# Copyright 2009 by Michiel de Hoon. All rights reserved. # This code is part of the Biopython distribution and governed by its # license. Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included # as part of this package. # Importing these functions with leading underscore as not intended for reuse from Bio._py3k import urlopen as _urlopen from Bio._py3k import urlencode as _urlencode from xml.sax import handler from xml.sax.expatreader import ExpatParser class Record(list): """Represents search results returned by ScanProsite. This record is a list containing the search results returned by ScanProsite. The record also contains the data members n_match, n_seq, capped, and warning. """ def __init__(self): self.n_match = None self.n_seq = None self.capped = None self.warning = None def scan(seq="", mirror='http://www.expasy.org', output='xml', **keywords): """Execute a ScanProsite search. Arguments: - mirror: The ScanProsite mirror to be used (default: http://www.expasy.org). - seq: The query sequence, or UniProtKB (Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL) accession - output: Format of the search results (default: xml) Further search parameters can be passed as keywords; see the documentation for programmatic access to ScanProsite at http://www.expasy.org/tools/scanprosite/ScanPrositeREST.html for a description of such parameters. This function returns a handle to the search results returned by ScanProsite. Search results in the XML format can be parsed into a Python object, by using the Bio.ExPASy.ScanProsite.read function. """ parameters = {'seq': seq, 'output': output} for key, value in keywords.items(): if value is not None: parameters[key] = value command = _urlencode(parameters) url = "%s/cgi-bin/prosite/PSScan.cgi?%s" % (mirror, command) handle = _urlopen(url) return handle def read(handle): """Parse search results returned by ScanProsite into a Python object""" content_handler = ContentHandler() saxparser = Parser() saxparser.setContentHandler(content_handler) saxparser.parse(handle) record = content_handler.record return record # The functions below are considered private class Parser(ExpatParser): def __init__(self): ExpatParser.__init__(self) self.firsttime = True def feed(self, data, isFinal=0): # Error messages returned by the ScanProsite server are formatted as # as plain text instead of an XML document. To catch such error # messages, we override the feed method of the Expat parser. # The error message is (hopefully) contained in the data that was just # fed to the parser. if self.firsttime: if data[:5].decode('utf-8') != "