# # = sample/demo_pubmed.rb - demonstration of Bio::PubMed # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2001, 2007, 2008 Toshiaki Katayama # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2006 Jan Aerts # License:: The Ruby License # # # == Description # # Demonstration of Bio::PubMed, NCBI Entrez/PubMed client module. # # == Requirements # # Internet connection is needed. # # == Usage # # Simply run this script. # # $ ruby demo_pubmed.rb # # == Development information # # The code was moved from lib/bio/io/pubmed.rb and modified as below: # * Codes using Entrez CGI are disabled. require 'bio' Bio::NCBI.default_email = 'staff@bioruby.org' #if __FILE__ == $0 puts "=== instance methods ===" pubmed = Bio::PubMed.new puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---" opts = {"rettype" => "count"} puts Time.now puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now puts pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now pubmed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| puts x end puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by E-Utils ---" puts Time.now puts pubmed.efetch(16381885) puts Time.now puts pubmed.efetch("16381885") puts Time.now puts pubmed.efetch("16381885") puts Time.now opts = {"retmode" => "xml"} puts pubmed.efetch([10592173, 14693808], opts) puts Time.now puts pubmed.efetch(["10592173", "14693808"], opts) #puts "--- Search PubMed by Entrez CGI ---" #pubmed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| # p x #end #puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by Entrez CGI ---" #puts pubmed.query("16381885") puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by PMfetch ---" puts pubmed.pmfetch("16381885") puts "=== class methods ===" puts "--- Search PubMed by E-Utils ---" opts = {"rettype" => "count"} puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics", opts) puts Time.now Bio::PubMed.esearch("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| puts x end puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by E-Utils ---" puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.efetch(16381885) puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.efetch("16381885") puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.efetch("16381885") puts Time.now opts = {"retmode" => "xml"} puts Bio::PubMed.efetch([10592173, 14693808], opts) puts Time.now puts Bio::PubMed.efetch(["10592173", "14693808"], opts) #puts "--- Search PubMed by Entrez CGI ---" #Bio::PubMed.search("(genome AND analysis) OR bioinformatics").each do |x| # p x #end #puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by Entrez CGI ---" #puts Bio::PubMed.query("16381885") puts "--- Retrieve PubMed entry by PMfetch ---" puts Bio::PubMed.pmfetch("16381885") #end