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ACeDB2000: Day 1

First impressions

The first day started with a series of talks in a lecture room on the SFU-campus. The conference organizers (Steven Jones and Richard B.) gave short intros, Richard Durbin discussed general Ace-issues and Lincoln Stein talked about the evolution of ACeDB and its symbiosis with the Web. Simon Kelley talked his most recent, passionate endevours into ACeDB GUI-land using the GTK-library and Ed Griffiths described his new socked-client/server.

It was fun to see, finally, the faces behind all those postings for the past year, or since I joined myself last summer. Too bad Jean-Thierry Mieg could not make it. I was looking forward to meeting the Frenchman.

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Computer facilities

After lunch the conference was moved to the SFU Halpern centre, where our headquarters would be for the remainder of the conference. There were provided LAN-connections for those of us who had laptops (almost everybody) and a few workstations also. Very nice facilities indeed. Cudos to Steven Ness and Martin Krzywinski. Most of us got those PCMCIA-cards working fast and logged on to the temporary conference server, through which we would get a number of services, including special conference E-mail addresses.

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Task group formations

Since this conference was intended to be a workshop-oriented gathering, and not just a whole five days of sitting picking our noses while listening to others talk, the conference attendees split themselves up into three main groups, described briefly below. Each group decided on several, topics to concentrate on for the remainder of the week:

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