#!/bin/csh -f # # script to make distribution tar files - edit as needed each time. # # $Id: MAKE_OTHERS,v 1.11 2002/07/04 09:08:49 edgrif Exp $ if ($#argv != 2) then # echo 'you need 2 parameters: MAKE_OTHERS 4_3a alpha ALPHA_4_OPT echo 'you need 2 parameters: MAKE_OTHERS alpha ALPHA_4_OPT' exit 1 endif setenv ici `pwd` cd ~/distrib # test exitence cd $ici set version = `$ici/wtools/aceGetVersion $ici/wnq` echo 'I will prepare the distribution in ~/distrib' echo "version $version for $1 using bin.$2" \rm -r bin mv bin.$2 bin cp wtools/xcl bin tar cf ~/distrib/bin.$1.$version.tar \ wspec wdoc wquery wscripts wgf wtools \ bin/acediff bin/dotter bin/giface \ bin/tace bin/tagcount bin/taql \ bin/xace bin/xremote mv bin bin.$2 cd ~/distrib gzip ~/distrib/bin.$1.$version.tar exit 0