Edit the comment field of a locus. The editor used will be read from your environmental variable EDITOR. This may be set via ``EDITOR=your-editor-choice; export EDITOR'' from the Bourne shell (sh), or via ``setenv EDITOR=your-editor-choice'' from the C-shell (csh), and may be set up in your ``~/.login'' or ``~/.profile'' initialization files. If EDITOR is not set, vi will be used. You will be prompted for the number of the locus on which to operate (default to the current sequence). The file name will consist of the locus name with a number appended. BEWARE - if the locus name has spaces, so will the file name . . . this is o.k. for vi, but EMACS barfs. I suppose the file name should be doctored to be valid . . . When the comments are read back in, a ``;'' will be placed at the beginning of each line if it isn't already there.