MODULE a2ferr $$ DATE, 1 $^ IllegalDate, 1, SEV_WARNING Date not in dd-mmm-yyy format $^ Create_after_update, 2, SEV_WARNING Standard create date after update date. $$ SEGMENT, 2 $^ LocalSegEntry, 1, SEV_WARNING The Segmented set (GenBank) that is declared has some local members. That is, if there 6 members declared, The set might only have: 1 of 6, 2 of 6, 4 of 6, 5 of 6 and 6 of 6, and thus be missing 3 of 6. Another possible problem is there could be a line: "3 of 5", instad of "3 of 6" $^ MoreThan1000Segs, 2, SEV_INFO asn2ff is not equipped, as of 8/94, to handle more than 1000 segments. $$ ACCESSION, 3 $^ BadAccessNum, 1, SEV_ERROR Accession must be upper case letter followed by 5 digits. $^ NoAccessNum, 2, SEV_ERROR No accession number could be found for this entry. The line number given is only approximate. $$ LOCUS, 4 $^ ChangedLocusName, 1, SEV_ERROR ???Change this later on. For GenBank in a segmented set, it is an error if the segment number can not be found at the end of the LOCUS name. So a LOCUS name in SEGMENT 2 of 10 must end in 02, as ABCD02. $^ BadLocusName, 2, SEV_ERROR There are multiple possible ways to get this error message. In all formats, this identifier must have either digits or uppercase letters. For Swiss-Prot, the rules are more complicated: Locus name consists of up to 10 uppercase alphanumeric characters rule: X_Y format X is a mnemonic code, up to 4 alphanumeric characters to represent the protein name. Y is a mnemonic species identification code of at most 5 alphanumeric characters to representing the biological source of the protein $^ LocusNameCollision, 3, SEV_WARNING The Locus name in this entry conflicts with anothe name in the database. $^ NoLocusName, 8, SEV_ERROR No token after 'LOCUS' found in GenBank format. $$ REFERENCE, 5 $^ NoPageNumbering, 1, SEV_WARNING $^ IllegalPageRange, 2, SEV_WARNING There are many classes of problems that can give this error message, some of which are really warnings to have a human take a closer look: Total pages more than .... means that the total number in the article is greater than normal. This is usually caused by a typographical error. Page number may invert . . . it looks like the first page is greater that the last page. First-page contains . . . Although this is possible in the non-digit character bibliographic world, it is often or last-page caused by an error. $^ YearEquZero, 3, SEV_WARNING $^ IllegalDate, 4, SEV_WARNING $^ Patent, 5, SEV_WARNING $^ Journal, 6, SEV_WARNING $^ Thesis, 7, SEV_WARNING $^ Book, 8, SEV_WARNING $^ DirectSubmission, 9, SEV_WARNING $^ Illegalreference, 10, SEV_ERROR $^ NoAuthorName, 11, SEV_ERROR $^ NoJournalName, 12, SEV_ERROR $^ No_references, 13, SEV_ERROR $^ NoDateOnRef, 14, SEV_ERROR $^ DirSubInCitGen, 15, SEV_INFO $^ MuidZeroOnly, 16, SEV_WARNING $^ VolHasSuppl, 17, SEV_INFO $^ ParanInSupp, 18, SEV_INFO $^ NoValidRefs, 19, SEV_WARNING $$ FEATURE, 6 $^ UnknownFeatureKey, 1, SEV_WARNING $^ non_pseudo, 2, SEV_INFO $^ Bad_location, 3, SEV_INFO $^ GcodeAndTTableClash, 4, SEV_WARNING Two conflicting translation values: one in Cdregion.code and one as a qualifier. $^ NoQualOnMiscFeat, 5, SEV_WARNING $^ CodeBreakLoc, 6, SEV_WARNING $^ Duplicated, 7, SEV_WARNING $^ IdenticalGeneName, 8, SEV_WARNING $^ NULLGeneLocus, 9, SEV_WARNING $^ Dropped, 10, SEV_ERROR $$ ENTRY, 7 $^ Partial_peptide, 1, SEV_INFO $^ No_valid_ref, 2, SEV_ERROR $^ No_source_line, 3, SEV_WARNING $^ OriginTooLong, 4, SEV_WARNING $^ DroppedFromFlatfile, 5, SEV_ERROR $$ GI, 8 $^ No_GI_Number, 1, SEV_WARNING No GI number was found. $$ PRINT, 9 $^ NullString, 1, SEV_WARNING