & rhs){ t = rhs; return *this; } // used for text output operator const base_type () const { return t; } // used for text input operator base_type & () { return t; } bool operator==(const collection_size_type & rhs) const { return t == rhs.t; } bool operator<(const collection_size_type & rhs) const { return t < rhs.t; } }; } } // end namespace boost::serialization BOOST_CLASS_IMPLEMENTATION(collection_size_type, primitive_type) #endif //BOOST_SERIALIZATION_COLLECTION_SIZE_TYPE_HPP