================================================================================ AceDB - November MAR Executive summary. ------------------ - Acedb can now be compiled with either GTK version 1 or 2 now that GTK2 is available on the Alphas. - ZMap can now be compiled into xace/Acedb or run as a stand alone client. - Several significant FMap/GFF enhancements/fixes to support Wormbase. - A number of fixes to Blixem to support the Otter/lace system. GTK on the Alphas ----------------- Thanks to Simon Kelley we now have a provisional/testable installed GTK2 and acedb can be compiled and run with this new version of the toolkit. Acedb users users can choose to build with GTK1 or 2 and either from our own distributed versions of the libraries or from the system installed ones. ZMap ---- The stand alone library has been reworked so that the ZMap window code can be compiled either into xace or into the stand alone client without code modification. This will allow testing of the interface from within xace and the existing Otter/lace system in parallel with continuing development of the stand alone client. The stand alone client is threaded and can be compiled as a C++ executable to allow use of the more extensive C++ libraries available for handling XML datastreams. Work is also continuing on providing acedb routines to interface to the ZMap code when compiled directly into xace. GFF --- Improvements/fixes should lead to substantial throughput gains for worm builds as non-essential data is filtered out. A number of improvements have been made to the way the Method object and Feature object data is handled, especially for features that have a parent-child structure such as transcripts. SMap ---- Work continues to support the introduction of new classes into wormbase for virtual sequence building, annotation and dumping. Build/Test ---------- There have been a number of general build/test improvements to provide better automation of testing in line with slimming down the effort required for daily maintenance of Acedb. Blixem ------ A number of fixes have been made to Blixem code revealed by the introduction of the Otter/lace system and the display of gapped alignments in Blixem.