#!/usr/bin/perl # # NB perl sometimes lives somewhere else. You could try /usr/bin/perl, frinstance. # # Originally written by Andrew Menzies, Sanger Institute. # Completed Sept, 2002 by Rob Clack, Sanger Institute. # # # This is a perl script to generate a new AceDB database # from existing wspec directory and zero or more .ace files # # It takes the following parameters on the command line. This is not # perfect, but I don't have time to fix it. If you use a command file # to specify the parameters, each is preceded by an identifying flag, # so they can be in any order. # # However, if you run from the command line, the first 5 parameters can # be in any order, but everything from the target directory on must be # in the order specified. # # NB Be aware that the --userid and --groupid options have not been tested # as I'm not a superuser, so don't have the necessary privileges. # # grpwr option - if 1 then group write access is enabled # # rdwr option - if 1 then enable read-write access, else readonly. # # userid - if provided and script is being run by root then everything # will be owned by $userid # # groupid - if provided and the person running the script is a member # of that group, the groupid will be changed to that supplied. # # tace executable - eg /home/bin/tace # - if not supplied the script will exit. # # target directory - eg /home/work/newacedb # This is where the new Acedb will be built, # - if not supplied the script will exit. # - if it already exists the script will exit. # # Source wspec dir - eg /group/production/acedb/wspec # This is where all the template .wrm files are taken from. # - if not supplied the script will exit. # - if it doesn't exist the script will exit. # - if any of the essential .wrm files are not present script will exit. # # Source .wrm files - eg /home/config/testace/passwd.wrm # Zero or more individual .wrm files, these will overwrite # those copied from the Source wspec directory. # - if defined but found not to exist the script will exit. # # Source .ace files - eg /home/data/dump.1.ace # Zero or more .ace files to read into the new database. # - if not defined the database will be initialised but no data loaded. # - if specified .ace file does not exist the script will exit. # # On normal completion of the script its exit status is 0, anything # else is an error. # # It would be nice if it gave a running commentary of what it was doing # but it doesn't. Sometime.... ########################################################################## use strict ; use Getopt::Long ; use Pod::Usage; my $comfile = ''; # command file used instead of command line options/args my $line = ''; my $flag = ''; my $value = ''; my $man = 0 ; my $help = 0 ; my $login = ''; my $passwd = ''; my $userid = ''; my $groupid = ''; my $grpwr = 0 ; # if 1 then enable group write access my $rdwr = 0 ; # if 1 then enable read-write, else readonly my $tace = ''; # location of tace executable - required my $targ_dir ; # where the database will be created - required my $source_wspec; # wspec directory to get wrm files from - required my @source_ace; # location of .ace files if any my @source_wrm; # location of wrm files to override those in wspec ########################################################################## ### Essential .wrm files, must be in the $source_wspec directory ########################################################################## my @ess_wrms = qw( models.wrm database.wrm options.wrm ); ########################################################################## ### Voluntary .wrm files. If these are in the $source_wspec directory ### they will be copied across to the new database ### ### NB passwd.wrm is essential, but if there isn't one to copy, we create it. ########################################################################## my @vol_wrms = qw( cachesize.wrm displays.wrm layout.wrm passwd.wrm subclasses.wrm ); ########################################################################## # Parse cmd line args. # If a command file is specified with -file then read that to get flags and # arguments, else take them from the command line. ########################################################################## GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, man => \$man, 'file:s' => \$comfile, 'userid:s' => \$userid, 'groupid:s' => \$groupid, 'grpwr:s' => \$grpwr, 'rdwr:s' => \$rdwr, 'tace:s' => \$tace) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitval => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; if ($comfile ne '') { open (COMFILE, $comfile) || die "Can't open command file $comfile: $!"; while (defined ($line = )) { ($flag, $value) = split(/=/,$line); chomp($value); if ($flag eq "ace") { push(@source_ace, $value); } if ($flag eq "wrm") { push(@source_wrm, $value); } elsif ($flag eq "wspec") { $source_wspec = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "db") { $targ_dir = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "groupid") { $groupid = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "grpwr") { $grpwr = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "rdwr") { $rdwr = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "userid") { $userid = $value; } elsif ($flag eq "tace") { $tace = $value; } } close (COMFILE) || die "Problem closing command file $comfile: $!"; } else { pod2usage("$0: No files given.") if (@ARGV == 0) ; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ m/^.*?\/wspec/) { $source_wspec = $arg; } elsif($arg =~ m/^.*?\.ace/) { push(@source_ace,$arg); } elsif($arg =~ m/^.*?