# Makefile rules useful for third-party code using htslib's public API. # # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Genome Research Ltd. # # Author: John Marshall # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # The makefile fragment included below provides variables that can be used # to express dependencies on headers supplied by an in-development htslib. # If your source file foo.c #includes and , # you can write the correct prerequisites for foo.o as: # # HTSDIR = # include $(HTSDIR)/htslib.mk # # foo.o: foo.c $(htslib_hts_h) $(htslib_kstring_h) HTSPREFIX = $(HTSDIR)/ include $(HTSDIR)/htslib_vars.mk # Rules for rebuilding an in-development htslib's static and shared libraries. # If your program foo links with libhts, adding the appropriate prerequisite # will cause the library to be rebuilt as necessary: # # foo: foo.o $(HTSDIR)/libhts.a # # or similarly if your target requires any of the tools supplied: # # bar.bed.bgz.tbi: bar.bed.bgz $(HTSDIR)/tabix # $(HTSDIR)/tabix -p bed bar.bed.bgz HTSLIB_PUBLIC_HEADERS = \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/bgzf.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/cram.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/faidx.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/hfile.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/hts.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/hts_defs.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/hts_endian.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/hts_log.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/kbitset.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/kfunc.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/khash.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/khash_str2int.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/klist.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/knetfile.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/kseq.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/ksort.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/kstring.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/regidx.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/sam.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/synced_bcf_reader.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/tbx.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/thread_pool.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/vcf.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/vcf_sweep.h \ $(HTSDIR)/htslib/vcfutils.h HTSLIB_ALL = \ $(HTSLIB_PUBLIC_HEADERS) \ $(HTSDIR)/bcf_sr_sort.c \ $(HTSDIR)/bcf_sr_sort.h \ $(HTSDIR)/bgzf.c \ $(HTSDIR)/config.h \ $(HTSDIR)/errmod.c \ $(HTSDIR)/faidx.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile_internal.h \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile_gcs.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile_libcurl.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile_net.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hfile_s3.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hts.c \ $(HTSDIR)/hts_internal.h \ $(HTSDIR)/kfunc.c \ $(HTSDIR)/knetfile.c \ $(HTSDIR)/kstring.c \ $(HTSDIR)/md5.c \ $(HTSDIR)/multipart.c \ $(HTSDIR)/plugin.c \ $(HTSDIR)/probaln.c \ $(HTSDIR)/realn.c \ $(HTSDIR)/regidx.c \ $(HTSDIR)/sam.c \ $(HTSDIR)/synced_bcf_reader.c \ $(HTSDIR)/tbx.c \ $(HTSDIR)/textutils.c \ $(HTSDIR)/thread_pool.c \ $(HTSDIR)/thread_pool_internal.h \ $(HTSDIR)/vcf.c \ $(HTSDIR)/vcf_sweep.c \ $(HTSDIR)/vcfutils.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_codecs.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_codecs.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_decode.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_decode.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_encode.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_encode.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_external.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_index.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_index.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_io.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_io.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_samtools.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_samtools.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_stats.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_stats.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/cram_structs.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/files.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/mFILE.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/mFILE.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/misc.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/open_trace_file.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/open_trace_file.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/os.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/pooled_alloc.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/pooled_alloc.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/rANS_byte.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/rANS_static.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/rANS_static.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/sam_header.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/sam_header.h \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/string_alloc.c \ $(HTSDIR)/cram/string_alloc.h $(HTSDIR)/config.h: +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) config.h $(HTSDIR)/libhts.a: $(HTSLIB_ALL) +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) lib-static $(HTSDIR)/libhts.so $(HTSDIR)/libhts.dylib: $(HTSLIB_ALL) +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) lib-shared $(HTSDIR)/bgzip: $(HTSDIR)/bgzip.c $(HTSLIB_PUBLIC_HEADERS) +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) bgzip $(HTSDIR)/htsfile: $(HTSDIR)/htsfile.c $(HTSLIB_PUBLIC_HEADERS) +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) htsfile $(HTSDIR)/tabix: $(HTSDIR)/tabix.c $(HTSLIB_PUBLIC_HEADERS) +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) tabix $(HTSDIR)/htslib_static.mk: $(HTSDIR)/htslib.pc.tmp +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) htslib_static.mk $(HTSDIR)/htslib.pc.tmp: +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) htslib.pc.tmp # Rules for phony targets. You may wish to have your corresponding phony # targets invoke these in addition to their own recipes: # # clean: clean-htslib all-htslib clean-htslib install-htslib plugins-htslib: +cd $(HTSDIR) && $(MAKE) $(@:-htslib=) .PHONY: all-htslib clean-htslib install-htslib plugins-htslib