#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2003-2004 The Regents of the University of California. # Copyright (c) 2005 Gavin E. Crooks # Copyright (c) 2006, The Regents of the University of California, through # Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required # approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved. # This software is distributed under the new BSD Open Source License. # # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley # National Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import sys import cgi as cgilib import cgitb; cgitb.enable() from weblogolib.color import * from weblogolib.colorscheme import ColorScheme, ColorGroup from string import Template import weblogolib from corebio.utils import * from corebio._py3k import StringIO # TODO: Check units # TODO: In WebLogo2: why slash create.cgi? I think this was a workaround # for some browser quirk #
# Should replace with corebio.utils? def resource_string(resource, basefilename) : import os fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(basefilename), resource) return open( fn ).read() mime_type = { 'eps': 'application/postscript', 'pdf': 'application/pdf', 'svg': 'image/svg+xml', 'png': 'image/png', 'png_print': 'image/png', 'logodata' : 'text/plain', 'jpeg' : 'image/jpeg', } extension = { 'eps': 'eps', 'pdf': 'pdf', 'png': 'png', 'svg': 'svg', 'png_print': 'png', 'logodata' : 'txt', 'jpeg' : 'jpeg' } alphabets = { 'alphabet_auto': None, 'alphabet_protein': weblogolib.unambiguous_protein_alphabet, 'alphabet_rna': weblogolib.unambiguous_rna_alphabet, 'alphabet_dna': weblogolib.unambiguous_dna_alphabet} color_schemes = {} for k in weblogolib.std_color_schemes.keys(): color_schemes[ 'color_'+k.replace(' ', '_')] = weblogolib.std_color_schemes[k] composition = {'comp_none' : 'none', 'comp_auto' : 'auto', 'comp_equiprobable':'equiprobable', 'comp_CG': 'percentCG', 'comp_Celegans' : 'C. elegans', 'comp_Dmelanogaster' : 'D. melanogaster', 'comp_Ecoli' : 'E. coli', 'comp_Hsapiens': 'H. sapiens', 'comp_Mmusculus' : 'M. musculus', 'comp_Scerevisiae': 'S. cerevisiae' } class Field(object) : """ A representation of an HTML form field.""" def __init__(self, name, default=None, conversion= None, options=None, errmsg="Illegal value.") : self.name = name self.default = default self.value = default self.conversion = conversion self.options = options self.errmsg = errmsg def get_value(self) : if self.options : if not self.value in self.options : raise ValueError(str((self.name, self.errmsg))) if self.conversion : try : return self.conversion(self.value) except ValueError as e : raise ValueError(str((self.name, self.errmsg))) else: return self.value def string_or_none(value) : if value is None or value == 'auto': return None return str(value) def truth(value) : if value== "true" : return True return bool(value) def int_or_none(value) : if value =='' or value is None or value == 'auto': return None return int(value) def float_or_none(value) : if value =='' or value is None or value == 'auto': return None return float(value) def main(htdocs_directory = None) : logooptions = weblogolib.LogoOptions() # A list of form fields. # The default for checkbox values must be False (irrespective of # the default in logooptions) since a checked checkbox returns 'true' # but an unchecked checkbox returns nothing. controls = [ Field( 'sequences', ''), Field( 'format', 'png', weblogolib.formatters.get , options=['png_print', 'png', 'jpeg', 'eps', 'pdf', 'svg', 'logodata'] , #TODO: Should copy list from __init__.formatters errmsg="Unknown format option."), Field( 'stacks_per_line', logooptions.stacks_per_line , int, errmsg='Invalid number of stacks per line.'), Field( 'stack_width','medium', weblogolib.std_sizes.get, options=['small', 'medium', 'large'], errmsg='Invalid logo size.'), Field( 'alphabet','alphabet_auto', alphabets.get, options=['alphabet_auto', 'alphabet_protein', 'alphabet_dna', 'alphabet_rna'], errmsg="Unknown sequence type."), Field( 'unit_name', 'bits', options=[ 'probability', 'bits', 'nats', 'kT', 'kJ/mol', 'kcal/mol']), Field( 'first_index', 1, int_or_none), Field( 