\.wrm/) { push(@source_wrm,$arg); } else { $targ_dir = $arg; } } } ########################################################################## # verify that required parameters are present. ########################################################################## if ($targ_dir eq '' || $source_wspec eq '' || $tace eq '') { pod2usage("\nRequired params not found: one of tace, db directory or wspec.\n"); } ########################################################################## # do we need to pretend to be anyone else? ########################################################################## $login = getlogin(); if ($userid ne '') { if ($login ne "root") { die "\nOnly root can run this for a different user or group.\n\n"; } } ########################################################################## # is the groupid a valid one for this user ########################################################################## my @groups = `groups`; my $group; if ($groupid ne '') { while (defined ($group = <@groups>)) { if ($group eq $groupid) { last; } } if ($group ne $groupid) { die "\nYou are not a member of the group ($groupid) you've specified.\n\n"; } } ########################################################################## ### Check everything ########################################################################## unless(defined $tace ) { print "\n tace binary has not been specified.\n\n"; exit 1; } # I can't get -x operative to work properly under Cygwin. # so I'm just going to assume the binary is executable on WIN32. my $opsys = `uname`; unless($opsys =~ /CYGWIN/) { unless( -x $tace) { print "\n tace: $tace \n is not executable.\n\n"; exit 1; } } ########################################################################## # wspec directory ########################################################################## # Because of some wierdnesses to do with end-of-lines in Windows # we have to lose the last characters of these variables if they've # been derived from a command file, but not otherwise. if ($opsys =~ /CYGWIN/ && $comfile ne '') { chop($source_wspec); # remove CR chop($targ_dir); chop($tace); } unless(defined $source_wspec && -d $source_wspec) { print "\nwspec $source_wspec is not a directory.\n\n"; exit 1; } ########################################################################## # essential wrm files ########################################################################## foreach my $wrm (@ess_wrms) { my $file = "$source_wspec/$wrm"; unless(-e $file && -r $file) { print "\nwrm file $file is not readable.\n\n"; exit 1; } } ########################################################################## # non-essential wrm files ########################################################################## if(defined $source_wrm[0]) { foreach my $file (@source_wrm) { unless(-e $file && -r $file) { print "\nwrm file $file is not readable.\n\n"; exit 1; } } } ########################################################################## # target directory ########################################################################## unless(defined $targ_dir) { print "\nNo target dir.\n"; exit 1; } if(-e $targ_dir) { print "\n$targ_dir already exists.\n\n"; exit 1; } ########################################################################## # .ace files will be used if present ########################################################################## if (defined $source_ace[0]) { foreach my $acef (@source_ace) { if (-e $acef) { if (-T $acef) { unless (-r $acef) { print "\n.ace file $acef not readable.\n\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "\n.ace file is not a text file\n\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "\n.ace file doesn't exist\n\n"; exit 1; } } } else { print "\nNo .ace files specified.\n"; print "Database will be initialised but no data will be loaded.\n\n"; } ########################################################################## # enable group write access if specified ########################################################################## if ( $grpwr == 1 ) { umask ( umask() & 0757); # requires leading 0 to force octal } ########################################################################## # Make the basic acedb directories. ########################################################################## my $dbwspec = "$targ_dir/wspec"; my $dbdatabase = "$targ_dir/database" ; mkdir $targ_dir or die "Could not make directory: $targ_dir" ; mkdir $dbdatabase or die "Could not make directory: $dbdatabase" ; mkdir $dbwspec or die "Could not make directory: $dbwspec" ; ########################################################################## # populate new directories with required files ########################################################################## foreach my $wrm (@ess_wrms) { my $file = "$source_wspec/$wrm"; eval {unless(system("cp $file $dbwspec") == 0) {die "Failed copying $file";}}; if($@) {die " Evaluation error copying $dbwspec: $@"; } my $newfile = "$dbwspec/$wrm"; unless(-e $newfile) { exit 1; } } foreach my $wrm (@vol_wrms) { my $file = "$source_wspec/$wrm"; if(-e $file) { eval{ system("cp $file $dbwspec"); }; } } foreach my $file (@source_wrm) { eval{ unless(system("cp -f $file $dbwspec") == 0) { die; }}; if($@) { exit 1; } } ########################################################################## # Ensure this user is in passwd.wrm. If not present, add her. # If passwd.wrm doesn't exist, create a minimal one ########################################################################## if ( -e "$dbwspec/passwd.wrm" ) { my $found = 0; my $line; # scan passwd.wrm for this user open (PWDFILE, "<$dbwspec/passwd.wrm") or die "Can't open passwd.wrm to read: $!"; while (defined ($line = )) { if ($line =~ $login) { $found = 1; last; } } close PWDFILE; # if not found, add this user to file if (!