; -- example_db.iss -- ; Sample installer script for an acedb database for windows distribution. ; This is for the Inno freeware installer; see http:/www.jordanr.dhs.org/isinfo.htm ; ; Put this (.iss) file in the same directory as the database, change Cgcace everywhere ; to your database, name, add any extra Files/dirs to the [Files] section and adjust the ; OutputDir to somewhere with plenty of space. ; ; Note that the Inno compression code seems to be very inefficient: so expect to wait ; hours for a large DB. ; srk - 17/12/99 [Setup] Bits=32 AppName=Cgcace AppVerName=Cgcace DefaultGroupName=Acedb Databases DefaultDirName={sd}\Acedb Databases\Cgcace MinVersion=4,4 OutputBaseFileName=Cgcace OutputDir=e:\ [Files] Source: "database\*"; DestDir: "{app}\database"; Source: "wspec\*"; DestDir: "{app}\wspec"; [ini] Filename: "{app}\Cgcace.adb"; Section: "ACEDB"; Key: "path"; String: "{app}"; [Icons] Name: "{group}\Cgcace"; Filename: "{app}\Cgcace.adb" Name: "{userdesktop}\Cgcace"; Filename: "{app}\Cgcace.adb" [UninstallDelete] Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}";