'logo_start', '', int_or_none), Field( 'logo_end', '', int_or_none), Field( 'composition', 'comp_auto', composition.get, options=['comp_none','comp_auto','comp_equiprobable','comp_CG', 'comp_Celegans','comp_Dmelanogaster','comp_Ecoli', 'comp_Hsapiens','comp_Mmusculus','comp_Scerevisiae'], errmsg= "Illegal sequence composition."), Field( 'percentCG', '', float_or_none, errmsg="Invalid CG percentage."), Field( 'show_errorbars', False , truth), Field( 'logo_title', logooptions.logo_title ), Field( 'logo_label', logooptions.logo_label ), Field( 'show_xaxis', False, truth), Field( 'xaxis_label', logooptions.xaxis_label ), Field( 'show_yaxis', False, truth), Field( 'yaxis_label', logooptions.yaxis_label, string_or_none ), Field( 'yaxis_scale', logooptions.yaxis_scale , float_or_none, errmsg="The yaxis scale must be a positive number." ), Field( 'yaxis_tic_interval', logooptions.yaxis_tic_interval , float_or_none), Field( 'show_ends', False, truth), Field( 'show_fineprint', False , truth), Field( 'color_scheme', 'color_auto', color_schemes.get, options=color_schemes.keys() , errmsg = 'Unknown color scheme'), Field( 'color0', ''), Field( 'symbols0', ''), Field( 'desc0', ''), Field( 'color1', ''), Field( 'symbols1', ''), Field( 'desc1', ''), Field( 'color2', ''), Field( 'symbols2', ''), Field( 'desc2', ''), Field( 'color3', ''), Field( 'symbols3', ''), Field( 'desc3', ''), Field( 'color4', ''), Field( 'symbols4', ''), Field( 'desc4', ''), Field( 'ignore_lower_case', False, truth), Field( 'scale_width', False, truth), ] form = {} for c in controls : form[c.name] = c form_values = cgilib.FieldStorage() # Send default form? if len(form_values) == 0 or "cmd_reset" in form_values: # Load default truth values now. form['show_errorbars'].value = logooptions.show_errorbars form['show_xaxis'].value = logooptions.show_xaxis form['show_yaxis'].value = logooptions.show_yaxis form['show_ends'].value = logooptions.show_ends form['show_fineprint'].value = logooptions.show_fineprint form['scale_width'].value = logooptions.scale_width send_form(controls, htdocs_directory = htdocs_directory) return # Get form content for c in controls : c.value = form_values.getfirst( c.name, c.default) options_from_form = ['format', 'stacks_per_line', 'stack_width', 'alphabet', 'unit_name', 'first_index', 'logo_start','logo_end', 'composition', 'show_errorbars', 'logo_title', 'logo_label', 'show_xaxis', 'xaxis_label', 'show_yaxis', 'yaxis_label', 'yaxis_scale', 'yaxis_tic_interval', 'show_ends', 'show_fineprint', 'scale_width'] errors = [] for optname in options_from_form : try : value = form[optname].get_value() if value!=None : setattr(logooptions, optname, value) except ValueError as err : errors.append(err.args) # Construct custom color scheme custom = ColorScheme() for i in range(0,5) : color = form["color%d"%i].get_value() symbols = form["symbols%d"%i].get_value() desc = form["desc%d"%i].get_value() if color : try : custom.groups.append(weblogolib.ColorGroup(symbols, color, desc)) except ValueError as e: errors.append( ('color%d'%i, "Invalid color: %s" % color) ) if form["color_scheme"].value == 'color_custom' : logooptions.color_scheme = custom else : try : logooptions.color_scheme = form["color_scheme"].get_value() except ValueError as err: errors.append(err.args) sequences = None # FIXME: Ugly fix: Must check that sequence_file key exists # FIXME: Sending malformed or missing form keys should not cause a crash # sequences_file = form["sequences_file"] if "sequences_file" in form_values: sequences = form_values.getvalue("sequences_file") #assert type(sequences) == str if not sequences or len(sequences) ==0: sequences = form["sequences"].get_value() if not sequences or len(sequences) ==0: errors.append( ("sequences", "Please enter a multiple-sequence alignment in the box above, or select a file to upload.")) # If we have uncovered errors or we want the chance to edit the logo # ("cmd_edit" command from examples page) then we return the form now. # We do not proceed to the time consuming logo creation step unless # required by a 'create' or 'validate' command, and no errors have been # found yet. if errors or "cmd_edit" in form_values: send_form(controls, errors, htdocs_directory) return try : comp = form["composition"].get_value() percentCG = form["percentCG"].get_value() ignore_lower_case = ("ignore_lower_case" in form_values) if comp == 'percentCG': comp = str(percentCG / 100) from corebio.matrix import Motif try: # Try reading data in transfac format first. # TODO Refactor this code motif = Motif.read_transfac(StringIO( sequences), alphabet=logooptions.alphabet) prior = weblogolib.parse_prior( comp,motif.alphabet) data = weblogolib.LogoData.from_counts(motif.alphabet, motif, prior) except ValueError as motif_err: seqs = weblogolib.read_seq_data(StringIO( sequences), alphabet=logooptions.alphabet, ignore_lower_case=ignore_lower_case ) prior = weblogolib.parse_prior(comp, seqs.alphabet) data = weblogolib.LogoData.from_seqs(seqs, prior) logoformat = weblogolib.LogoFormat(data, logooptions) format = form["format"].value logo = weblogolib.formatters[format](data, logoformat) except ValueError as err: errors.append(err.args) except IOError as err: errors.append(err.args) except RuntimeError as err: errors.append(err.args) if errors or "cmd_validate" in form_values: send_form(controls, errors, htdocs_directory) return # # RETURN LOGO OVER HTTP # print("Content-Type:", mime_type[format]) # Content-Disposition: inline Open logo in browser window # Content-Disposition: attachment Download logo if "download" in form_values: print('Content-Disposition: attachment; ' \ 'filename="logo.%s"' % extension[format]) else: print('Content-Disposition: inline; ' \ 'filename="logo.%s"' % extension[format]) # Separate header from data print() # Finally, and at last, send the logo. if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: sys.stdout.buffer.write(logo) else: sys.stdout.write(logo) def send_form(controls, errors=[], htdocs_directory=None) : if htdocs_directory is None : htdocs_directory = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__, "htdocs") ) substitutions = {} substitutions["version"] = weblogolib.release_description # Bug fix. Not sure why this default substitution isn't added automatically like everything else substitutions['color_custom'] = '' for c in controls : if c.options : for opt in c.options : substitutions[opt.replace('/','_')] = '' substitutions[c.value.replace('/','_')] = 'selected' else : value = c.value if value == None : value = 'auto' if value=='true': substitutions[c.name] = 'checked' elif type(value)==bool : if value : substitutions[c.name] = 'checked' else : substitutions[c.name] = '' else : substitutions[c.name] = str(value) substitutions[c.name+'_err'] = '' substitutions['logo_range_err'] = '' # Disable graphics options if necessary auxiliary programs are not installed. try: command = find_command('gs') except EnvironmentError: try: command = find_command('gswin32c.exe') except EnvironmentError: substitutions['png_print'] = 'disabled="disabled"' substitutions['png'] = 'disabled="disabled"' substitutions['jpeg'] = 'disabled="disabled"' substitutions['pdf'] = 'disabled="disabled"' substitutions['svg'] = 'disabled="disabled"' substitutions['eps'] = 'selected="selected"' try: command = find_command('pdf2svg') except EnvironmentError: substitutions['svg'] = 'disabled="disabled"' if errors : print(errors, file=sys.stderr) error_message = [] for e in errors : if type(e) is str : msg = e elif len(e)==2: substitutions[e[0]+"_err"] = "class='error'" msg = e[1] else : msg = e[0] error_message += "ERROR: " error_message += msg error_message += '
' error_message += \ " " substitutions["error_message"] = ''.join(error_message) else : substitutions["error_message"] = "" template = resource_string( "create_html_template.html", htdocs_directory) html = Template(template).safe_substitute(substitutions) #FIXME print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") print(html) # DEBUG #keys = substitutions.keys() #keys.sort() #for k in keys : # print(k, "=", substitutions[k], "
") #print("
") #print("
") #for k in controls : # print(k.name, "=", k.get_value(), "
") if __name__=="__main__" : from . import _cli _cli.main()