$found) { chmod 644, "$dbwspec/passwd.wrm"; open (PWDFILE, ">>$dbwspec/passwd.wrm") or die "Can't open passwd.wrm to write: $!"; print PWDFILE "$login \n"; print "\n$login not found in passwd.wrm, so I've added her.\n\n"; close PWDFILE; } } else { # create new passwd.wrm file & add user to it. my $date = `date`; open (PWDFILE, ">$dbwspec/passwd.wrm") or die "Can't create passwd.wrm: $!"; print PWDFILE "// passwd.wrm created: $date \n\n"; print PWDFILE "$login \n"; close CMDFILE; print "\nNew password file created.\n\n"; } ########################################################################## # change ownership if required. # not tested as I'm not a superuser :( ########################################################################## if ($userid ne '' || $groupid ne '') { # if userid has not been supplied, use -1 to leave as is if ( $userid eq '') { $userid = -1; } # if groupid has not been supplied, use -1 to take default if ( $groupid eq '') { $groupid = -1; } # build a list of the files and chown them my @filenames = ($targ_dir , $dbdatabase, $dbwspec , @source_ace, @source_wrm) ; chown($userid, $groupid, @filenames) == @filenames or die "Can't chown @filenames: $!" ; } ########################################################################## # run tace to initialise and populate the new database # This requires a temporary command file in which we construct the # ace commands we need to run to complete the operation. ########################################################################## my $temp2tace = "$targ_dir/MakeAceDB.$$.cmd"; open(CMDFILE, ">$temp2tace") or die "\nCan't create tace command file: $!\n\n"; if (defined (@source_ace[0])) { foreach my $file (@source_ace) { print CMDFILE "parse $file\n"; } } print CMDFILE "save\n"; print CMDFILE "exit\n"; close CMDFILE; # the -init flag in the tace command line tells tace to initialise # the database without further prompting. unless(system("$tace -init $targ_dir < $temp2tace > /dev/null") == 0) { exit 1; } ########################################################################## # delete the temporary command file ########################################################################## unlink $temp2tace; ########################################################################## # if a readonly database is required, remove all users from passwd.wrm ########################################################################## if ( $rdwr = 0 ) { # overwrite existing passwd.wrm with an empty one my $date = `date`; open (PWDFILE, ">$dbwspec/passwd.wrm") or die "Can't reopen passwd.wrm: $!"; print PWDFILE "// passwd.wrm created: $date \n\n"; close CMDFILE; } exit 0 ; __END__ ########################################################################## # start of pod ########################################################################## =head1 NAME MakeAceDB - make an acedb database from scratch. =head1 SYNOPSIS MakeAceDB [options] -tace new_db_dir wspec_dir [XXX.wrm...] [XXX.ace...] Options: -userid owner for database files -groupid group for database files -grpwr enables/disables group write access -rdwr enables/disables owner write access -tace tace executable to use for intialising database -help brief help message -man full documentation =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-userid new_userid> By default the database will be created with your userid as the owner for database files/directories, if you run this script as root you can specify a different owner. =item B<-groupid new_groupid> By default the database will be created with your default groupid as the group for database files/directories, this option allows you to specify one of your alternate groups (use the unix "groups" command to see what your alternate groups are). You must be root to specify a group other than one of your alternate ones. =item B<-rdwr 0 or 1> By default the database will be created with whatever your current umask permissions are for database files/directories. This option allows you to disable all write permissions and thus build a readonly database. 0 = disable, 1 = enable write permission. =item B<-grpwr 0 or 1> This option allows you to enable group write permission if your umask doesn't already do so. 0 = disable, 1 = enable group write permission. =item B<-help> Print a brief help message and exits. =item B<-man> Prints the manual page and exits. =back =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 8 =item B<-tace> This mandatory argument specifies a tace executable to initialise the database, including reading in the wspec/models.wrm file etc. If you also specify some XXX.ace files on the command line, tace will additionally be used to read them into the database. =item B The directory in which to create all required subdirectories and files for the new database. It must not already exist. =item B A wspec directory from which to copy the essential .wrm files for the database. =item B Optional .wrm files to overwrite or augment the ones copied from wspec_dir. =item B Optional .ace files specifying data to be added to the database after its initialisation. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will read the given input file(s) and build an ace database. If any .ace files are specified, it will load them into the new database, but if not, it will just leave the database initialised and ready for use. The primary wrm files are copied from the location given by the wspec parameter, but if any .wrm files are specified, it will copy them over those taken from wspec. ie individually specified .wrm files override any of the same name in the wspec directory. =cut